Child MC 6: MC Thinks Diav is Her Dad (2)

Prompt: How would Lucifer and Barbatos try to sever the forming bond between Diavolo and child MC, who thinks he’s her dead father? Also how would everyone react when mc grows up finding out Diavolo did lie to her, but she forgives him?

Gender: fem!child!Reader

A/N: Platonic. This question is an extension on Child MC 6, so please read the HC before reading the reply below. 

Lucifer would not do anything too serious, but he would ask his brothers to take care of MC and keep her distracted. He doesn’t want to hurt MC or Diav, so his method would be mind. 

Barbatos, on the other hand, would be harsher and actively separate MC and Diav. If MC comes to the castle, he would not tell Diav and call Lucifer to take her away. He would be a little mean, not too mean as she is a child so she would not feel welcome in the castle. Barb would also scare her (again, not too much due to her age), but this would be more of a last resort tactic. 

Reaction to finding out grown MC forgives him:

  • Happy for them: Simeon, Asmo, Mammon, Beel

  • Still finds the situation odd: Belphie, Thirteen, Raphael, Solomon

  • Shocked: Levi, Luke

  • Relieved but still on edge: Lucifer, Satan

  • Still can’t fully support them: Barbatos, Mephistopheles
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