Cast Members Moral Alignment

Prompt: Please give us a moral alignment compass of Black Star characters list.

  • Lawful Good – no one

  • Neutral Good – Qu, Kongou, Unei, Sinju, Ginsei, Yakou, Hari, Gui

  • Chaotic Good – Heath, Akira, Rico

  • Lawful Neutral – Rindou, Maica

  • Neutral – Kei, Sin, Kasumi

  • Chaotic Neutral – Ran, Taiga

  • Lawful Evil – Kokuyou, Takami, Yoshino

  • Neutral Evil – Mizuki, Sotetsu, Mokuren, Menou

  • Chaotic Evil – Haseyama, Iwami, Nekome, Zakuro

Description of each alignment under the cut.

Lawful Good – cast members who are strong followers of law and order and are willing to do anything to uphold rules/regulations.

Neutral Good – cast members who like a balance of regulation but with freedom. They do what they can to help others.

Chaotic Good – cast members who value freedom but not at the cost of toying with others. They are also rebels.

Lawful Neutral – cast members who see rules/regulations as important and want perfect order. But they like a system that is considerate and realistic.

Neutral – cast members who want balance and can see good and evil and balance between law and chaos.

Chaotic Neutral – cast members who like disorder and spontaneity and often question rules/regulations and traditions.

Lawful Evil – cast members who respect rules and regulations but are willing to bend those rules for their personal gains without caring how it affects others.

Neutral Evil – Cast members who don’t follow the law but also don’t want pure chaos. They will pursue their goals without a care in the world or how it affects others.

Chaotic Evil – cast members willing to go to any level to do as they please by any means necessary.


Some people may question why cast members like Kongou, Unei, and Sinju are not part of Lawful Good. Lawful Good comes off as a moral alignment where the person is willing to do anything, I mean anything, to uphold the law, and this is not always a good thing. While Kongou upholds the rules, he has broken them a few times, for example, when he helped his teammates hijack other teams’ stages. Unei often disregards (or even fights against) Haseyama’s rules when he thinks the rules might hurt the cast members.

While some might ask why Mizuki is part of Neutral Evil. Is he evil? No, but he does as he pleases without considering how his actions affect others; granting, he is doing this out of immaturity more than anything else.

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