Prompt: How do you think the boys did when they were assigned a with an assignment or schoolwork during their school times? Like who will finish it early, will do last minute, doesn’t do it etc etc.
Finishes homework the day it is assigned:
Kei, Ginsei, Yakou, Sin, Rindou, Qu, Hari
Finishes it in reasonable time:
Yoshino, Takami, Maica, Kasumi, Kongou, Aogiri
Finishes an hour before it’s due:
Sinju, Heath
Doesn’t bother to do it:
Kokuyou, Menou, Mokuren, Mizuki, Hinata
Threatens/blackmail someone to do it for
them: Sotetsu, Nekome, Zakuro, Ran
Asks to copy last minute:
Gui, Rico, Iwami
Akira, Taiga, Unei, Haseyama
Prompt: What if in school au the team is the assigned group assignment, who is going be the one who reminds the group about their assignment, who is a free-rider, etc etc.
Group leaders:
Kei, Rindou, Kongou
Finishes their work and helps others:
Yoshino, Sin, Maica, Qu, Hari, Heath, Aogiri
Only does their work and nothing else:
Gui, Rico, Ran, Mokuren
Stays overtime to help the leader:
Yakou, Ginsei, Takami, Sinju, Unei, Kasumi
Makes excuses and submits work late:
Taiga, Menou, Zakuro
Looks for the easiest task every time:
Sotetsu, Akira, Iwami, Hinata
Never shows up to any meetings or does work.
Too cool to work in a group:
Kokuyou, Nekome, Mizuki, Haseyama