Childhood Moments

Prompt: I guess what sweet/silly moments would you imagine them having with MC as kids?

Gender: gn!child!Reader

Kei – lying on the grass, staring at the sky and pointing out the shapes of the clouds

Sotetsu – having water balloon and water gun fights

Ginsei – watching cartoon and mimicking the characters

Yoshino – playing board games

Gui – watching animals in the park

Yakou – pretending to be superheroes while wearing capes and saving the world

Kokuyou – bringing home stray animals and caring for them with the help of adults

Akira – pulling harmless pranks on adults and kids alike

Sin – sitting under a tree and reading picture books together

Takami – pretending to be detectives/cops and solving cases

Nekome & Taiga – playing hide and seek

Rindou – having pretend beauty pageants with his sisters

Maica & Qu – drawing and scribbling in coloring books

Sinju – spending time with his grandmother and learning from her

Menou – taking naps together while holding hands

Mokuren – sneaking out to the kind grandma who lives a few houses down to get freshly baked cookies and pies

Hari – attending piano classes

Kasumi – playing tag and racing each other

Zakuro – watching sing-along kid shows and singing at the top of your lungs

Aogiri – tickle fights and learning how to sew from grandma

Mizuki – pretend fighting while making sounds from the mouth (pow, pew pew…)

Kongou – playing house and pretend cooking

Ran – climbing trees and getting yelled at by adults

Rico – arts and craft

Heath – talking to plants and telling them stories

Hinata – hide & seek, tag, and climbing trees

Unei – catching bugs together

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