Don't Mess with Me

Prompt: Obey me! female reader who is good at karate and beat the shit out of any demon who bothers her even a bigger one. 

Gender: fem!Reader

A/N: Lol cue all the demons and angels staring at the reader shocked. Meanwhile, Solomon is proud of you for being a strong human. 😂


  • Honestly, Lucifer thought the demon was hurting you. He never once imagined that he would have to save a demon, that too a large one, from you.
  • At that time, Lucifer wasn’t sure if he should be upset with you for beating up a demon or praise you for standing up for yourself. So, he ended up praising you for your skills but added in a mild warning to watch yourself and not overdo it.
  • The Avatar of Pride is proud of you for learning skills to defend yourself. He can only hope you use it for good and not evil. Yes, he realizes that is an ironic thought for a demon to have.


  • Asmo was ready to charm the demon, but as soon as he saw you knocking the fiend down, he froze in place for a moment. A human who can take down a demon with one hit? So, Asmo worried about your safety all those times for no reason? His poor skin suffered for absolutely no reason!
  • Once he composes himself, the fifth brother comes to check on you. Are you injured? What did the demon do to anger you? He is relieved to see that you’re alright, but he asks you not to pick fights too often. They are demons, after all.
  • Asmo is glad to know you can protect yourself in case of emergencies, but he hopes you lean on him when needed. Most of all, he wishes you don’t end up injuring yourself or landing in the hospital. And there he goes worrying once again.


  • Satan was ready to unleash his wrath when he saw a demon preparing to attack you, but as soon as he saw you land a hit to the demon, his anger fizzled. Did you just take down a demon larger than you? Impressive.
  • He commends you for your fighting abilities but tells you not to injure yourself. There are demons out there who can use spells and curses, and no amount of karate can protect you against those.
  • Satan is curious about one thing: if he goes one on one against you in his demon form, would you be able to land a hit on him? It’s just a question he thinks about but will NEVER attempt to learn the answer.


  • The first time he sees you fighting a demon, Simeon is speechless. The entire time he was worried about your safety, but seems like he had it all wrong. The angel should be have been worrying about the safety of the demons in Devildom.
  • At least the angel can sleep knowing that no demon can mess with you without getting what they deserve in return. At the same time, he is concerned about you getting injured.
  • Simeon secretly likes how strong you are. Dare he say seeing your powerful side kind of turns him on.
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