Child MC 5: ToH's Collector MC

Prompt: Can you do the demon brothers a platonic child gn MC that’s like the collector from ToH?

Gender: gn!child!Reader

A/N: Platonic.

Satan Banner

  • When he first sees MC, he finds them strange. Wasn’t the new exchange student supposed to be from the human realm? Satan isn’t sure who or what MC is, but he knows for a fact that they are not human. On top of that, something is unsettling about their eyes.
  • Satan is cautious at first, but when he continuously sees MC’s childish, naive side, he lowers his guard. He truly enjoys solving MC’s riddles, but only if their riddles were more challenging. Why do they give up on using big words? He likes a challenge. He plays games with them, reads books, and even tucks them in and tells them bedtime stories.
  • At one point, Satan catches MC nearly setting RAD on fire, and upon inquiring, MC says they want to set RAD on fire and see how many demons can make it out. He gets an unwanted reminder about MC’s “other” side and becomes cautious around them.
  • Despite enjoying his time with MC, Satan dislikes their impatient and moody side. When he brings this up to his brothers, he is stunned by their reactions.

Lucifer: You have no right to complain. As a child, you behaved similarly to MC.

Asmo: You lost your temper all the time and destroyed everything…including my closet. You ruined all my precious limited and rare outfits, accessories, heels, and handbags.

Levi: You broke Henry’s tank more than once and destroyed my game controllers…

Belphie: You wouldn’t let me sleep, and the rare times I got to sleep, you would throw books at me.

Beel: You destroyed the kitchen 10 times, the refrigerator 22 times, and threw my food in the trash 43 times.

Satan: You were keeping track?

Beel: Yes.

Mammon: You set my room on fire, stole my wallet 19 times, burned ma money, poured water on my mattress every day, shaved my head three times, burned a bald spot in my hair, cut all my clothes with scissors, always peed and po-

Satan: OKAY. I get it…

Asmo Banner
  • Asmo can’t get over how cute MC looks – the colorful star-themed pajamas, the crescent moon shape on MC’s face, the freckles on one cheek – TOO freakin’ cute. 
  • Wants to lift MC and give them a death hug every time he sees them. 
  • Unlike his brothers, Asmo is the only one who thinks MC’s moody tantrums are cute. He enjoys spoiling them even when they throw tantrums, much to Lucifer and Satan’s dismay. 
  • This continues until the day Asmo sees MC standing in front of an injured demon, just staring at him with a poker face. When Asmo attempts to cover MC’s eyes, they push his hands away. 

MC: “Why do I have to cover my eyes? I want to see this demon die.” 

Asmo: “W-What do you mean?” 

MC: “He ran into me, called me a bad name, and told me to play games…so I played a game with him. He lost, and I won! Now, he has to die.” 

