Little MerQu

The Little MerQu Prompt: You meet a handsome merman who likes to give you different hairstyles. Gender: gn!Reader Word Count: 772 This time you were going to catch the person red-handed. Though their intention wasn’t bad, the thought of someone doing something to you while you slept disturbed you. Sitting on your favorite beach blanket,

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Reminiscent Prompt: Qu crying with Gymnaster Savatieri growing on him. Word Count: 1,636 The park bathed in the golden glow of the sun’s warmth. Bees flitted from bloom to bloom while butterflies pirouetted through the air, weaving intricate patterns amidst the verdant foliage. In a corner garden in the park, Qu sat on a picnic

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Makeup Prompt: Can I request HCs with Qu’s s/o who ask him if she can put drag queen makeup on him something like Trixie’s makeup and letting her remove it and then having a selfcare night together?  Gender: fem!Reader You were spending the night at Qu’s home, and you finally managed to find the right

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