Boyish Reader
Prompt: Heya! Can I request HCs where Kokuyou, Kei, Lico, and Akira react to fem s/o that dress boyish/masculine and act brash because she tries to protect herself from being harmed :3?
Gender: fem!Reader
- He honestly thought you dressed that way because you wanted to, but when he learns that you are doing it to protect yourself, Kei is surprised.
- What prompted you to go down this path? Kei is curious and will have an open discussion with you about it.
- He will reassure you that, even though he respects your choices, he will protect you so you can dress the way you want, not the way you feel the need to.
- Moreover, Kei will tell you not to act tough around him. He wants to know when you feel unsafe or when you need him to be there for you.
- When he realizes you are acting tough and brash to protect yourself, Kokuyou is kind of disturbed. His disturbance stems from his realization that women are not safe, especially with men around. This makes him want to protect you more.
- He confronts you about your fears and tries his best not to be rough or direct with you.
- Kokuyou neither asks you to change your dressing style nor tries to get you to dress the way you would want to without fear; he tells you that he is your shield, so you don’t need to be afraid.
- But if you try to act tough around him, he won’t hesitate to throw you over his shoulder and tease you or lift you up and tease you, especially if you are much smaller than him.
- Much like Kokuyou, Akira is disturbed when you tell him the reason for your boyish style. A part of him wants to follow you around everywhere so that he can ensure you are safe, but Akira knows that is not possible.
- He tells you to be yourself and not force a dressing style, but if you like dressing boyishly, he will cheer you on.
- However, Akira really likes seeing you act tough and fend others off. It shows him that you are strong, but even then, he prefers that you lower your guard around him.
- Also, he hopes you let him protect you once in a while. You can’t do everything on your own, and if you try, Akira will sulk and pout.
- At times, Rico noticed your vulnerable side slipping but thought you had different layers to your personality, but when he learns the reason for your fashion choice and brash nature, he is shaken.
- To think that you had to go all the way to this level to protect yourself. He truly hopes nothing happened in your past to push you down this path.
- If anyone dares to question your dressing taste, he will chew them out and reassure you that the person’s words don’t matter. Just be yourself.
- If you ever feel like dressing femininely, Rico will be more than happy to pick out outfits for you and stay by yourself so that no man dares to harm you.