Child MC 1: Sweetest Child
Prompt: Can I request HCs of everyone reacting to a quiet Child!MC that’s very shy but the sweetest bean to exist? She could be vibing with Diavolo and go:Child!MC: Diabolo, you remind me of my Papa, and I love my Papa. So, I love you. Or she’ll give random hugs before going back to doing what she was doing.
Gender: fem!child!Reader
A/N: Platonic.

- Lucifer was ready to take care of MC the moment she came to Devildom, after all, he has taken care of all his brothers, so taking care of a human child wasn’t going to be an issue.
- Asmo or Simeon usually babysat MC, but since they were both busy, Lucifer decided to watch over her. She was drawing near the sofa while he was working on student council reports on his desk.
- Feeling a bit stressed, the Avatar of Pride sighed and pinched his nose bridge.
- Wordlessly, MC walked up to him and gave him a random hug before returning to her sketchbook.
- Lucifer was surprised by her actions and asked, “MC, why did you give me a hug?”
- “Hugs make people happy. You look sad, so hug make you happy,” she smiled shyly.
- He chuckled and stared at her for a while before saying, “Thanks, MC, your hug made me happy.”
- The Avatar of Pride thought of the child as nothing less than precious – a precious angel he wanted to protect and love.
- Since the first day he saw MC, Beel was drawn to her innocence and thought of her as a radiant light.
- But whenever he tried to talk to MC, she would quietly listen to him without replying, so Beel assumed she didn’t like him or maybe was frightened by his large build.
- One day, the Avatar of Gluttony was upset about someone eating his yogurt. MC gave him a tight hug and handed him her yogurt, making Beel the happiest demon in Devildom.
- Since that day, Beel loved to carry MC on his shoulders and brought her around with him everywhere. She had become his little angel.
- Belphie would sometimes walk into the bedroom and find Beel taking a nap while protectively but gently holding MC.

- At first, he didn’t talk to MC much, but then one day she followed him around the House of Lamentation. When he stopped and asked, “MC, why are you following me?”
- “You are nice, pretty, and I want to be Asmo’s friend!”
- The demon couldn’t resist her sweet words and adorable smile, so he agreed to be her friend.
- Asmo thought of MC as a doll and spoiled her as much as he could; he brought her a new dress every time he went shopping.
- She became the light of Asmo’s life and reminded him of his days back in the Celestial Realm.

- Belphie maintained his distance from MC as he wanted nothing to do with a child, let alone a human child.
- But for some reason, he always noticed her following him around, especially when he was in his demon form. Regardless, Belphie continued to ignore her.
- One time he woke up from his nap and was stunned to find MC snuggled up next to him, peacefully asleep. He quietly stared at her, examining her cute features with a smile. Maybe she wasn’t as bad as he thought, but why was she napping with him?
- When the child woke up, Belphie asked her, to which she replied, “Belphie remind me of big brother, and I like Belphie’s fluffy tail.”
- Though the Avatar of Sloth tried to remain strong, her blinding smile weakened his heart. “Maybe you aren’t so bad after all…”

- Mammon found MC adorable, but he didn’t want to deal with a child, so he didn’t pay attention to her.
- MC, on the other hand, was rather fond of Mammon. She randomly gave him hugs, drawings, and bright smiles.
- “Why do you like me so much?” The Avatar of Greed sighed and finally asked the child.
- “Mammon is nice. He cares for everyone…always watch out for others. I like Mammon, this much,” MC stretched her tiny arms as widely as she could.
- “You…think I’m nice and caring?” He chuckled and blinked away a few tears, “You know…no one ever notices that…”
- The Avatar of Greed crouched down and wrapped his arms around MC, “Thank you for noticing. You are such a sweet child.”

- Satan was neutral about the child until the day he was babysitting her, and she saw his room.
- “So many books…,” the usually quiet MC said in awe, “Satan tell me story please?”
- The Avatar of Wrath chuckled and asked out of curiosity, “What do I get in return for telling you a story?”
- MC thought for a while and pointed to her cheeks, “Satan can pinch cheeks!”
- Her sweet words made him laugh, and from then on, Satan always told MC stories. He was happy to meet such a curious child that had a knack for books.
- Even though MC thought of Satan more like a brother, he couldn’t help but think if I ever have a child, I want her to be like MC.

