
Prompt: What if gn!MC fainted due to exhaustion cause their new life in Twisted Wonderland is just hella stressful. When they wake up, they have a mental breakdown, and Crewel has been acting as the father figure.

Gender: gn!Reader

Jack simple headcannon banner

  • Jack noticed you looking weary and even told you to look after yourself. If he had known you would faint, he would have tried to help you out more. The wolf is worried but doesn’t show it on his face. 
  • He visits you with his dormmates, not expecting to see Crewel comforting you. Honestly, Jack is relieved to learn that a responsible adult looking out for you. 
  • While you are recovering, Jack comes to see you with Ruggie. He doesn’t say much to you and lets his senior handle all the talking.
  • Once you recover, though, the freshman keeps a closer eye on you. If he sees you pushing yourself harder than needed, he will lecture you loudly. But that’s just his way of showing he cares about you. If people start to stress you out like before, he will step in and tell them to handle their problems on their own. 
Ruggie Banner2
  • Ruggie is worried about you and initially thinks someone attacked you. But he feels sorry for you when he learns you fainted from exhaustion. The students at NRC are putting you through some hell. 
  • He drags his dormmates long to the infirmary, not expecting Divus to be there. Who knew someone who carries around a whip and treats his students like puppies could act as a father figure to someone. 
  • The hyena comes to visit you often to tell you about incidents on campus and share food with you. Though the food may not always be delicious – yay, freshly picked dandelion tea – it’s the thought that counts. 
  • After you recover, Ruggie will protect you. If you push yourself too much, Ruggie will try to help or get you away from the stressful situation. 
  • He can’t get over how you and Leona are complete opposites – you don’t stop working and push yourself too hard while Leona lazies around all day. If only a spell to balance your personalities existed. 
Leona Banner2
  • Leona kinda doesn’t think it’s his problem until Ruggie reminds the lion that he added to your stress in the past with the whole overblotting incident. The hyena forces Leona to visit you and says that’s the least he could do.
  • Personally, Crewel creeps him out, but whatever floats your boat. Also, isn’t the KIND headmaster supposed to be looking out for you? Very nice of him to leave everything to Crewel. 
  • Sometimes, you wake up to find Leona napping on the sofa in your infirmary room. From time to time, Leona joins Ruggie whenever the hyena comes to visit you, but he leaves the talking to his junior. However, if you look tired, he suggests you take a nap. 
  • The lion watches you from afar and doesn’t really intervene in your matters. Leona only goes out of his way to help you if he sees students depending on you too much. All the lion needs to do is step in front of you and glare the students down, and that’s usually enough to scare them away. If Leona thinks you look exhausted, he will take you to his favorite napping places and tell you to rest a little. 

Vil Banner1

  • Oh, dear. That’s not good. Vil is concerned and comes to visit you with his dormmates. He is even prepared to lecture you. 
  • When the prefect sees Divus comforting you, he thinks it’s nice of a teacher to go out of their way to help you. Vil feels relieved knowing an adult is there to offer words of advice and comfort. 
  • He comes to check on you almost daily, and if he can’t make it, you can be sure he will send you a message through Rook. He makes sure you are eating and resting properly, and most importantly, NOT stressing out.
  • Once you recover, he takes it upon himself to help you keep your stress levels low. Vil also gives you products to help with your skin and stress. 
  • He will not let any students push your limits again – it’s okay to ask for help, but first, you have to try and solve your own problems. Also, there are other people at NRC, so go talk to them before bothering you.
Epel Banner for HCs
  • Epel can’t believe you let yourself go to the point of exhaustion. He understands that sometimes you can’t say no to people when they ask for help, but you can’t let them step over you and completely depend on you for everything. Besides, the headmaster should be dealing with half the problems that happen at NRC. 
  • When he sees Crewel comforting you, Epel is very surprised but glad that you are not completely alone. 
  • During your stay at the hospital, he brings you lots of apples to help your recovering body. Epel also brings medicine and food that his meemaw gives him when he isn’t well. 
  • After you are better, he pays closer attention to how you are doing and feeling. If someone dares to depend too much on you, Epel will give them a piece of his mind. Of course, he only does this when Vil is not around.
Rook Banner for headcannons
  • Rook is not surprised in the slightest. He has seen how hard you work and push yourself. The hunter knew all the stress and chaos was bound to catch up to you.  
  • When Rook comes to check on you with his dormmates, he is not prepared to see Crewel comforting you. Unexpected but interesting. How knew the teachers at NRC have hearts? 
  • While you are in the hospital, Rook checks up on you from time to time and tells you about certain entertaining events that happened. He says the other students are worried about you and want to see you make a speedy recovery. 
  • After you return to normal life, Rook keeps an eye on you to make sure you are not letting others push you around. If he sees students being greedy or asking too much of you, he shoots an arrow close to them as a warning – the arrow usually has a paper attached. The note is a kind warning, asking the student to leave you alone. It also says this is the first and last warning before Rook turns them into his prey.


