Breakfast in Bed

Prompt: Could you please write headcanons for the demon brothers? Fluff 🙂 It’s a weekend morning and MC makes their demon breakfast in bed. 

Gender: gn!Reader

  • You drew in a deep breath and silently asked the heavens to give you strength. Digging your fingers into the edge of the mattress, you pulled your body forward only to have a pair of arms tighten around your waist. You waited for his grip to loosen before trying again – this is what you had to do every morning if you wanted to get out of Mammon’s death grip. Even in his sleep, your boyfriend thought his brothers were going to steal you away from him. 
  • That was one battle down. Your next war began in the kitchen as you prepared yourself to face an even worse enemy – cooking. Trying your best not to burn down the kitchen, you followed recipes step by step and prayed for edible results. Thankfully, victory was yours, and you managed to create breakfast that looked kinda edible. 
  • You returned to the bedroom to find your boyfriend still fast asleep. Pecking his lips a few times, you whispered, “Wake up, baby. And no, you don’t get five more minutes.” 
  • The Avatar of Greed groaned as he slightly opened his heavy eyelids, but the second he saw you, Mammon blinked rapidly and started laughing. 
  • “Oh, come on, it can’t be that bad!” You huffed and stomped to the mirror. It was bad, really bad. You were decked head to toe in ingredients – flour, sugar, eggs, icing, meat, jam, and how in the world did spaghetti end up on your head…you didn’t even make pasta. 
  • Even as he ate, Mammon couldn’t stop staring at you and laughing. At least, he looked like he was enjoying your food. 
  • After eating every last crumb, your boyfriend pulled you onto his lap, not caring if his bedsheets got dirty. “This was the best surprise ya could’ve given me. I know cookin’ ain’t your forte, but you still made breakfast for me, and that makes me happy, y’know? Sorry for laughin’ at ya. How about I help clean ya up?” 
  • “That would be nice. Tha-Mammon, what are you doing? That’s not what I meant by-”
  • Too late. You were already flat on his bed as he kissed and licked all the ingredients off your skin. 
Luci Banner
  • Making sure not to wake him up, you carefully slid out of his arms and got off the bed. You quickly brushed your teeth and tied your hair up before heading to the kitchen. 
  • “One last rose petal and done!” You looked at the mixture of Devildom and Human Realm foods on the tray with satisfaction. It was a lot of work but definitely worthwhile.
  • Lucifer was still asleep when you reached his room – he had a long stressful week, and it showed on his face. Dark circles, dull skin, and creases on his forehead – you felt a tug at your heartstrings. How you wished he wouldn’t push himself this hard.
  • Sighing quietly, you lowered your lips onto his and gave him the best morning kiss you could muster. “Good morning, Luci.”
  • “Good morning, my love. Were you enjoying your time staring at me?”
  • Seeing your startled expressions, Lucifer chuckled and sat up. “The smell of your delicious cooking woke me up.”
  • For a good while, the two of you enjoyed your cooking and talked about your plans for the day. Unexpectedly, your boyfriend wrapped an arm around your shoulder and pressed his lips to your forehead. “(Y/n), I apologize for worrying you. Please refrain from looking at me with such a troubled expression. I assure you that no matter how tired I may be, I am fine.”
  • You couldn’t fathom how he was able to see your face when his eyes were closed. You didn’t even say anything to him, so how did he know?
  • “My dear, I know you better than you assume. I needn’t look at your expression to know how you are feeling. You worry about me more than you should, or do you perhaps need a reminder of who I am and what I am capable of?”
  • Before you could say anything, Lucifer had you pinned on his bed, a devilish smirk dancing on his lips.
  • The smell of your favorite food in the morning is enough to wake up anyone, except for your boyfriend – the sleepiest demon ever. 
  • You walked into your room carrying a large tray with Belphie’s favorite breakfast foods. Setting it down on the large table behind your bed, you went to wake him up. 
  • A kiss on the forehead and a gentle whisper in his ear, “Wake up, sleepyhead. It’s breakfast time.” 
  • He groaned but didn’t open his eyes, so you repeated yourself a little louder this time while caressing his cheek with your fingertips. 
  • Belphie opened his eyes, just enough to see where you were before closing them again. Out of the blue, he grabbed both your arms and pulled you on top of him. “Sleep first. Breakfast can wait.” 
  • “But I worked hard on making your breakfast!” Unfortunately for you, your protests fell on deaf ears as the demon had dozed off again. 
  • “Have it your way, my dear boyfriend.” A playful smile crept onto your face as you stretched your fingers, pushed them into his ribcages, and began tickling him. In a flash, Belphie’s eyes shot open, and soon his protests and laughs filled your room.
  • Now that he was wide awake, you set the tray in front of him and cuddled close to his warm body. Finishing the breakfast, Belphie leaned closer to you and kissed your cheek. “Thank you for waking up early and making breakfast. Now, can we go back to sleep?” 
