Date with the Cast Members

Prompt: Can I request date with the cast headcannons?

Gender: fem!Reader

Kei Banner
  • In the late morning, Kei sent his chauffeur to pick you up. When you reach the destination, you see Kei waiting for you under a flowering tree with a picnic set up.
  • You two spend some time there, and he feeds you your favorite foods that he made himself. While you enjoy the food, Kei watches you with a soft expression. 
  • Mid-afternoon, he takes you to his mansion, where you two hang out for a little while, possibly watching a few episodes of his favorite drama. If you get bored with the drama, he takes you to the horse stables to spend time with some of his precious horses. 
  • In the evening, he asks one of the maids to take you to a room and get you ready. When you arrive in the room, you see a beautiful gown awaiting you along with heels and accessories. 
  • While you’re getting ready, Kei waits for you in a three-piece suit, and as soon as he sees you, he showers you with a TON of compliments. By the end, your cheeks turn so red that they could put a tomato to shame.
  • He takes you to the best restaurant in the city in his high-end Italian sports car. There, you two dine like royalty with a full 12-course meal. After the meal, he asks if you would like to spend the night at his house.
  • If you decline, Kei will respect your decision and drop you off at home. He leaves after passionately kissing you good night.  
  • If you accept, he takes you back to his mansion, and depending on how long you two have been dating, you either stay in his room or the room next to his.  
  • If you stay in his room, expect at least a make-out session…keyword AT LEAST. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
So Banner
  • On his days off, Sotetsu likes to sleep, so if you prefer to sleep, he will invite you to join him. If you drag him outside, he will ask you to pick because he isn’t a picky man. 
  • If you ask him to pick, he will say the first place that comes to his mind, like the beach. You two spend the entire day there, enjoying the sun and warm sand. 
  • He starts by joining a volleyball group near the area you two are sitting in. You are welcome to join him or just cheer him on. Be prepared to see women showering him with attention. Unfortunately for you, Sotetsu is the type of guy who would get a kick from you jealous reaction, hence he would flirt back with those women. 
  • You would most likely have to drag him away from there or kiss him to let the other women know that he’s taken. If you happen to walk away in anger, Sotetsu will follow you and tease you to no end. 
  • He ends up carrying you into the water, and you two swim for a while. Once he walks out of the ocean, his physique becomes 100 times more attractive thanks to the water drops running down his chiseled arms, pecs, and abs. Enjoy the view. 
  • In the evening, he takes you to a bar near the beach where you two enjoy drinks (if you drink) and grab dinner. He then walks you home and stays with you for the night. 
  • Sotetsu might not let you sleep at all, but that depends on how long you two have been dating and how much you two had to drink. 

Gins Banner

  • In the afternoon, Ginsei takes you to the animal shelter to play with the cats and dogs. There, you two play with some of the cutest and sweetest puppies and kitties. 
  • While you’re playing, Ginsei quietly watches you with a smile. Nothing makes him happier than seeing you smile. 
  • In the late afternoon, he takes you to a park, where you two walk around for a while. He gives you a small gift and says he made it, especially for you. When you open the box, it contains a beautifully made bracelet. 
  • If you tell Ginsei that you are interested in learning how to make accessories, then he will gladly take you to his house and teach you. 
  • If you ask him “did you make this”, he will tell you that he makes all his accessories, and he would be happy to make anything you want.
  • In the evening, he will take you to get dinner in a casual restaurant. After dinner, you two walk around the city and grab dessert. He then walks you home and gives you another gift. This time the box contains a necklace with a heart pendant. 
  • If you give him a thank you kiss, Ginsei will turn 100 shades of red. Before he leaves, Ginsei asks if he enjoyed the date and proceeds to say that he was worried he wouldn’t like hanging out with him.
  • If you tell him that you want to go out on another day, it will give a huge boost to his low confidence and self-esteem.  

Gui Banner

  • Unlike the other members of Starless, Gui will not be able to plan for the date. If you ask him to plan the date, he will most likely ask you to join him in his search for master. 
  • Unfortunately, you will have to plan everything, and honestly, Gui doesn’t care where the date is as long as you’re with him. 
  • If you want to make him happy, remember to take him to get his favorite food – a plain hamburger. 
  • If you like seeing Gui doing parkour, you could ask him to show you his moves. 