- Levi wasn’t fond of the child and tried his best to avoid her. Children can be loud, obnoxious, and messy, and he didn’t want to deal with any of that.
- Or so he thought until MC came to his room one day and poked her head inside, “Woah, Levi’s room pretty…pretty like him.”
- The Avatar of Envy nearly fell out of his chair, “Did you…j-just call me p-pretty? I think you mean Asmo, not me.”
- She shook her head and grinned widely, “Levi pretty too! Oh, are you playing game?”
- “You…like games?” He asked shocked, “Um…if you do, then I can t-teach you this one.”
- MC nodded shyly before running to him and climbing onto his lap, much to his shock. The more time he spent with her, the more Levi realized that he was wrong about her; she was far from a typical child.
- Diavolo was fond of MC since the first time he saw her. He thought the child was beyond adorable, but his favorite was her squishable chubby cheeks.
- The prince often asked Barbatos to bring MC to the castle. While he was doing paperwork, MC would sit next to him and polish her artistic skills. Since the child was not troublesome, even Barbatos didn’t mind her spending time with Diav while he worked.
- One day, MC and Diav were drawing together when out of the blue she said, “Diavolo, you remind me of my Papa, and I love my Papa. So I love you.”
- Diavolo could’ve sworn his heart stopped beating for a second. He pulled MC into a gentle embrace and chuckled, “I love you too. You truly are a bright light in this dark world.”
- How Diavolo wanted to adopt her and keep her by his side. If only he could.

- Simeon instantly took a liking to MC due to her innocence and purity. He couldn’t have been happier to have another light soul, aside from him and Luke, in Devildom.
- Though when he learned she was going to stay with the brothers, Simeon worried. Would it really be okay to let a human child stay with the demons? He knew they weren’t entirely bad, but he would prefer her to stay in Purgatory Hall.
- Simeon asked Lucifer about this, and the demon eventually agreed to let her stay with the angels.
- He took care of her like family and lived for her smile and hugs. Being with MC made Simeon miss Celestial Realm a whole lot less.

- Luke was fond of MC the first time he saw her; like Simeon, he was drawn to her innocent aura.
- He started to act like her older brother since day one and wouldn’t let any demons come near her. Luke even asked Diavolo to let her stay in Purgatory Hall.
- The young angel liked MC, but he liked her even when she started to help him in the kitchen and asked him to teach her to make sweets.
- “Why do you want to learn how to cook at this age?” Luke asked, tilting his head.
- “Luke make sweets for others, but I want to make sweet for Luke!”
- The angel’s heart skipped a beat, and from then on, Luke was always shy around her. He couldn’t understand why, but Simeon and Solomon sure did.
- “Ah, young love,” the sorcerer chuckled.

- At first, Barbatos was neutral towards MC, but he was curious to see how a child would fare in a world with demons.
- He only started talking to her when she handed him a flower and said, “I like Barb.” Then she wrapped her tiny arms around his legs.
- The butler chuckled and asked if he could pinch her cheeks to which she nodded. From then on, Barbatos would bring MC to the castle to spend time with her and help her with homework, art, and anything else she wanted.
- Then he let her taste his dishes, and after that day, she refused to eat anyone else’s cooking.
- Much to the brothers’ dismay, Barbatos cooked for her daily. How they wished he would also consider cooking for them.

- Solomon took an instant liking to her but was surprised to see how calm and quiet she was; the children he met throughout his life were completely the opposite.
- The sorcerer tried to talk to her many time, but she ran away from him, much to his surprise.
- One day, he found her sitting in the courtyard and asked her from a distance, “Is there a reason you don’t like me?”
- She shook her head and mumbled in a sweet voice, “I…find Solomon handsome…and feel shy.”
- Though he was shocked by her unexpected reply, he started laughing, finding her words beyond adorable.
- “MC, do you want to see magic?”
- Her eyes lit up upon hearing the word “magic”, and she nodded. His magic was the key to getting her to speak to him, and she even asked Solomon if he could teach her magic.
- “I will but when you get a little older. It’s a promise.”