Reader Determined to See Performance
Prompt: How would the guys react to an MC who has a walking disability but still forces herself to come see their performance every time?
Gender: fem!Reader
Already knows you well enough to know you will come, so he has asked one of the cast members to help you in advance: Kei, Sotetsu, Sin, Takami, Nekome, Kasumi, Ran, Aogiri
Touched that you would go to this length to see his performance and plans to give it his all for you: Gui, Yoshino, Yakou, Rindou, Sinju, Menou, Hinata
Worried and nearly runs out backstage to check on you, but his team members stop him and ask him to focus on his performance for now: Ginsei, Akira, Taiga, Qu, Hari, Mizuki, Kongou
Plans to give you a long lecture after his performance is over. It’s not that he doesn’t appreciate you coming to see his performance, but if you had told him beforehand, he would have made things a little easier for you: Kokuyou, Maica, Mokuren, Zakuro, Rico, Heath