  • Placing a rose in one corner of the tray, you stepped back and admired your masterpiece. Waffles, croissants, pancakes, and cupcakes, all littered with chocolate sauce and berries. Not even Asmo was going to be able to resist eating this!
  • As you sat the tray down, you glanced over at your boyfriend looking as perfect as ever. If sleeping beauty existed, you couldn’t think of a better person to fit the role than Asmo.
  • You moved a few strands of stray hair out of his face and planted a loving kiss on his forehead. “Good morning, Asmo. I made breakfast for you.” 
  • He woke up with a smile on his lips – to hear your sweet voice first thing in the morning was a blessing. Your boyfriend wished you a good morning as he sat up and stretched. “Sweetie, how early did you wake up to make everything? It looks delicious.” 
  • The first item Asmo reached for was the waffles, layered with chocolate, strawberries, and whipped cream. A hum escaped his lips as he offered you a bite. “I could get used to you spoiling me on the weekends.” 
  • After finishing every last bite on the tray, Asmo glanced over at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “We ate more sweets than we should have. What do you say we exercise a little? My time to spoil you.” 
  • Beel’s eyes shot open the moment you walked into the room carrying a tray brimming with food. The corners of his lips curled up as he sniffed the air. “You cooked for me?” 
  • Nodding, you set the tray in front of him and watched him examine the collection of dishes from all three realms. “I asked Luke to teach me recipes from the Celestial Realm. I hope they turned out okay.”
  • Beel shook his head as he tasted the dishes one by one. “Your food is always good…and you make it with a lot of love.” 
  • In what felt like a blink of an eye, your boyfriend cleaned the entire tray. But to your surprise, he touched his stomach and looked unsatisfied. 
  • “What’s wrong? Are you still hungry?” 
  • His eyes traveled down on your body and stopped at your legs. Beel licked his lips, somehow still maintaining an innocent look, and whispered, “I want dessert now…” 
Levi Banner
  • Somehow you managed to get out of the bathtub bed without waking Levi up. No matter how comfortable the tub is, secretly getting out of it was nothing less than a challenge. 
  • Before heading to the kitchen, you stopped by your bedroom to get a stash of items you ordered to make Levi’s breakfast more special. An hour and a half later, you were ready to see present a work of art to your boyfriend. 
  • Confidently, you marched to his bedroom, set the tray down, and went to wake him up, but seeing his face, your hand stopped short of his shoulder. What an angelic face. 
  • You gently stroked his head and smiled, almost feeling bad for disturbing his peaceful slumber. Leaning into the tub, you peppered his face with soft kisses until you saw his eyes open. “Good morning, handsome.” 
  • Just for a split second, he froze but quickly buried his face in the pillow, most likely trying to hide his burning cheeks from you. Not wanting to tease him first thing in the morning, you got to get the tray. “I made breakfast!” 
  • Much to his shock, everything was Ruri-chan themed, from the plates and utensils to the food itself. He looked like a child in a candy store. “Woah~ for me?” 
  • You nodded, expecting him to dig in; instead, he gently slid the tray away from his body and took your hand. Levi shyly pulled you between his legs before returning the tray to its original position. 
  • He wasn’t about to eat breakfast all by himself, and it felt nice to have you close to him. Your boyfriend took one bit and fed you one bit – this continued until all the plates were spotless. 
  • Levi wrapped his arms around your waist and buried his face in your shoulder. He couldn’t contain his happiness, but at the same time, he didn’t want you to see his crimson face. 
  • “Thank you for breakfast. B-Best breakfast ever. Um…c-can we shower together now?” 
Satan Banner
  • Usually, Satan woke up before you, but today you wanted to surprise him with homemade breakfast. He didn’t even stir when you rolled out of bed, making you think that he was up late reading.
  • After about an hour, you wiped your forehead and exhaled loudly. Finally, everything was ready and looked extremely cute. 
  • Setting the tray near his bed, you stroked his cheek and whispered a good morning in his ear. He reached one hand up, intertwined his fingers with yours, and pressed the back of your hand against his lips. 
  • “Your hand smells good. Did you make breakfast for me?” 
  • Nothing could get past it, could it? Chuckling, you helped him sit up and placed the tray in front of him. The moment Satan saw the cat-themed breakfast, his eyes widened. It was perfect! 
  • With a smile plastered on his lips, he patted the empty spot next to him, inviting you to join him.
  • “Thank you, (y/n), for the delicious breakfast. Can I make a request? Next time could you dress up like a cat too?” His cheeks were getting redder by the second. 
  • “I was going to dress up today but then thought you might find me irresistible and not let me go,” you playfully replied. 
  • Satan raised an eyebrow as a lopsided smirk appeared on his lips. “And what makes you think I will let you go right now? I hope you don’t have any plans that involve walk.” 
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