Child MC 7: Religious 2

Prompt: I liked the religious child MC and sweet/shy child MC, but instead of being cold, she was kind. She dressed like a cute nun, had an angel stuffed animal with her, and had a small gold-gemmed cross on. She would be shy around the brothers, unsure how to react to them. How would everyone react to the sweet, religious child MC?

Gender: fem!child!Reader

Warning: Mild angst, mostly fluff

A/N: Platonic. Second part to Child MC 3: Religious.


The moment the demon brothers saw MC, the corners of their lips tugged into a warm smile, but the smile did not stay long as a heavy feeling began consuming their hearts. The attire, innocence, and purity of the child reminded them of the place they once called home.

Lucifer closed his eyes as a gentle yet sad smile appeared on his lips. 

Mammon averted his eyes and could almost hear the high-pitched voices merrily dancing around him. 

Levi lowered his head as the worthless crushed his chest once again.

Satan uneasily shifted his weight from one foot to another, unsure how to react. 

Asmo pressed the flat of his right palm against his chest while biting his bottom lip.

Beel’s shoulder fell, and his desire to eat temporarily vanished. 

Belphie’s mind grew numb as he tore his gaze away from the small human. 

Luci Banner HC

  • Back in the Celestial Realm, Lucifer would spend his free time with the younger angels, teaching them valuable lessons, answering their questions, or watching over them as they took a nap. 
  • He has yet to see anything as pure as the sleeping faces of the angel children. He would be lying if he said he didn’t miss them. 
  • Though he desired to spend time with MC, Lucifer watched from afar. What if he grew attached to her just like he was attached to the children in the Celestial Realm? 

Lucifer sat in his study room with his right elbow resting on the armrest and his right cheek pressed to his right first. His eyes were closed, but he sensed the gentle presence of a tiny human close by. She had been standing at the entrance of the room for a while – was she contemplating whether to approach him or not?

His ears picked up the pitter-patter of her little feet until she stopped a few feet in front of him. Slowly opening his eyes, Lucifer gazed at her softly, not wanting to scare her. 

“Is Luci sad?” 

“I am not.” 

“May I ask Luci question?” 

“You may.”

“Does Luci not like me? Everyone talk to me…everyone except Luci.”

For a brief moment, his eyes grew large, not expecting such a direct question from MC. Applauding her courage, he decided to give her an honest answer. “You remind me of the children in the Celestial Realm. I was rather fond of them, but…MC, I have no desire to grow attached to you. You are but a guest in Devildom.” 

Her eyes wandered around the room as she attempted to process his reply. “Luci miss me after I go home…that why he not talking to me? If I promise Luci to visit him…and say I not forget him ever, will he talk to me…and be my friend?” 

“Is that so?” The corners of his lips gradually curled upwards as Lucifer held out his hand in front of MC, “Promise?” 

MC nodded her head and pressed her tiny palm against his, “Promise! Yay, Luci talk to me! I happy.” 

Lucifer chuckled at the irony of the situation – a religious child, who not only dressed like a nun but also devotedly believed in God, made a promise to a demon that she would never forget him; moreover, she considered him a friend. He wondered if she would uphold her promise once she got older, and some part of him dearly hoped she would.   

Mammon Banner
  • The pint-sized angels in the Celestial Realm were Mammon’s partners in crime. They would help him prank the older angels, and if they got caught, none of them would ever blame him for it – they were angels in every sense. 
  • Mammon had forced himself to forget about them, but when he saw MC, all the memories came flooding. How were they doing? Were they still pulling pranks? Did they hate him for taking part in a war against the realm? Did they even remember him? Did they miss him…just like he missed them?
  • She may be a human, but her aura and presence were very close to the tiny angels in the Celestial Realm. Maybe MC coming to Devildom was the universe’s way of helping heal some of his wounds from the past, and Mammon would not let this opportunity pass. 

Mammon silently watched MC enjoying a slice of cake, and though he didn’t want to disturb her, he needed to tell her a secret he had been hiding from her since day one. “Hey, MC…I got somethin’ to tell ya.”

With a nod, she placed her fork down and gave him her undivided attention. “I ain’t been all too honest with ya. You keep tellin’ me that I’m the nicest person in Devildom…but that ain’t true.” 

“What Mammie hiding?” 

“Back in the Celestial Realm, I used to be friend with kid angels, but shi-things happened ‘n…look, I’ve been missin’ those kids since I left ‘em. You reminded me of ‘em, so…I kinda used ya as a substitute,” Mammon lowered his gaze and forced a smile. “I miss them a lot, but that ain’t a proper excuse for usin’ ya. I’m sorry.” 