Idia Banner for HC

  • Idia panics. See, staying away from people is a good choice. He wants to visit you, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to meet the other students. So, Idia and Ortho come to meet you after the sun sets. 
  • The dorm leader is surprised that a teacher would go this far to comfort a student. And that, too, a teacher like Divus. Who knew Crewel had a kind side to him…
  • Idia himself doesn’t come to visit often, but he talks to you through his devices. If you request that you want to see him, then only will he leave the comforts of his dorm. But Ortho usually comes daily to say hi and ask about your condition. 
  • After you leave the hospital, Idia asks you not to help people out more than needed. It’s really not worth it. He says if you need a place to hide or get away from others, you are welcome to come to Ignihyde. No one is going to disturb you there.

Banner for Azul twisted

  • Azul is surprised even though he saw it coming. Everyone seems to depend on you too much, and you should learn to say no. He knows better than anyone how selfish people can be, and the nicer you are to others, the more they will use you.
  • When he visits you with Jade and Floyd, Azul is completely caught off guard. He didn’t realize that NRC had teachers who cared about their students to this point. Also, he thought Crewel was self-centered but seems like that’s not the case.
  • Azul checks on you while you recover or asks the twins to do it on his behalf. He also tells you to let him know if you need anything—think of it as a thank you for helping him out when he overblotted. 
  • After your recovery, the dorm leader asks the twins to keep a close eye on you. If they see anyone bothering you, they are to step in and stop them. Every now and then, Azul will invite you to his dorm to ask how you are doing and if you are taking care of yourself.

Jade banner for hcs and scenarios

  • When he hears you fainted, Jade is surprised for a second but quickly realizes it was inevitable. He has seen what you have been through firsthand with Azul and the students of Scarabia. Besides, humans can only handle so much stress before it breaks them.  
  • The eel visits you with Azul and his twin, knowing that someone will be by your side. He was expecting one of your student friends, not a teacher. How interesting. Regardless, seeing Crewel as a father figure is your choice – he has nothing more to say.
  • Whenever the twins have free time, they stop by to talk to you and bring food from the Mostro Lounge. Jade leaves most of the talking to Floyd but makes sure you smile at least once. 
  • After you recover, the eel lets you fight your own battles, but if he sees someone pushing you to help them, he “kindly” asks the person to back off. If you ever need anyone to talk to you, Jade will gladly lend you an ear. He will even offer advice, though his advice may be more chilling than you hope. 

Floyd banner for scenarios and hcs

  • You fainted? But why? Did someone do something to you, or were you careless? Floyd almost immediately wants to check on you and asks Jade/Azul to join him.
  • The eel finds it amusing that someone like Crewel would go out of his way to take care of a student. Sometimes, people really do have unexpected hidden sides.
  • During your stay in the infirmary, Floyd visits you with Jade and brings food for you. He thinks it will benefit you if you eat good food, especially his cooking. He also talks a lot with you, mainly to distract you from all the stress and pain. 
  •  Unlike his twin, Floyd likes to spend time with you and ask how you are doing – even after your recovery. He wants to make sure you are well and if you want him to teach someone a lesson. If people stress you out too much, Floyd will gladly threaten them until they leave you alone. Besides, this eel always itches for good squeezing. 

