Disappointed Reader

Prompt: Imagine Mammon trying to steal some of her expensive things but gets caught! He’s like, “Look I know you’re mad…” but she just replies, “I’m not mad, Just disappointed.” Mammon is like, “Oh come on! That’s even worse!” Because the worst feeling in the world is disappointing your mother! I just had to share!

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: Platonic.

Series: [Motherly Reader]


  • Observes the interaction from a distance in amusement. For once, he isn’t the one reprimanding Mammon, but he is relieved to see that you can hold your own against his younger brother.
  • Moreover, he thinks that Mammon deserves it for his constant troublemaking.
  • Lucifer subtly praises you later for handling Mammon in such a mature way.


  • Immediately regrets his decision to steal and panic when he gets caught.
  • He can’t even describe how guilty he feels when you say you’re disappointed. It hits him that hard.
  • He sulks for the next few days, but when Mammon realizes that he has to take the initiative to make it up to you, he tries everything in his book to get back on your good side.


  • He watched the scene unfold with wide eyes, feeling second-hand embarrassment for Mammon.
  • Somewhere, very, very deep inside his heart, Levi feels a bit of sympathy for Mammon because he knows the feeling of disappointing someone he cares about.
  • But he still teases Mammon about it later and rubs it in his older brother’s face.


  • Satan is irritated by Mammon’s millionth attempt to steal but is satisfied to see him get caught.
  • Commends you for using such an effective strategy to make Mammon realize his mistake.
  • The fourth brother doesn’t hesitate to remind Mammon about this incident whenever he needs to keep his older brother in line.


  • Your calm yet powerful response surprised and impressed him. Asmo, too, is disappointed in Mammon.
  • Regardless, when Mammon comes to him for advice on how to make it up to you, Asmo helps him out but reminds him to not repeat his mistake.
  • Asmo is one of the only brothers who doesn’t rub this incident in Mammon’s face.


  • He is concerned for Mammon as he hates seeing any of his brothers in distress.
  • Even though Beel doesn’t agree with what Mammon did, he still tries to comfort Mammon with food and a reassuring talk in private.
  • Despite being kind to Mammon, Beel respects you more after seeing how you handled the situation.


  • He is smirking at Mammon’s predicament the entire time, thinking it serves him right for trying to steal.
  • Finds the situation amusing but also recognizes the effectiveness of your approach.
  • Belphie casually brings up what happened to tease Mammon every now and then. He won’t leave the chance to use any ‘weapons’ against his older brothers.
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