MC tilted her head to one side, not understanding everything Mammon said, but after a few seconds, she broke the silence. “Mammie care about me, yes?”

“Yeah, I care ‘bout ya.”

“Mammie still see me as a sub-sub-subtut?” 

“Nah, I see MC as MC.”  

“Okay, I forgive Mammon.”

“You…do?” The second brother stared at her with wide eyes as he was not expecting MC to accept his apology this quickly. 

“Everyone tell me if someone say sorry and mean it, forgive. Mammie not back…he miss friends, so he see me as subtut. Mammie still nicest person in Devildom! Also still my friend!”

The weight he had been carrying on his chest for some time vanished in a heartbeat. “Thanks, MC. Now, hurry ‘n finish the cake before Beel gets home.” 

Levi HC Banner
  • Great, another reminder of how he used to be back then, and what he had turned into – a great general to a sad shut-in. Why were everyone and everything against him? 
  • Unlike most of his brothers, Levi maintained a distance from MC, and luckily for him, she was shy. But there were times when he saw his brothers interacting with MC and felt a little upset at how happy they looked. 
  • Little did Levi know that MC had a keen eye and paid attention to the way he sat in a corner, played games, and made cosplay outfits. She was curious about him but didn’t dare to approach him until she followed Asmo into his room. 

After Asmo left, Levi put on his headset and tapped away at the game controller in hand. He kept feeling that someone was watching him but ignored it as him being paranoid until he was done with the dungeon run and turned around to find MC smiling at him. 

“W-What are you doing here? H-How long…h-have you…?” Levi took a few deep breaths to calm his pounding heart. 

“Levi, what that?” She pointed to his monitors and game controller. “Is game? Can…I-I play?” 

“You…like games?”

“I…never play. I want play. Levi play game with me?”

The third brother stared at the child with his jaw dropped, wondering if he heard her correctly. She wanted to play a game with HIM? “S-Sure.” 

With a grin and without hesitation, MC climbed onto his lap, set her toy angel on her lap, and grabbed the controller; meanwhile, Levi froze. When was the last time a child warmed up to him? When was the last time anyone warmed up to him? Little by little, he relaxed and watched MC attempting to figure out how to control the character. 



“I like your clothes…can make for me?”

“My clothes? Are you talking about my cosplay outfits?” 

“Cospy? What cospy?” 

“Cosplay….nevermind. S-Sure…” 

What was this weird feeling in his heart? He felt light and…happy. She not only wanted to spend time with him, but MC also liked his cosplay outfits – who would have thought? 



“Don’t sad, ‘kay? Levi good guy. I like Levi…but quiet. Talk more, ‘kay?”

In a matter of a few minutes, his entire perception of MC had changed. Maybe her presence was more of a blessing than a curse…maybe things happened for the best. “Thank you…MC.” 

Satan HC Banner
  • Who thought it would be a great idea to bring a religious child to live and study with the demons? Also, why a child? It was not like they would understand any lessons in RAD. Regardless, Satan couldn’t deny how adorable MC looked.
  • He didn’t want to admit it, but he felt bad for his brothers. Through Lucifer’s memories, he remembered all the good times they had at their previous home, but after coming to Devildom, they tried their best to forget those memories. Now, with MC in front of them, Satan saw his brothers struggling to push back the resurfacing memories.
  • At the same time, the feeling of being left out ate at his mind. Why was he the only one who never got a chance to make memories in the Celestial Realm? 

Satan saw MC sitting in the planetarium and cautiously took a sit next to her. “Wait, please don’t get shy and run away.” 

The child shifted back into her original position and glanced at him from the corners of her eyes. After thanking her, he stared at the ceiling for a while, prompting MC to ask him, “What is Satan looking at?”

He pointed a finger to the “sky” and attempted to smile, “That used to be our home before…well, at least the home of my brothers. I never got a chance to see that place…and I will never get a chance to see it.”

“Don’t be sad,” MC slowly placed her hand on Satan’s arm and gently patted his jacket.

“It is difficult to not get upset. They made so many memories up there…and I feel left out. It hurts.”

“Can…I help Sattie not hurt?” 

Satan smiled at the cute nickname she gave him and nodded, “Yes. MC, will you help me create new memories? Memories that are special to me, and me only? Let’s go shopping, take photos, laugh together…”

“And get sweets?” 

The joy in her voice when she said sweets made him laugh, “I will get you all the sweets you want.”

