As a Boyfriend

As a Boyfriend Prompt: Cute things he does as a boyfriend. Gender: gn!Reader Wraps his tail around you in a protective way or when someone tries to flirt with you.  Steals kisses from you when you least expect it. When you step out of the classroom, he will be leaning against the wall, waiting for

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Struggles TWST

Struggles Prompt: What things do the men have to struggle with? Not being able to wear fitted long-sleeve tops…his muscles somehow always rip the fabric. Scaring off people. He usually doesn’t care, but sometimes kids end up crying as soon as they see him. Jack’s not trying to be scary, but his height, scowling face,

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Sweet Gestures TWST

Sweet Gestures Prompt: What do they do to show how much they care? Gender: gn!Reader Prologue: The week was just getting started, and the pile of work you had wouldn’t stop growing. Your coworkers kept bugging you, and your boss wouldn’t stop criticizing your work. You just wanted to take a break, but apparently, that

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Without Knocking TWST

Without Knocking Prompt: You walk into his room, forgetting to knock, and he only has a towel wrapped around his hips.  Gender: gn!Reader Azul was laying out his outfit for tomorrow on his bed, humming to himself, when he heard his door open. Thinking it was Floyd, the prefect got ready to lecture him about

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