Yos Banner

  • Yoshino will be incredibly shy asking you out on a date, and he will take his time. If you want to go out on a date, it’ll be quicker for you to make the first move. 
  • In the afternoon, Yoshino brings you to a cafe that offers board games. There, you two spend time drinking tea/coffee and playing games. 
  • If you love listening to Yoshino sing, then in the late afternoon, he will take you to a karaoke place. There, he sings any and every song you ask him to. He adds in a song or two of his choice, which he dedicates to you.  
  • In the evening, he takes you to his favorite dish, roast beef. If you like dessert, then he takes you to get your favorite sweet. 
  • Yoshino walks you home and kisses your cheek before leaving. He is too shy to stay at your place or to ask you to stay at his. It will take quite a few months before Yoshino even considers spending the night under the same roof as you.

Yak Banner

  • If you like sports, then Yakou takes you to watch a baseball game with him. If you’re a stay at home person, then he arranges an indoor date with a lot of games. 
  • If you like neither, then he takes you to his college to hang out with his friends. You two chill there for a while, after which he takes you to his favorite sandwich shop to eat lunch. 
  • If you like drinking, then in the evening, he takes you to a casual bar-restaurant where you two grab a few drinks and dinner. If you don’t drink, then you two just gets dinner. 
  • He walks you back home and pecks your lips, wishing you a good night. 
Koku Banner
  • Kokuyou would take you on a long motorcycle ride. He would make sure the route would be scenic and away from the city. 
  • He would bring you to a beautiful location to spend alone time. Though he doesn’t seem like the type of care, he would bring snacks for you.
  • When evening approaches, he would drive you back into the city and bring you to a BBQ place for dinner. 
  • After dinner, he would bring you back home, and depending on your comfort level, Kokuyou would kiss you passionately. If the two of you have been dating for a while, you can be sure that he’s going to spend the night. Hope you didn’t have plans to sleep because Kokuyou is going to keep you up…all night. 

