Belphie to the Rescue
Prompt: Can I have a one-shot between Belphie and a gender neutral s/o that has a bad sleeping pattern, insomnia, and has to hold a body pillow to sleep but, Belphie asks if he can sleep with s/o to help there sleeping problems and says he can use them as there body pillow and cuddle them back to help them sleep and s/o takes them up on the offer.
Gender: gn!Reader
Word Count: 745
For the past few days, Belphie noticed that you were even more tired than usual. He knew the teachers had a habit of assigning too much work, but he also knew the importance of rest. Moreover, you were a human, so not getting proper rest could affect your health severely.
‘They look even more tired than yesterday. Are they not sleeping?’
He sighed as he quietly walked into your room, examining the dark circles under your eyes. You scanned over your study schedule, unaware of the demon’s presence in front of you. Belphie placed a hand on your shoulder, causing you to jump and squeal.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you,” the Avatar of Sloth chuckled as you turned to face him. “You…look tired. Are you not sleeping?”
Belphie studied your expression and could guess from your hesitation that there was more to the story. While he waited for your answer, his eyes shifted towards your bed. Seeing you body pillow, he frowned at the thought of you hugging the pillow close to your body while sleeping. Why would you need a body pillow when he’s around? Why not just ask him to sleep by your side? Pushing aside all the unnecessary thoughts, Belphie turned his attention back to you.
“(Y/N), I am worried that you are not taking care of yourself,” he spoke in an unusually kind tone, “Is something bothering you, or are you having trouble sleeping?”
Once again, Belphie waited patiently for your answer, throwing glares at the body pillow every once in a while. Taking in a deep breath, you started telling him about your sleeping patterns, insomnia, and need for the pillow.
Belphie listened quietly and got a bit upset about you hiding this from him. He wanted to pry more and ask if your insomnia was related to something else but decided to ask another time. Right now, all the demon wanted was for you to rest properly and recover your energy.
“How about you let me sleep by your side?” He asked in an almost teasing voice. “Besides, I’m far better than your body pillow. I can at least return your hug.”
The Avatar of Sloth enjoyed watching your face turn shades of red. Wanting to tease you further, Belphie added in, “I will not take no for an answer.”
After thinking for a few seconds, you took his offer, much to his happiness.
“Great.” Belphie took the books in your hand and sat them on your bed. “I know you have classwork, but you need to rest. You can’t study properly if your mind and body are tired.”
The demon ignored your protests and scooped you in his arms before heading to his isolated bedroom in the attic. There was no better place for the two of you to nap, considering that his brothers never visited that room. He gently placed you on the plush mattress with a smile.
“Comfortable, isn’t it?” The demon questioned as he took his place beside you and pulled a blanket over both of your bodies. Belphie turned his body towards you and placed his warm hand on your burning cheek. He looked into your eyes while resting his forehead against yours.
“You know you can tell me anything, right? I will always listen without judging. You don’t have to say anything right now, but just remember that I’m here for you.” Belphie drew you closer to his chest and kissed your nose. The Avatar of Sloth waited for you to find a comfortable position before pressing his entire body against yours.
“Did you try out a new shampoo? I like the smell.” He whispered as he
gently caressed your back with his large hands, stroking up and down.
“Close your eyes and don’t think about anything, except sleep and me,” he whispered while nuzzling his face in your hair.
Within a matter of minutes, Belphie’s scent and body heat enveloped you, slowly lulling you to sleep. He watched you with a smile as he studied your innocent resting face. Belphie was almost tempted to say that you looked angelic.
He was excited about sharing a bed with you. Belphie knew most of his brothers wouldn’t approve, so he decided to keep it a secret from everyone except Beel.
As his eyelids grew heavy, Belphie made a mental note to get rid of your body pillow. No pillow had the right to cuddle with you – not while he was around.