Satan watched as MC happily clapped her hand and listed out all the desserts she wanted to try. He was going to cherish each and every memory he made with MC even hundreds of years from now. 

Asmo HC Banner
  • What an adorable angel! He would have showered her with all the compliments in the world, but seeing her brought back old memories – memories he had sat aside a long time ago.
  • He knew he was still beautiful, but Asmo longed for the beauty he had in the Celestial Realm. Even though he tried to fight it, his hidden insecurities would get stronger whenever MC was around him. 
  • Was he blaming her for anything? No, the child had nothing to do with this, and he treated her with the kindness she deserved, but at times, Asmo would make excuses just to get away from her. 

MC peeked into Asmo’s room and saw him curled up on his bed. Welcoming herself into his bedroom with a quiet apology, she made her way to him and climbed onto his mattress. 

“Asmo?” She brushed her fingertips on the corners of his eyes and pouted. “Why crying?”

“Sorry, MC. Could you please leave me alone for a little while?”

“No, I not go. Asmo…not like me?”

His eyes shot open at her question, and turning his head toward her, Asmo shook his head. “Why would you say that?”

“Asmo run…from me. Make ezuse and run.” 

“So, you caught onto that? I am sorry, MC. Whenever I see you, I think back to the time in the Celestial Realm. Back then, I was known as the most beautiful angel. I…missing that part of me.” 

“Asmo think I angel?” She blushed and giggled, “But I think Asmo angel!” 

“Sweetie, I am a demon, not an angel.” 

“No, angel. Beauiful eyes, beauiful face, beauiful smile – Asmo very very  beauiful! Also kind, so more beauiful. So, what if no angel wings?”

“Aw, sweetie!” Asmo wiped his tears and stroked her head, “I don’t say this to anyone, but you are more beautiful than me.” 

“I beauiful, Asmo beauiful, we all beauiful!”

“Lucifer and Satan won’t be happy to hear that.” 

MC and Asmo laughed for a while; for the first time in years, the fifth brother’s heart felt light. She was right – he didn’t need wings to be beautiful. He was still the most beautiful demon in Devildom and would remain the most beautiful. 

Beel HC Banner
Belphie HC Banner
  • The moment he saw MC, only one name popped into his mind – Lilith. MC’s gentle presence, calming aura, and sweet face reminded him of his sister. Everyone told him it wasn’t his fault, including Belphie, but could he have done something to save them both?
  • Beel couldn’t decide whether he wanted to get to know MC or not. It wasn’t like he would completely ignore her, but whenever she was around, he would only think about Lilith. He also knew that Belphie was thinking the same thought as him. 
  • Belphie chose to ignore MC and wanted nothing to do with her. A child who was willing to dress like a nun at her age should not be permitted into a place filled with demons. 

Unbeknownst to the twins, MC noticed that Beel was uncomfortable around her, and Belphie ignored her. Did they not like her? Beel always shared food with her, and Mammon said Beel only shared food with people he liked. She needed to get answers, so MC pushed aside her shyness and made her way to the twin’s room. 

MC saw Beel standing outside his room and texting someone. “Beel, I have question.”  

Once the sixth brother crouched down to her height, MC hugged her angel toy close and asked, “Mammie say you like me because you give me food. Beel…likes me? Beel not hate me?”

“Hate?” He shook his head and met her gaze. “Mammon is right. I only share food with people I like.” 

“Then…why? Why Beel and Belphie not talk to me?” 

Seeing her on the verge of tears, Beel sighed and patted her head, “Don’t cry. MC, we had a sister…Lilith…but she is gone forever. When we see you, we think about her.” 

“Beel, Belphie miss Lilith?” The child stepped closer to him before wrapping her tiny arms around him. “I sorry for remind you of Lilith. I no Lili, but I sister to you and Belphie also!”

Beel softly wrapped one arm around her and smiled, “Thank you, MC. Can you tell Belphie that too?”

“Yes!” Beel picked her up, walked into his room, and sat her on Belphie’s bed, next to his sleeping form. “Belphie.”

His brother opened his eyes slightly and stared at MC’s hesitant face. “Belphie, I no Lilith, but I sister to you and Beel.” 

Without saying a word, Belphie reached over to MC, pulled her beside him, and closed his eyes again. Opening his eyes again a while later, the youngest brother saw MC fast asleep and smiled. He had heard her entire conversation with Beel, and she was right – she wasn’t Lilith, but if she wanted to be their little sister, Belphie was not going to say no. 

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