Aki Banner

  • Akira would take you to an arcade, where you would spend half of the day playing games. If the arcade offers prizes, then you can be sure that you’ll be taking home A LOT of them. 
  • In the late afternoon, you two would head to a karaoke place, where he would sing songs for you. If you like singing, then he will be more than happy to sing duets with you. He would ask you to join him even if can’t sing. 
  • In the evening, you two would grab some fast food and head to a dessert place. Hope that you don’t get shy receiving complements in public because Akira will be showering you with praises much to the dismay of other females gawking at Akira.
  • You would return home after sunrise, and Akira would crash at your place, especially if he has to work at Starless that evening. 
Taka Banner
  • He would prefer that you pick the place for the date, but if you insist that he picks, then he would take you to a carnival. 
  • The first stop on the date would be the fortune teller’s tent. Even if you don’t believe in fortune tellers, Takami would request that you join him. 
  • After getting your fortune told, he would be willing to do anything that makes you happy, from eating cotton candy to riding any rides. If you want a stuffed toy from the carnival games, you’re in luck! Though the games are rigged, Takami is an intelligent man and would definitely figure out a way to win the game. 
  • In the evening, he would take you to him home to meet his parrot. Takami would order your favorite food and get it delivered to his house, so expect a quiet evening. 
  • If you wish to stay at his home, he wouldn’t mind, but if you want to return home, he will gladly walk you to assure that you make it home safely. 
Sin Banner
  • Sin would prefer a date at his home, where you two would spend quiet time. If you like playing chess, he would be more than happy to play a few games with you. If you like reading, you two would spend time reading, cuddled up to each other. 
  • If you don’t like either one of those, then he would be open to watching a movie. He would get dinner delivered to his home, so something along the lines of dinner and movie. 
  • If you’ve been dating Sin for a while, maybe you could even ask him to teach you Singo. 
Tai Banner
  • Taiga LOVES to stay indoors, so expect an indoor date. If you like gaming, then expect to play video games all day long. Taiga would be extremely happy if he learned that you’re a gamer. 
  • If you want to go out for a date, it will take a little convincing or you may even need to drag him out. Taiga would be sulking and looking for an excuse to return indoors. To meet in the middle, he would suggest going to an arcade. 
  • In the evening, the two of you would go back to his house with some take out. Maybe watch a movie or even play games. You can be sure that sooner or later Taiga will get you into video games. 
Rin Banner
  • He starts the date by taking you to his favorite art exhibition. Rindou is an art lover, and nothing makes him happier than visiting an art exhibition with his love. 
  • Afterward, he takes you to the aquarium. There you two walk around looking at each tank. Rindou then takes you to the dolphin show because who doesn’t love dolphins. 
  • Being a worrier, he asks if you’re having fun. The poor man is nervous that you may not be enjoying the things he likes. 
  • For dinner, he takes you to eat herb chicken, after which you two grab a cocktail. If you don’t drink, then he takes you to get some ice-cream. 
  • At the end of the date, Rindou walks you home and gives you a sweet goodnight kiss. 
Menou Banner
  • Menou would no doubt take you to a hot spring because this man cannot get enough of it. You will feel completely relaxed, but if you stay there too long, then Menou may fall asleep. 
  • If you love sleeping, Menou will not only be happy, but he will set up a sleeping date where you two just cuddle and sleep all day. That would be Menou’s dream date. 
  • For dinner, Menou takes you to a nearby fast food place to get to-go chicken nuggets. Right after that, you two head to his home. While you finish eating, Menou prepares a bath with your favorite bath bomb. 
  • You two spend the rest of the evening having a nice bath together. Menou wants you to stay at his house, but don’t expect too much because he’s going to go straight to bed. 
Sinju Banner
  • Sinju would be open to doing anything and would prefer that you pick the place. If you insist he picks, then Sinju takes you to an amusement park. 
  • At the park, you two start off by riding a few rides, then he takes you to play games and get some junk food. 
  • Sinju drags you to join him in ridding the biggest and baddest roller coaster the park offers. If you’re scared to death of roller coasters, then Sinju would be a little disappointed, but he would understand. 
  • You spend the entire day there, and towards the end, Sinju buys you a load of desserts to try. While you’re busy eating, he says he’ll be back and sneaks off to get you a present. 
  • At the end of the date, Sinju surprises you with a BIG teddy bear. He then walks you home while carrying the teddy bear on his back. Be prepared to hear a lot of “aww”s from females who see Sinju with the teddy bear. 
  • Once you reach home, Sinju gives you a shy kiss while his face turns a few shades of red.
Mai Banner
  • Maica takes you shopping for the date. Beware though he may be very vocal about outfits that he dislikes. Though since you’re dating him, surely you’re used to his sharp tongue. 
  • In the afternoon, he takes you out of his yacht, where his chef serves you the finest of foods, specifically your favorites. 
  • You two spend the rest of the afternoon in the middle of nowhere, swimming in the refreshing ocean. 
  • In the evening, the chef serves a 7-course meal under the starry night. With no city lights, you see some of the most beautiful stars you’ve ever seen. 
  • Maica arranges for you to stay in his yacht, and in the morning, his chauffeur drives your home. 
Moku Banner
  • Mokuren would first take you to the park. They love to feed the birds breadcrumbs, and they would ask you to come along. They feel relaxed when they feed birds. 
  • After the walk in the park, they would take you to a food tasting event. Mokuren LOVES to eat, so bring your appetite along. You two would spend most of the afternoon at the event. Don’t be surprised if Mokuren ends up eating everything at the event. 
  • Mokuren would then take you back to their place, where they would dance with you. Not only would you work off all the food you ate, but you would also get dance tips from the Prince of Dance. 
  • For dinner, if you have room, they will take you to their favorite ramen place close to their home. Mokuren would ask you to stay the night. 
Qu Banner
  • Qu would take you shopping and get you anything and everything you like. Be prepared to spend the entire day shopping. 
