Reader Cries

Prompt: How would the guys react to a usually calm and coolheaded MC cry? (For reasons you decide.)

Gender: gn!Reader

A/N: The reason for their tears, I will leave to everyone’s imagination!

Panics but quickly runs to comfort you: Yoshino, Yakou, Akira, Rindou, Sinju, Kongou, Heath

Cracks his knuckles and asks who he/they need(s) to rip limb from limb: Mokuren, Mizuki, Ran, Hinata

Mind and body freezes, and all he can do it watch you cry: Ginsei, Gui, Taiga, Zakuro, Unei

Pulls you into a hug and helps you calm down before asking what happened: Kokuyou, Maica, Nekome, Hari, Rico

Understands that even the calmest/most collected person feels emotions, remains calm, and holds you in a warm embrace while you cry. All while remaining calm: Kei, Sotetsu, Sin, Takami, Menou, Qu, Kasumi, Aogiri

Prompt: Team K and Team P react to VERY sensitive f!reader who literally cries over little things (ex: when someone raises their voice or insults her) crying after “accidentally” Mizuki shouting at her.

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: The reason for their tears, I will leave to everyone’s imagination!

Kei is very angry but handles the situation maturely. He calls Mizuki into the office and asks him to apologize to you. Then Kei proceeds to explain to Mizuki that you are sensitive and to keep his temper in check around you. He also adds that this is Mizuki’s first and last warning.

Sotetsu is ready to crack down on Mizuki without showing mercy and even willing to punch him if necessary. He will grab Mizuki by the collar, lift him up to his height, and threaten him to keep his temper in check.

Ginsei is upset with Mizuki and finds him right away so he can ask Mizuki to apologize to you. He warns Mizuki that you are not part of his team, so he has no right to yell at or disrespect you.

Gui feels uncomfortable when he sees you crying. He goes to Mizuki and asks why he yelled at you. Regardless of Mizuki’s answer, Gui tells him to be calmer around you.

Yoshino is upset with Mizuki for yelling at you and disrespecting your sensitivity. He has a conversation with Mizuki and explains not to repeat this again, and if he does, Yoshino will forget that Mizuki is part of Starless and take action.

Yakou is unhappy with Mizuki taking advantage of your sensitivity. He is willing to hear Mizuki out and get an explanation as to why he yelled at you. Still, at the end of the conversation, Yakou asks Mizuki to not repeat this and says Mizuki is not the only one in Starless who knows how to tell and take advantage of other’s weaknesses.

Rindou is sad to see you crying but knows confronting Mizuki alone will only worsen the situation. He enlists Kongou and Rico’s help to make Mizuki understand your sensitivity and not repeat this mistake again.

Maica is angry and immediately confronts Mizuki, ready to chew him out if needed. If Mizuki doesn’t listen to words, Maica will punch a hole in the wall next to him to prove his point. No one disrespects his woman, makes her cry, and gets away with it.

Sinju is sad to see you crying and panicked. He approaches Mizuki nicely and attempts to talk to him about not hurting you like this again. Sinju tells Mizuki, “If you are upset with (y/n), take your frustration out on me, not her.”

Nekome is upset, pulls Mizuki to a corner, opens his eyes, and stares into Mizuki’s soul while addressing him. He “kindly” reminds Mizuki about your sensitivity and says to be careful next time; otherwise, Mizuki might just disappear without a trace.

Menou is annoyed with Mizuki for not understanding your sensitivity and attempting to attack it. He reminds Mizuki in a stern and flat voice to not repeat this again while staring into Mizuki’s soul with his lifeless eyes.

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