Daughter of the 7 Rules of Hell 3
Prompt: If you continue the daughter/kid of the 7 Rulers of Hell series, can you do Ace next?
Gender: fem!Reader (Ace x Reader)
A/N: Brothers platonic.
- Definitely thinks you are pulling his leg when you tell him your family members are demons, and even teases you about it often. Until he meets the demon brothers and literally has an ‘oh, shit’ moment.
- Ace is impressed by Lucifer’s air of authority and regality; however, he can’t help but feel like Lucifer is another Riddle with all the rules he puts out. No wonder you had no issues with Riddle’s rules – you were used to Lucifer’s strictness.
- When he meets Mammon, Ace immediately considers him a soft target for playing pranks. At the same time, he can somewhat relate to Mammon because they both are pranksters and carefree. Ace sometimes teams up with the second brother to play pranks on others. But if they get caught by Lucifer, your boyfriend pins the blame on Mammon to avoid punishment.
- Ace feels like Levi is a mild version of Idia, and Asmo is an extreme version of Vil. He doesn’t really get along with them in the sense that he doesn’t spend much time around them.
- Satan, on the other hand, fascinates Ace, minus the anger issues. Your boyfriend doesn’t want to be around the Avatar of Wrath when he loses his temper.
- At first, Ace is intimated when he sees Beel, especially when he sees the Avatar of Gluttony eating. Where does all that food go, and how is Beel always hungry? Ace can’t understand. Learning how easygoing and friendly Beel is, he eventually relaxes. He may or may not pull pranks on the sixth brother.
- Ace is curious why Belphie always sleeps and thinks he might have some sort of sleeping condition. He even tries to ask Belphie, but you stop him and explain that the seventh brother is just the Avatar of Sloth, so it’s second nature for him to sleep.
- Overall, Ace is excited and a bit intimidated to meet your family. But most of all, he wants to see their demon forms. He can’t image how cool they must all look.
- Knows right away when he sees Ace that your boyfriend is a prankster – he has lived with a prankster enough to know one when he sees one.
- For the most part, Lucifer doesn’t mind Ace’s presence or you dating him. As long as Ace follows the rules of the House of Lamentation and doesn’t do anything stupid, the first brother doesn’t mind.
- What Lucifer doesn’t expect is Ace’s ability to speak the honest, brutal truth. He is amused when he hears the redhead set everyone in place. But if Ace dares to be brutal towards Lucifer, the first brother will not hesitate to make your boyfriend cry, even if you get mad.
- Initially, the second brother likes Ace’s lively and carefree personality, but when he sees your boyfriend’s ‘other’ side, Mammon is secretly scared.
- Being an emotional demon, he doesn’t want to deal with another family member who is verbally brutal towards him.
- Regardless, he sees Ace as a partner in crime when it comes to pulling pranks on others, except Mammon doesn’t appreciate Ace holding him responsible for the prank to escape punishment.
- Levi doesn’t like the idea of you dating in general, but when he meets Ace, the third brother, he definitely doesn’t want you to date him.
- He can see right through Ace’s bright personality and knows a ‘demon’ is hidden behind it.
- Levi has a ‘told you so’ moment when Ace shows his verbally brutal and prankster side. Since then, he maintains his distance from Ace, not wanting to hear his brutal words or be a prank target.
- He is the only brother who completely opposes you dating Ace.
- After studying Ace’s personality, Satan doesn’t expect much from him until he realizes that your boyfriend is much cleverer than he leads others to believe.
- Satan also sees Ace as a partner in crime when it comes to pranking, but much to the fourth brother’s dismay, your boyfriend refuses to prank Lucifer out of
fearrespect. - One thing about the redhead that annoys Satan is Ace’s lack of focus, especially in his studies. If someone has the intelligence to do well, then why not try to do well to succeed in life?
- Initially, Asmo sees Ace as a cutie and a breath of fresh air, but seeing your boyfriend’s pranks makes him feel like he’s just like his brothers – more chaos in the family.
- The fifth brother absolutely dislikes Ace’s brutal honesty, mainly when your boyfriend targets Asmo’s insecurities. It makes him want to cry.
- Overall, he doesn’t mind you dating Ace but could do without the pranks and unnecessary brutal honesty.
- He happily welcomes Ace into the family and admires your boyfriend’s energetic and bright nature.
- But Beel doesn’t understand why Ace keeps staring at him while he is eating. Is it really that amusing to watch him eat?
- However, the Avatar of Gluttony does not appreciate Ace pranking any of his brothers while pushing the limits.
- He thinks Ace is too energetic and feels drained just seeing your boyfriend’s enthusiasm.
- Though Belphie finds Ace’s pranks funny, as long as the pranks are not on him or Beel, sometimes he thinks Ace pushes the limits more than he should.
- Most of all, Belphie is amused by your boyfriend’s brutally honest nature.
- He doesn’t mind you dating Ace but will get upset or agitated if the redhead tries to prank him or Beel.