  • Unlike most men, Qu would actively help you select outfits, accessories, and even makeup, and on top of that, he would give suggestions on what would look good on you. After all, he is a fashionista. 
  • After shopping, he would take you to try his favorite dessert, Nata de Coco, but if you aren’t a fan of it, he would gladly try your favorite dessert. 
  • Later in the afternoon, he would take you back to his home, where he would help you get ready for dinner. Qu would not only pick out a dress for you but would also do your hair and makeup. 
  • After you two are ready, he would take you to a fancy restaurant to have a 5-course dinner. He would then walk you home and give a kiss on your forehead before leaving. 
Kas Banner
  • Kasumi would call you a few days ahead of the date and ask you to eat light food. He would tell you to save your appetite for the date. 
  • On the day of the date, in the morning, he would take you to grab freshly made donuts. After which he would take you to every dessert place in town–ice cream shop, cake shop, shaved ice shop, donut shop, you name it. 
  • By the end of the day, you would have consumed so much sugar that you probably wouldn’t want to touch anything sweet for the rest of the year. 
  • Your sugar crash would hit, making you incredibly tired, and you would end up staying at his place. Hope you like to cuddle because Kasumi is going to fall asleep holding you close to him. 
Hari Banner
  • Hari would pick you up in the morning and take you for a ride through the city on his motorcycle. 
  • After an hour of driving around, he would take you to his mansion. If you’re lucky, then you would end up meeting his politician father. 
  • Hari would start by giving you a tour of his mansion, and you two would spend the rest of the day there–horse riding, swimming, playing polo, and so on. 
  • For dinner, his household chef would make you two a sukiyaki course. Hari would want you to try his favorite food, and you can be sure it’s delicious. 
  • After dinner, Hari would take you out in his helicopter to see the bird’s eye view of the city at night. You would spend the night at his mansion. 
Zaku Banner
  • Zakuro would prefer a quiet date, probably at his home or your home. If you insist on going out, then he would like to take you shopping. 
  • If you pick an indoor date, he suggests watching a movie or reading a book together. If you don’t like either, he would gladly sing for you and even teach you how to sing. 
  • If you pick shopping, then he would happily pick out apparel for you. He would also try any outfits you pick for him. Zakuro would be willing to do anything as long as he gets to see your smile. 
  • For dinner, he would order delivery at his home. While eating dinner, you two would watch a movie or musical. You would spend the night at his home, and he would walk you back home in the morning. 
Mizu Banner
  • If you want to make this boy happy, then treat him to the date. He is short on money, so it’s either you treat him, or he takes money from Kokuyou’s wallet much to Kokuyou’s dismay.
  • If you ask him to treat you to a date, then he will no doubt take you to the skateboarding park. 
  • If you know how to skateboard, Mizuki will be HAPPY. If you don’t know how to skateboard, then he will teach you. Don’t get offended when he laughs at your fails. It’s Mizuki, after all. 
  • Though if you end up getting hurt, he will blame himself. 
  • In the late afternoon, he makes a run to a nearby store, asking you to wait outside. He returns and takes you to an alleyway.
  • In a few minutes, you are surrounded by stray cats and dogs. Mizuki tells you that he comes to feed them every day. 
  • For dinner, he takes you to his favorite curry place, where he gets almost everything on the menu. Kokuyou’s wallet is crying.
  • After dinner, he walks you home and quickly pecks you lips before leaving. He doesn’t want you to see his red cheeks. 
Kong Banner
  • Kongou wants to do anything and everything that makes you happy, so he arranges the date to your liking. If you ask him to arrange the date to his choice, then he starts off by asking you to join him for breakfast.
  • When you arrive at the picnic spot, you see him in the middle of a flower field, smiling at you. He cooked all your favorite breakfast dishes, so be sure to bring your appetite. 
  • After the picnic, he takes you to an outdoor market. Kongou is old fashion, so he prefers traditional dates. 
  • At the outdoor market, he gets you everything you want and is willing to try anything, from food to unusual fashion. All he wants to see is you smiling.
  • In the evening, he takes you back to his home and cooks you a grand meal from the ingredients he found at the market. If you help him out in the kitchen, it will make him VERY happy. 
  • Regardless of how long you’ve been dating him, he asks you to stay the night. After all, Kongou is an incredibly trustworthy man who wouldn’t hurt you in any way.
Ran Banner
  • Ran takes you straight to meet his beloved dog, Sabu, who he treats like his younger brother. 
  • If you’re lucky, you get a chance to meet your future in-laws his parents. 
  • After that, he takes you to the park with Sabu. There you two walk around and play games with Sabu.
  • In the late afternoon, Ran brings you to his favorite fast food place to grab some fried chicken. 
  • He tells you that he has a surprise for you and takes you to your favorite male idol concert. You two spend the rest of the evening there. 
  • Ran walks you back home, and since it’s late, he asks to stay there. He falls asleep cuddled to you. 
Heat Banner
  • In the morning, Heath brings you to get breakfast. He asks you to try his favorite food, congee with eggs, and pickled plums. 
  • After breakfast, he and you head to the mall. There he follows you to the shops you enter and is willing to treat you to anything you like.
  • In the late afternoon, he brings you to his home because he needs to rest. The poor man can’t handle strenuous activities.
  • Heath introduces you to his beloved plants and happily tell you about them. Please be nice and listen to him even if you don’t like plants.
  • For dinner, he orders your favorite food and gets it delivered. 
  • He hopes you stay the night but will not force you in any way. If you don’t want to stay, then Heath will walk you home even if you say you’ll be alright. 
Rico Banner
  • Rico comes to pick you in the afternoon and takes you to the mall. 
  • He loves to follow the latest trends, so he picks out all sort of trending outfits for you to try. 
  • Rico will be happy if you model the clothes for him. He will get all the outfits that you like. After all, you’re his princess.
  • In the evening, he takes you to his home and tries to cook your dinner. 
  • In the end, he ends up serving you raw egg on rice, his favorite. If you don’t like that, then be subtle about it, otherwise, he’ll get upset. 
  • Rico asks you to stay with him. If you do, then he’ll be happy, but if you don’t, he’ll complain a little but take you home. 
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