MalleusTWST Bann

  • Humans are truly fragile creatures, but Malleus lauds you for holding on this long. Dealing with the students, overblotting, settling into an unknown world, and supporting everyone is difficult. 
  • Crewel? A father-figure? That’s…unexpected. He would much rather not comment or think about that. Can a man like Crewel really think of some as their child…or rather a pup? At least you have someone to support you in this hard time.
  • Malleus prefers to maintain his distance but visits you at night during his walks. He makes sure to check on you and see how you are faring. If he notices even a slight bit of stress, he will invite you out for a walk and show you beautiful places in hopes that you will smile.
  • He might not say this out loud, but the dragon is proud of you for everything you have done. 

Simple banner for Lilia V.

  • Lilia is surprised, but then again, he shouldn’t be. The people in NRC are on another level. He’s worried about you and is one of the first ones to come to check on you. 
  • He never really expected Crewel to act as a father figure to anyone, but then again, he and Malleus adopted Silver, so he shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. 
  • He keeps an eye on you from a distance but comes to visit you now and then. If he sees you stressing out again, Lilia will put on his “old man” cap and give you a lecture. Whenever he is helping Silver around with homework or preparing for tests and such, he invites you to join them. 
  • Lilia also likes to leave fruit baskets on your dorm’s doorstep with a note, “Some things may be good for your health, but here are some things that are better for your happiness. Look deeper.” 
  • At first, you are confused by the note, but as soon as you take the fruits out, you find a layer of sugary treats hidden inside the basket. 

Twisted banner for Silver.

  • Silver is surprised to hear you fainted and visit you with Lilia. It’s not like his old man forced him to join, but considering you have helped Malleus and Diasomnia before, he feels the need to check on you out of courtesy. 
  • He doesn’t react to seeing Crewel calming you down while you have a breakdown. Everyone has someone they rely on, so he doesn’t know why the others are making a big deal about it. 
  • Silver doesn’t go out of his way to help or check on you, but if he sees you stressing out, he will ask if you need help. If all else fails, he invites you to join him for a walk through the forest. Spending time in nature helps him relax, so maybe it will help you, too. 

Sebek headcannon banner for twisted.

  • As soon as Sebek finds out you fainted, he assumes you were not taking care of yourself. Humans are weak, and it seems like they have no sense either. He brushes the news at first, but Sebek gets mad when he learns that some people in his dorm are upset with the news. He wants to burst into your infirmary room and yell at you for being careless to the point of worrying others. 
  • On Malleus’s orders, he visits you with Lilia and Silver, not expecting to see Crewel consoling you. The freshman shrugs off what he sees and doesn’t really care – he is there to check on you, and nothing else matters to him. 
  • He overhears Lilia talking to someone about everything you have experienced since you came to NRC. Being whisked away from your world and thrown into an unknown one, living in a rundown place, not being able to use magic despite attending a magic-based school, dealing with multiple overblotting incidences, everyone always depending on you….Sebek hates to admit it, but you have been through a lot – no wonder you collapsed. Maybe you are not a weak human…
  • If he sees you pushing your limits, he will take the liberty to yell at you and demand you take care of yourself. His words might come off as loud and harsh, but that’s his way of looking out for you. 

Riddle banner for twisted hcs.

