
Prompt: Can I request a headcanon for Team K and their s/o babysitting the s/o’s younger siblings?

Gender: gn!Reader

Kei Banner
  • When your siblings are intimated by Kei, he is not surprised one bit and is fully prepared for their reactions. 
  • He gains their trust by singing to them and taking all their song requests, even if his throat hurts. He doesn’t want to disappoint you or your siblings, and their smiles are worth it. 
  • Kei isn’t used to being around kids or pre-teens, so he’s not familiar with taking care of them. Though, he knows how to handle troublemakers, thanks to the cast members of Starless. But if you ask for his help, he will gladly oblige.
  • If he sees that your siblings are stressing you out, he will find a way to distract them so that you can rest.  
Gins Banner
  • Initially, Ginsei is nervous around your siblings as he’s not sure if they will like him or not. When he hears them complimenting his looks, he is relieved to know that they don’t hate him. But if your siblings keep staring at his face, he will get uncomfortable. 
  • His way of distracting your family is to ask if they want to learn how to make jewelry. 
  • For the rest of the babysitting time, your siblings surround Ginsei as he teaches them to make jewelry. Luckily, he remembered to bring some of his smaller jewelry-making equipment. 
  • By the time he leaves, your boyfriend makes simple yet beautiful jewelry for all of your siblings and you. 
Gui Banner
  • Gui is confused when you ask him to babysit your siblings. He doesn’t understand why anyone would sit on a baby. After you explain the meaning of the word, he agrees to help out. 
  • Initially, he is quiet around your siblings and thinks it’s odd that they keep staring at him. 
  • Gui helps out when you ask him to, but if a fight breaks out between your siblings, he steps in and handles the situation like a pro. 
  • When/if Gui sees you’re stressed or your brothers/sisters are bothering you, he asks them if they like parkour. 
  • For the rest of the time, he shows your family some of the less dangerous parkour moves, but only after making them promise that they will not mimic him. 
So Banner
  • The youngest siblings are intimated by Sotetsu, but the slightly older siblings think he’s cool. 
  • Sotetsu plays a lot of pranks on them, but only pranks that will make them laugh. He’s surprisingly good with kids; Sotetsu sometimes visits orphanages/foster homes to spend time with the kids there. 
  • He makes sure not to smoke around your siblings or let them see him smoking. He doesn’t want them to think it’s cool and try to copy him. Not to mention, he doesn’t want a lecture from you. 
  • Sotetsu spends most of the time playing video games with them and showing them magic tricks. 
Yos Banner
  • Yoshino is used to being around siblings, so he’s not nervous when he meets your brothers/sisters. 
  • He helps you out in every way he can and even asks you to rest while he takes care of your family. He is an expert at babysitting, even if your siblings are troublesome. 
  • Yoshino sings to them and plays board games with them to pass the time. 
  • After dinner, you leave to take a shower, and when you come back, you find all your siblings curled up to Yoshino, fast asleep. Even your boyfriend is sound asleep. 
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