
Exhausted Prompt: I was thinking what if MC at some point gets sick of being reminded that they could die like everyday and not letting lord diavolo down so they start slacking all of their classes and causing alot of trouble hoping they would get send back to the human world not wanting to tell

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Look Alike

Look Alike Prompt: Dow do you think the brothers would react if MC looked exactly like Lilith? Gender: fem!Reader A/N: Platonic. Asmo Asmo was surprised but gained his composure quickly. He was happy to have a female in the house, so in short, you were like a breath of fresh air for him. Besides, he

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Love Me

Love Me Prompt: Devildom has a Christmas tree decorated contest.  Gender: gn!Reader Prologue:  While waiting for you to return to your room, he nonchalantly scanned your bedroom. An open book on the desk caught his eye, and thinking it was school work, he approached it. “This is…their journal?” He knew it was wrong of him

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Picture OM

Picture Prompt: Can you do the brothers reacting to visiting MC’s family while on Human World Business to grab something for them during their second stay in the Devildom and seeing a picture in their room of their pet cat sleeping on a pile of books captioned “Satan in his natural habitat, as rendered by

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Homewrecker Luci

Homewrecker Luci Prompt: Could you please do Dia/Barb/Asmo/Beel/Satan/Luci reacting to MC, upon being introduced to Lucifer, joking, “So you’re the homewreaker that ruined my great-grandparents’ marriage!” because their great-grandmother became convinced that he was her angelic lover in a past life and ran away to join a convent in hopes of becoming saintly enough that

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Vines Prompt: Could you please do a one-shot/scenario where the brothers arrive home and a kneels-for-none MC who usually stays out of trouble throws themself at Lucifer’s feet begging for forgiveness because they tried to practice reading Devildomish using a gardening book they found in an “antique” shop (read: “magical artifacts”) and now vines are

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My Brother

My Brother Prompt: Could you do the brothers reacting to overhearing a platonic, GN MC accidentally refer to them as “my brother” while talking to a student at RAD?  Gender: gn!Reader A/N: Luke platonic. Beel Beel stared at you with wide eyes, his mouth slightly open. His shock soon gave way to a wide grin. 

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