  • Asmo’s blood runs cold as he sees MC laughing at the dying demon’s face. He realizes his older brothers were right – MC wasn’t a sweet, innocent human child. 
  • Since that day, Asmo is warier around MC but still thinks they are cute. Unfortunately for Lucifer and Satan, Asmo still supports MC when they throw a tantrum and want everything to go their way. 
Luci Banner
  • Lucifer is the first one who can see through MC’s child-like appearance and personality, but he is interested in finding out what lurks behind the cute facade. 
  • Is not happy in the slightest to learn that MC is moody. Asmo’s tantrums, Beel’s hangry tantrums, Belphie’s “I don’t like this” tantrums, Satan’s “I hate you” tantrums, Mammon’s troublemaking, and Levi’s sulking are already bad enough for him to handle; he really doesn’t need an actual child throwing tantrums. 
  • Though he was interested in learning what MC’s real personality was like, Lucifer wasn’t prepared to see the other side of the child. A small argument with some demons turned into MC attacking and toying with them, like a predatorial animal toying with its wounded prey. 
  • He had a feeling that the child had a twisted side but didn’t expect them to go to this level. Talk about being demonic. 
  • Whenever Lucifer sees his brothers getting close to MC, he warns them to always be on their toes as MC is unpredictable. He doesn’t want them to push the child away, but at the same time, he doesn’t want to see his brothers getting hurt, especially his soft-hearted brothers.
  • Despite all this, Lucifer still admires one of MC’s traits: being motivated by simple desires. Something as simple as playing a game of hide-and-seek is enough to make MC happy, and Lucifer wants to protect that side of them.
Mammon Banner
  • Mammon knows a mischievous child when he sees one, and MC fits the bill. So, when MC acts moody, wants everything their way, and pranks everyone, he is not surprised. 
  • Since he is good with children, his younger brothers leave MC under his care when MC gets moody. Initially, Mammon has no issues calming them down and changing their mood, but the more MC gets used to him, the harder things get for the second brother.  
  • First, they pull harmless pranks on him. Then, the pranks become sinister, and to add salt to his wounds, MC laughs at him. Eventually, MC’s behavior takes a turn for the worse, and Mammon can’t handle the mental torture. 
  • Luckily for the second brother, Beel stands up for him, and Lucifer punishes MC for the way they treat him. Mammon is so happy that he hugs his older brother and cries in his chest; meanwhile, Lucifer is far from happy to have Mammon’s snot all over his expensive clothes. 
  • For a while, he stops talking to MC until he sees them interacting with some students from RAD. The students are clearly trying to use MC and lie to them, but the child believes their lies. Mammon realizes MC is still a naive child at heart and decides to patch up his friendship with them. But this time, he is more cautious around them, especially when they prank him.
  • Though, there is one thing that Mammon hates more than MC’s heartless pranks – their habit of talking in riddles. Why can’t they talk like a normal child? Hearing them talk gives him a headache, but at least they don’t use big words. 
Beel Banner
  • Beel finds MC adorable, especially how tiny they are. From the very beginning, he is protective of them as he sees them as a helpless, innocent child. 
  • At first, MC behaves like a child with him, but soon they pick up on how innocent Beel is and begin to use him to their liking. The sixth brother puts up with everything MC does, taking his food, handling their tantrums, and playing games with them, even if they wake him up at 3 am.
  • It takes a long while for Beel to see MC’s real face, but when he sees them playing cruel games with Mammon and toying with his emotions for their amusement, Beel understands Belphie’s warning about MC and is hurt. 
  • After learning the truth, Beel has a hard time treating MC like he did before; they are no longer an innocent, helpless child to him. 
  • Despite thinking of them as cruel and manipulative, the fifth brother still protects them when he thinks they need it. If he thinks they are hungry, he gives them his food; if he sees them looking sad, he plays games with them; and if he sees anyone picking on them, he turns into MC’s bodyguard. 
  • Beel’s pure heart stops him from completely ignoring MC or treating them the way they treat others. 
Belphie Banner
  • Like Mammon, Belphie can see through MC’s adorable child facade. MC’s eyes are too mischievous for their own good, not to mention they glow at times. Only a sinister being’s eyes glow. 
  • At times, when MC begins to get moody or emotional, Belphie feels blessed to have the ability to sleep through anything. While his brothers deal with them, he finds a comfortable corner and naps. 
  • Though he already knows MC is not as sweet as they appear, Belphie is shocked when he sees the way they treat Beel and Mammon. How dare they try to manipulate his brother; if MC was an adult, Belphie would have ended them for taking advantage of his twin’s innocent heart.
  • Belphie has the time of his life when MC starts talking in riddles. The looks on his brothers’ faces are priceless – Asmo looking like a lost puppy, Mammon’s head spinning, Beel’s expression resembling the “confused math meme,” and Levi shrinking into the corner. 
Levi Banner
  • The first time he sees MC, Levi thinks they look like a character straight out of a TV show. He has seen more than enough anime to know MC is not human and is not as adorable as they look. 
  • Not that he cares since he doesn’t plan to spend any time with them, or so he thinks, until MC comes knocking on his door and asks him to play games with them. In the beginning, they play video games, and Levi starts to see their real personality. Whenever any character dies in the game, MC laughs at them mercilessly, and this freaks him out. 
  • What Levi can’t understand is how they have two distinct personalities. One side is child-like, exactly what you expect from a kid; meanwhile, the other side is worse than demonic. 
  • Unfortunately for Levi, he sees this demonic side firsthand when MC pokes fun at him for being introverted, a good-for-nothing demon, a shut-in otaku, and a sad bag of nothingness. He already knows these things, but having them pointed out and being laughed at hurt him.
  • Levi still doesn’t push MC away completely because he cherishes their childish side and enjoys playing video games with them, but as soon as MC pokes fun at him, he leaves the room. 
  • Like some of his other brothers, Levi hates it when MC speaks in riddles. What’s the point of coming up with complex riddles when you can just talk like a normal person? Wait, is this what his brothers feel like when he uses gamer lingo on them?
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