Girl or Boy?
Prompt: Would he prefer a girl or a boy?
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: Luke platonic.
“I was watching a game show today, and one of the questions was very interesting,” you said as you glanced at him. He stopped what he was doing and looked at you, curious, assuming you were going to tell him the question.
“I want to ask you the same question,” You smiled and sat up straight. “You have to choose one, and both or either is not an option.”
His curiosity piqued more. Slowly, you repeated the question from the game show, “When you have a child, do you hope it’s a boy or a girl?”
- Without hesitation, Lucifer says, “Girl.”
- He has spent most of his life raising his brothers and knows how much of a handful boys can be.
- Lucifer prefers a girl so that he can spoil and pamper her like the princess she is.
- “Do I gotta choose?” Mammon mumbled.
- He thought about it for a bit and said, “Girl.”
- Mammon wants to spoil her to no end, and she wants to make her feel like the most precious person in the world. He wants to take her shopping, give her hugs, and most of all, he wants her to look like you, his most precious treasure.
- “Girl!”
- Levi got excited about designing pretty cosplay dresses for his daughter. He could even dress her up like Ruri-Chan.
- He also imagined holding her close to his chest as they slept in his cozy bathtub bed, as you watched them with a warm smile. Just the thought of it was enough to make him blush.
- “Girl.”
- Satan doesn’t care what the gender of his child is, but he is a bit frightened that his son will turn out to have anger issues like him. He doesn’t want that for his son or even his daughter.
- Besides, he thinks there are too many men in the House of Lamentation.
- “Of course, girl!”
- Asmo wants to dress her up, do her hair, makeup, and nails, see her start dating, gossip about boys/girls she is interested in, and eventually see her find her true love. And maybe if she is interested, he will teach her how to be a model from a young age.
- Just like some of his brothers, he thinks there are too many men in HoL.
- Beel hesitates to answer the question, but after thinking for a while, he says, “Boy.”
- He doesn’t mind having a little princess, but he wants a son who is as strong as him. He wants someone to protect his family in case something happens to him.
- Beel wants to teach his son to be yours as well as his brothers’ shield, just like he is.
- Belphie seems a little uncomfortable at first, but the more he thinks, he smiles and says, “Girl.”
- Belphie thinks boys can be too much of a handful and doesn’t want to spend as much energy looking after one. Most of all, he wants a girl so that he can remember all the good times he had with Lilith. He will never see his daughter as a replacement for his sister, but he will take care of her just as much as he took care of Lilith.
- Diavolo decides to be honest with you, “I want a girl, but for the sake of Devildom, I prefer a boy.”
- As a ruler, he needs a male heir to continue their family’s rule in Devildom. Personally, he doesn’t see a problem with a female ruling Devildom, but the demons aren’t that open-minded yet.
- If he didn’t have to choose according to Devildom’s tradition, he wants a girl so that he can spoil her as much as possible. Diavolo would be the type of father who would get everything for his daughter even before she asked for it.
- “Boy,” he says without hesitation.
- He needs someone to continue watching over Diavolo’s family just like he is. In the future, if anything were to happen to him, he could at least rest easy knowing that his son would take care of everything in his stead.
- He would also make sure his son would be just as much of an incredible chef as he is.
- “Girl,” Simeon says after thinking a bit.
- He, too, doesn’t mind either gender, but technically, he is taking care of Luke and could be seen as Luke’s older brother or father figure. From that point of view, he already has a son, so he prefers a daughter.
- Not to mention, he wants someone just as cute and beautiful as you.
- He doesn’t care if Simeon has a girl or boy; Luke just wants a little brother or sister who he can spoil and bake desserts for.
- He also doesn’t want to be the youngest anymore.
- He is willing to babysit and take care of his little bro/sis in every way he can. Luke is confident he will be the best big brother ever.
- “Boy. I want him to be like me.”
- Solomon wants a son who he can train to protect the Human Realm just as he is. He knows a daughter would be just as capable, but considering he has to deal with dangerous beings, Solomon would prefer a boy to handle the matters.
- From a king’s point of view, as per traditions, he needs a male heir to continue his family line, but he doesn’t like this point of view, so he chooses not to mention this to you.
- “Boy.”
- Mephistopheles feels a boy could better carry his family’s name and traditions forward. He words his answers like this because Mephi’s family is part of the council that works with the king. According to the rules, the council members have to be males—he personally doesn’t have any issues with a daughter handling matters.
- Mephi is also scared that his daughter will be just as attractive as his, and he hates the thought of men buzzing around her to get her attention.
- “Boy.”
- Raphael wants to train his son to fight alongside Michael and support the archangel just as he is doing.
- Though he could also train a girl, he would prefer to keep his daughter away from the battlefield.
- “Of course, girl!”
- Why would you even need to ask her that question? She believes in girl power and knows that women are badasses! Besides, the women in her family have always been the grim reapers, and she is not about to change any traditions for anyone.
- She also wants the girl to be just like you, but she wouldn’t mind if her daughter had some of her cute looks as well.
- The best part, she will have another partner in crime that can help her prank that pesky sorcerer.