Their Baby Calls Them Dad
Prompt: How do the demon brothers react when their baby calls them ‘dad’ for the first time?
Satan sat on his bed with his baby on his lap and a stack of children’s picture books piled high beside them. Each time the Avatar of Wrath flipped the page, his baby smacked it with their palm and patted it as if approving the pictures printed on the paper.
“Do you like the colors? Oh, maybe you like cats…just as much as I do. It makes sense, after all – you are my mini version,” Satan softly said.
The baby looked up at him with wide, sparkling eyes, trying to understand what the demon said. “Dada.”
“Yes, you’re a mini version of da- wait…what?” Satan paused and looked down at his baby with wide eyes. “You said dada? You called me dada…”
“Dada…” The baby repeated with a nod.
Satan covered his mouth and laughed as tears pooled in his eyes. That was by far the best day of his life.
Beel prepared a snack for him as his baby sat in a high chair, munching on a piece of fruit. He glanced over his shoulder and smiled at their little face smeared with juice.
“Do you like it? It’s one of my favorite fruits, too. I hope you grow up to have my appetite…” Beel started to say, but his voice trailed off. “No, I hope you don’t have my appetite…it’s less painful that way.”
The Avatar of Gluttony lowered his head, not wanting his baby to see his expression.
“You eat too much.”
“I can’t believe you finished my snack! I was saving it for later.”
“You glutton! You finished everything in the cafeteria.”
“At the rate Beel is eating, we will run out of food again.”
“Papa,” a soft voice cracked through the darkness brewing in his mind. Beel snapped his head up and looked at his little one with eyes the size of discs. His feet slowly moved closer to the high chair, his eyes never leaving the giggling baby’s face. Squatting down to their level, Beel lightly stroked their cheek with his index finger.
“Even if you have my appetite, I won’t let anyone say those hurtful things to you. I will protect you…no matter what,” Beel lovingly whispered.
Lucifer sat at his desk, immersed in paperwork. Work. Chaos. Work. Chaos. More work. More Chaos. Lucifer was physically and mentally tired of it all. The only sound in the room was the steady scratching of his pen until a soft, high-pitched voice broke through the monotonous atmosphere.
His hand froze midsentence as he slowly turned his gaze to a pair of large, doll-like eyes staring back at him. Lucifer blinked and let his usual composure slip.
“What did you say?”
Though his voice was calm, a hint of disbelief was hidden beneath. The baby crawled closer, dragging their stuffed sheep toy with them.
They repeated the word confidently and reached their chubby arms up. A genuine smile tugged on the Avatar of Pride’s lips, even though he was still in shock. Kneeling, he gently lifted his child closer to his face and pressed a tender kiss on their forehead.
“Dada. To think one word would evoke such a strange tug in my heart,” he whispered, his crimson eyes affectionally studying the child. “I feel as though my energy levels have skyrocketed. You have my gratitude, little one.”
Asmo showed off all the outfits he purchased for his baby in a live stream, with the little one giggling in the background. He showed every outfit to the large audience, who watched him and ranked each outfit.
When the demon accidentally grabbed the child’s toy and showed it to the camera, everyone laughed, but the camera captured a small voice in the background. “Papa.”
Asmo and the chat went silent for a split second, but the next moment, emojis and ‘awwws’ flashed through the live chat. He slowly turned his head to the baby and stared at the tiny one with wide eyes.
“Did you…?” Asmo couldn’t finish his question and rushed to his baby, pulling them into a warm embrace. “They called me papa! They really called me their papa!”
His excitement and the baby’s laughter only made the chat more excited. Asmo nuzzled one of their chubby cheeks before looking at the camera.
“I can’t believe I captured the moment! Wait until (y/n) sees this.”
That short of the baby calling him papa became one of the most viewed videos and was trending for weeks.
Mammon lay on the sofa, one leg hanging off the edge and the other resting on the headrest. He was reading an investment magazine, but the content was dull and difficult for his mind to wrap around. So the demon fell asleep with the magazine on his face. His baby sat on the carpet nearby and played with colorful blocks and a gold-painted toy car.
When the baby saw that Mammon wasn’t moving, they crawled closer to him. Poking his arm with their pudgy finger, the child mumbled, “Papa.”
The Avatar of Greed immediately sat up on the sofa, causing the magazine to slide off his face and land with a soft thud on his lap. He snapped his head to the tiny being. “What didja call me?”
“Papa!” The baby chirped and clapped their tiny hands, excited to see Mammon awake.
“O-Oi, don’t ya go sayin’ somethin’ so cute outta nowhere,” he mumbled with red cheeks. Behind Mammon’s sunglasses, his moist eyes held a myriad of emotions.
Scooping his baby in his arms, he stood up and gently spun them around while holding them high up in the air. The baby laughed wholeheartedly.
“Mammon the Great is proud of ya. Wait until I tell (y/n) what ya said!”
Belphie rested on the attic bed with his baby curled up on his chest, lazily patting his back. He hummed a soft lullaby, trying hard not to give in to his own exhaustion.
“Sleep, little one. I don’t know how much longer I can stay away,” Belphie mumbled under his breath. “Your dad is too tired…always tired.”
The baby stirred slightly and snuggled closer to his chest with their eyes closed. “Dada…”
Every nerve in his body jolted awake, and his eyes widened. “Dada? Is that what you said?”
His child didn’t respond but yawned cutely. There was no doubt in Belphie’s mind – dada was the first word his child had said, and it was directed to him. The Avatar of Sloth leaned down and pecked his baby’s head before closing his eyes, but he couldn’t sleep – the little one’s voice echoed in his head on repeat. That was by far the most awake he had felt in a long time, and it felt refreshing.
Levi sat in his bathtub bed with his legs crossed and his baby securely on his lap. They were watching an episode of Ruri-chan’s newest series, but Levi was more focused on explaining the lore of the OG series. The baby looked from the laptop screen to Levi back to the screen, confused about where they should focus their attention. Eventually, the child grabbed Levi’s headphone cord and began playing with it.
“And then Ruri-chan used her – wait, are you even listening?” He paused and lightly removed the cord from their tiny hands.
“Papa!” The baby almost huffed as if upset that Levi took the cord away.
“W-Wha…D-Did you just say?” Levi breathlessly asked. His heart melted, and he wrapped his arms around the baby but gently. “My HP bar just hit 0. You’re too cute! You’re my favorite party member, you know that?”
The Avatar of Envy nuzzled the top of the tiny being’s head before kissing it. “Papa loves you…more than anything and anyone. U-Uh…except, (y/n)! I-I mean…I love both of you equally!”