  • Riddle initially can’t understand why you would pass out from stress. He has always lived in a stressful environment, and nothing happened to him, but the more he thinks about it, the more he realizes just how much you have been through. 
  • He feels guilty for passing judgment on you and also for being part of the reason you are stressed. After all, handling someone who is overblotted is a daunting task. 
  • When Riddle sees Crewel comforting you, he is surprised and a bit mad. Shouldn’t the headmaster also be here? Nevertheless, he is glad that you have someone you can rely on, and it’s nice to see a teacher supporting a student. The prefect starts respecting Crewel more. 
  • The dorm leader keeps a closer eye on you after that and is willing to help you out, but if he sees you stressing out or putting too much pressure on yourself, he will get mad at you. Also, if he finds out someone is the reason behind your stress, then that person will be hearing the words Off With Your Head
Deuce banner for headcannon.
  • Deuce is shocked when he hears you fainted and rushes to come visit you. 
  • As soon as he sees Crewel comforting you, the freshman freezes and can only stand and stare. Deuces always thought Divus cared about something other than scaring his students and fashion. Now, this is unexpected, but…he got you to stop crying, so the teacher is a good man, but that doesn’t make him any less scary.
  • Deuce feels guilty for not noticing your stress built up…maybe if he had, you wouldn’t have fainted. He may not be good with words, but whenever you need him, Deuce will drop everything to help you. If, by chance, he sees someone giving you a hard time, adding to your stress, or giving you anxiety, Deuce will teach that person a lesson with his punch. 
Headcannon banner for Ace.
  • Ace can’t deny that he foreshadowed you having a breakdown. Everyone in NRC is putting you through a lot,  and they needs to learn to take care of themselves without depending on you. 
  • He is speechless when he comes to visit you and sees Crewel comforting you. For someone who looks like he can skin his students alive, Divus has quite a soft spot for you. He is glad that someone is looking out for you.
  • Ace feels guilty for calling himself your friend and not seeing through your “I’m okay” facade. He even saw it coming but didn’t do anything about it. Some friend he is. 
  • The freshman visits you every day while you are recovering and tells you everything good or funny that happened in NRC. After you recover, Ace keeps a closer eye on you, and if he sees you stressing, he tries to find the root of the stress asap. If he can get rid of the source, he will, but if it’s out of his hand, he will stand by your side until you can overcome it.  
Twisted banner for Trey.
  • Like Ace, Trey is not surprised to hear you are in the hospital. He has seen what you have been through, and to top it all, you are in an unknown world with unknown people. 
  • Trey feels a little relieved when he comes to visit you and sees Crewel acting as your support system. He never expected the teacher to act as a father figure to you, but at least you have someone you can open up to. 
  • During and after your recovery, Trey takes it on himself to cook for you. Being the vice president of Heartslabyul, he can’t spend much time with you, but the least he can do is make sure you are eating properly. 
  • He also invites you to all of Heartslabyul’s events so that you can enjoy yourself and destress. If you like cooking or want to learn cooking, he will ask you to join him in the kitchen. Trey ultimately develops a soft spot for you.
Cater banner for headcannon.
  • Cater is a bit stressed when he learns you fainted due to exhaustion, and his stress only gets higher the moment he hears you sobbing in your infirmary room. Hearing you pouring your heart out makes Cater’s chest tighten. 
  • But who are you talking to? Crewel? Out of all the people in NRC, Divus is comforting you? He isn’t a bad person and even warns his students about certain things, but you confiding in him is shocking. You must be Crewel’s favorite pup.
  • During your recovery, Cater spends time with you and tries his best to cheer you up. After you get discharged, he pays more attention to your feelings and helps you out more. Cater joking around to put a smile on your face. 
  • He refuses to let you take on more stress than needed, and if Cater sees someone stressing you out, that person will face Cater’s bitter side…a side most people fear. 

Kalim benner5

  • Kalim becomes very worried when he learns you fainted. He drops everything and is the first student to visit you. 
  • Kalim thinks it’s nice for Crewel to be your support system. See, everyone has a good side, even the scary teacher who refers to his students as pups and carries a whip around. 
  • He apologizes for not being a better friend and for letting you stress out so much. Kalim promises to do better. 
  • The dorm leader likes to send gifts to you – some presents are cute, some are random, and some are expensive…he literally sent you a chest filled with jewelry. The poor Scarabia students who had to carry the chest all the way from their dorm to Ramshackle. 
  • Kalim also invites you to his dorm whenever there are celebrations or grand parties. He won’t take no for an answer and will carry you if he needs to. 
Jamil twst banner simple.
  • Like a few others, Jamil is not shocked to hear you are in the infirmary. He is all too familiar with what you have been through…and what he put you through. He comes to visit you with Kamil. 
  • At first, he is stunned to see Crewel comforting you. Then again, he’s a teacher, so it’s his job to look after his students. But you see him as a father figure? Crewel is okay with that? Surprising, but whatever works for you. 
  • Whenever he cooks for Kalim, Jamil makes extras to give to you. He often visits to check on you and make sure you are not stressing out. 
  • If you need to talk, Jamil will gladly lend an ear and advise you. Need help with homework or studying? He has your back. Need to destress? He will invite you to Scarabia. Anytime you need him, Jamil will be there for you. 
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