
Prompt: How do you think TeamP, TeamK, and TeamW will comfort their s/o who comes to them, sits on their lap and starts quietly to cry because of period cramps?

Gender: fem!Reader

Kei Banner
  • Kei gently embraced you and kissed the top of your head. “What’s wrong, princess?” 
  • “It hurts…”
  • He thought for a bit and realized what you were referring to. “If you need any pads or tampons, I have some in the bathroom. Your favorite desserts are in the refrigerator and pantry. If you crave anything else, then let me know.” 
  • You looked at him a bit stunned as he continued, “There is a heating pad in the bedroom and extra clothes in the closet.” 
  • “Kei?” 
  • “I did my research,” he smiled softly and wiped your tears, “and lastly, I am here for you. Let me know if you want to cuddle, need a massage, or any medications.” 
So Banner
  • “Cramp pain?” Sotetsu questioned as he stroked your arm. “I figured it was going to be time soon.” 
  • Wordlessly, you turned your body towards him and wrapped your arms around him. 
  • He pulled your body closer to him and enveloped you in his arms. “Cry if it makes you feel better.” 
  • Sotetsu patiently waited for you to let out all your emotions before saying, “I will take the day off tomorrow, so let me know if there’s something you want to do.” 
Gins Banner
  • Ginsei’s eyes grew wide as he cupped your face. “What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Are you injured?” 
  • You shook your head and whispered, “It’s that time of the month.” 
  • “That…time of the month?” Ginsei mumbled and thought for a bit. His face slightly turned red once he realized what you meant. 
  • “W-What makes you feel better? My sisters usually like to take naps or snuggle under a blanket and watch movies.” He hugged you closer to him. “Princess, I will do anything to help you feel better, so tell me.” 
Gui Banner
  • “W-What’s wrong?” Gui questioned in a quiet and serious tone. 
  • “My c-cramps hurt…” 
  • “Your…cramps?” He mumbled and tilted his head. When you didn’t reply, Gui rubbed soothing circles on your back. 
  • He had no idea what you were talking about and didn’t know what to do, but Gui didn’t like seeing tears in your eyes. 
  • “Can I beat up your cramps?” He asked innocently, making you laugh. 
Yos Banner
  • He stared at you with bulging eyes and started to panic, “W-Why are you crying?” 
  • “It’s that time of the month again,” you said, wiping away your tears. 
  • “I see. Um…is t-there anything I can do to make you feel better? I c-could si-sing a song if you like,” he whispered nervously, “only if you want, though.” 
  • When you nodded, Yoshino wrapped his shaking arms around you and started to sing a soft, calming song. 
Yak Banner
  • Yakou rested his hand on your shoulder and looked at you worried. “Why are you crying?” 
  • When you explained to him, he kissed your cheek. “I am sorry…I meant to research this so I could help you when you need it, but I forgot.”
  • He thought for a second and smiled, “How about we get some ice cream and watch a movie? Or…do you prefer to drink something warm?” 
  • This was the first time you saw Yakou nervous. “I p-promise to be more prepared next time. Oh, please give me a list of things you need so I can keep them at my apartment.” 
Koku Banner
  • “Why…are you crying? Did someone hurt you?” Kokuyou questioned while securely wrapping one arm around you.
  • “It’s…that time of the month,” you muttered under your breath. 
  • Kokuyou sighed and rested his chin on your head, “Do you need me to get you something? Want to nap?” 
  • No matter your reply, he is ready to do anything to help you feel better. Even give you a massage or prepare a hot bath for you.
Aki Banner
  • “What’s the matter, cutie?” Akira asked, wrapping his arms around you. “Why are you crying?” 
  • “Cramps…,” you whispered, hiding your face in his shoulder. 
  • Akira stroked the side of your hip and thigh gently. “It’ll be okay…I’m here for you.” 
  • He started to sing your favorite song as a means of helping you relax. 
Sin Banner
  • “What’s wrong?” Sin asked, stroking the back of your head. 
  • “Cramps.” 
  • “I see,” Sin picked you up and walked to the bedroom. He placed you on the bed and sat a few pillows behind you before taking a heating pad out of the nightstand drawer. 
  • “Would you like to watch a movie while you rest?” He asked with a smile. 
Taka Banner
  • “Is it that time of the month?” He inquired with a small smile. 
  • “H-How do you know?” You asked between sobs. 
  • “I can tell by your lack of energy and drained face,” he chuckled, “do you have everything you need? Is there anything you’re craving?” 
  • Takami pressed his lips to your temple. “Whatever you need, I’ll be happy to get it for you.” 
Tai Banner
  • “W-What’s wrong?” Taiga asked nervously, awkwardly patting your back. 
  • “Cramps…,” you replied. 
  • “Oh, muscle cramps? I see…then how about-” he rubbed the back of his head.
  • “No, not t-that, period cramps,” you groaned and hugged him tighter. 
  • Taiga’s face suddenly went pale as his mind went blank. He wasn’t used to this, and it was the first time he was dealing with anything period-related. 
  • “W-What…um…,” he slowly encircled his arms around you, “h-how can I help?” 
  • Though he was ready to help you, Taiga feared your mood swings. 
Rin Banner
  • ”(Y/N)? What’s wrong?“ He asked, surprised by your tears. 
  • “My…stomach hurts…”
  • “Your…ah, I see,” he stroked your hair, “would you like to use a heating pad to relax your muscles?” 
  • Rindou was used to helping out his sisters, so he knew exactly how to help you. 
  • “How about we cuddle under a blanket, get your favorite snack, and watch a movie? Would you like that?” 
Mai Banner
  • Maica looked at you blankly for a moment but wrapped one arm around you. He patiently waited for you to tell him why you were crying. 
  • “My period cramps are acting up,” you mumbled. 
  • He was taken aback and averted his eyes, “Um…sorry, I am not sure how to help you. You will have to tell me what to do to comfort you…” 
  • Maica hated seeing you in pain and seemed a bit uncomfortable. “Just…don’t cry.” 
Sinju Banner
  • Sinju was stunned when you suddenly sat on his lap, and his cheeks glowed red. But as soon as he saw tears in your eyes, his chest started to hurt. 
  • “W-What’s wrong?” He asked, concerned, “Did someone say or do something to hurt you?” 
  • You shook your head, “N-No, I…it’s the time of the month…” 
  • Sinju tilted his head, “That…time?” 
  • “You know…period cramps,” you mumbled under your breath. 
  • He wiped your tears away and cupped your face, turning it towards him. “What can I do to help?” 
  • Sinju flashed you one of the sweetest and brightest smiles he could muster, “I will do anything to make you feel better, my l-love.”
Sinju Banner
  • “What’s wrong?” He asked in a dull voice, suppressing a yawn. 
  • “My stomach hurts…” 
  • “It’s dooms-week again?” Menou chuckled and patted your head, “Want to take a nap with me? It’ll help you forget your pain for a bit.” 
  • “I…don’t think I can sleep with this pain,” you sighed. 
  • He wiped the tears running down your cheeks and smiled, “Then want to take a hot bath with me? It’ll help relax your muscles.” 
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