
Prompt: Reaction to female mc who has that cute pink blush on her knees, nose, cheeks, fingertips and ears and always shy and hides behind them?

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: Assuming MC is dating them.


  • Diavolo thought you were cute when he first saw you, but you turning pink all over made his heart skip a few beats. Then, just when he thought you couldn’t get any cuter, you hid behind him out of shyness. 
  • When you are around the prince, he can’t take his eyes off you. How can someone be this freaking adorable? Diavolo has to stop himself from giving you a bone-crushing hug. 
  • Every time you hide behind Diavolo, he likes to tease you by asking, “Do you like staring at my broad back this much?” 
  • He thinks you are more angelic than the angels, but for hell’s sake, don’t tell Simeon this. 


  • Barbatos finds your pink blush rather unique, especially your fingertips. He likes teasing you by asking questions likes: are you sure you did not dip your fingers in paint? 
  • His nickname for you is “my dear, cherry blossom”.
  • If the demon butler is in a special mood to tease you, he will serve you food that is pink, and then comment, “My, you are starting to resemble the very food in front of you.”
  • He likes it when you hide behind him, but he loves it when you bury your face in his back. Too bad you can’t see his face at that time because if you could, you would see a genuine smile on his lips. 


  • Simeon chuckles whenever he sees you turn pink, and he is especially fond of your pink ears. 
  • When you get shy and hide behind him, Simeon always asks if you are okay. He knows it’s due to your shy nature, but he still wants to make sure. 
  • The angel likes to kiss your pink cheeks as a form of teasing and affection. If the two of you are alone, Simeon likes to place kisses on your knees, and that’s also his way of hinting he wants to initiate something. 
  • If you give a green signal, you can be sure that Simeon will target your pink ears next. What better than to whisper teasing words in your ears and see them turn pinker. 


  • Satan can’t get over the fact that your knees and fingertip have a pink blush. Is that humanly possible? 
  • Regardless, whenever he sees you, Satan can’t stop himself from smiling. No matter how bad his day is, seeing you makes him feel better. His smile only gets wider when you hide behind him. 
  • Behind closed doors, Satan likes to kiss your fingertips and see if he can get them to turn pinker. Even if you try to hide behind him, the Avatar of Wrath is not going to let you go – he will pin you under him if he has to. 
  • After all, it’s your fault for being so incredibly cute.


  • No matter how stressed he is, Lucifer feels relaxed when he sees you and all the pink on you. You are by far his favorite shade of pink. 
  • The Avatar of Pride enjoys teasing you much like the others. His favorite time to tease you is when you hide behind him. You can be sure he will say things like, “Ah, how did you know I wished for a back hug? Mind giving me a hug?”, “You enjoy touching my back, don’t you?”, “Is my back truly that appealing that you cannot get enough of it?”
  • When the two of you are alone, Lucifer likes to trace his fingers over your pink knees, but as his fingers run up your thigh, he wonders what else he can turn pink. 


  • Asmo loves loves LOVES all the pink blush. Every time he sees you, the fifth brother pulls you into a tight hug.
  • The Avatar of Lust never forgets to compliment you every day. Though he means the words wholeheartedly, Asmo compliments you just to see you turn pinker.
  • His favorite pink part is your nose. He likes to surprise you by place kisses on your nose when you least expect them.
  • As for your shyness, be careful of how shy you act around him. The cuter you are around Asmo, the more he will fall for you.


  • Levi finds the pink blush irresistible. Not to mention, you remind him of an anime character. Whenever he sees you, Levi can’t help but blush himself.
  • When you hide behind him, Levi gets startled at first, but once he calms down, he thinks you are adorable. If he wasn’t shy, he would turn around and pull you into his arms. 
  • His favorite pink part is your rosy cheeks. They remind him of pink apples, and Levi wants to pinch them or maybe take a bite or two…will he tell you this? Nope. 
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