Drunk Karaoke

Prompt: I just wanted to ask can you do a scenario of the leaders bring their lover to a karaoke and they drank too much and passed out?

Gender: fem!Reader

Prologue: Your boyfriend was looking forward to spending the evening with you at the karaoke. He was planning to perform all your favorite songs. Everything was fine until you started to get a bit dizzy, but since you wanted to spend time with him, you decided to ignore the warning your body was giving you. 

Kei Banner
  • “Princess? Are you okay?” Kei asked when he noticed the change in your behavior. 
  • “Kei, I don feel gud.” As soon as you finished the sentence, your vision turned black. 
  • “Princess?” Kei called out and quickly pulled you into a hug, preventing you from hitting the ground. 
  • Your boyfriend stared at your face and gently tucked some loose hair strands behind your ear, sighing loudly. 
  • The next morning, you woke up with a bad hangover and in an unknown room. On the nightstand to your right, you saw a note with a red rose on top. 
  • Good morning, Princess. Come downstairs when you’re awake. Breakfast will be waiting. Love, Kei. 
  • You slowly recollected the events of last night and felt bad for passing out on a date. 
  • You quickly made your way downstairs after finishing your bathroom routine. “Kei! I’m so sorry.” 
  • He smiled at you and pressed his lips to your forehead, “It’s fine, but my love, don’t drink that much when I’m not around.” 
Koku Banner
  • Kokuyou was a heavyweight, so drinking one beer after another was no big deal for him. 
  • He wasn’t aware that you couldn’t handle as much alcohol as him, so he kept ordering one glass after another.
  • Kokuyou was busy drinking when you got up from your chair and stood in front of him. 
  • He looked up at you, and you began dancing in front of him. Your moves were getting more and more seductive. 
  • Kokuyou quietly stared at you with wide eyes as you sat on his lap, straddling him. 
  • In the middle of tempting your boyfriend, you ended up falling against his chest.
  • “Babe?” Kokuyou was shocked but soon realized that you had passed out from drinking. 
  • He chuckled and took off his jacket, covering you with it. “Stupid. If you can’t handle drinking, then why did you have so much?” 
  • Kokuyou pressed his lips on the top of your head, “You’re going to get punished tomorrow for leaving me hanging.”
Rin Banner
  • “Love, please don’t drink so much.” Rindou tried to stop you from drinking once again in vain. 
  • “Rin! It’s okay. We’re here to have fun~!”  You raced up to the mic and picked your favorite song. 
  • In the middle of performing, you collapsed onto the ground. Thankfully your head landed on a sofa pillow.  
  • Rindou was startled, to say the least. He ran to your side and attempted to wake you up. “Love? Are you okay!?”
  • When he got no response, he sighed and carried you to the sofa before covering you with his jacket, “You really can’t hold your alcohol.” 
  • The entire night, Rindou sat on the floor in front of your sofa, stroking your hair. Though he knew you had passed out from drinking, he couldn’t help but worry. 
Moku Banner
  • Mokuren wasn’t the type to go to a karaoke, but when you tempted them with the “you can dance all you want” card, they agreed. 
  • You two started the evening off by ordering a few drinks, but you accidentally ordered strong cocktails. 
  • Mokuren was enjoying his wine-based cocktail when you jumped out of your chair and started dancing. 
  • “Baby, look at me! I’m a pretty butterfly.” You started to prance around the room, pretending your hands were wings. 
  • They stared at you cluelessly and continued to watch your antics. 
  • “Now, I’m a pretty-pretty ballerina.” You said before attempting to do a split leap. 
  • “Are you drunk?” Mokuren rose from their seat and slowly walked up to you. 
  • “Let’s dance!” You grabbed their hands and started to waltz around the room, but a few steps later, you ended up passing out against your boyfriend. 
  • Mokuren chuckled and sat you down on the sofa. “Well, this is an unexpected turn of events.” 
  • At one point, you opened your eyes a little to see the back of Mokuren’s head. You were too exhausted to realize that your boyfriend was piggybacking you home. 
Mizu Banner
  • Mizuki had been spending frivolously at the karaoke, which worried you a lot. 
  • When you asked him, he said, “I grabbed some dough from Kokuyou’s wallet.” 
  • “Does he know that you took that money?” 
  • “Nah. Don’t worry ‘bout it.” Mizuki grinned and threw his arm around your shoulder. “Now, let’s have some fun.” 
  • Both of you ordered ever single food and drink on the menu. 
  • After indulging in food and drinks, you and Mizuki began singing and dancing your heart out to your favorite songs.
  • Suddenly, you felt your body become light, and your surroundings faded. 
  • Mizuki froze and stared at you, “Did she just pass out?” 
  • He started laughing loudly, holding onto his stomach. Unfortunately for him, he had too much to drink as well and ended up passing out next to you. 

Prompt: Flip scenario where the guys get drunk except Yoshino who can’t get drunk.

Gender: fem!Reader 

So Banner
  • While you sung your favorite song, Sotetsu was dancing for you. You two were having a blast on your date, but your alone time was cut short when a slightly intoxicated man barged into your room. 
  • He pointed his finger at Sotetsu and spoke confidently, “I challenge you to a drinking competition.” 
  • Even though you asked him not to accept the stranger’s challenge, Sotetsu didn’t listen to your request. After all, how could he turn down a good challenge?
  • In the end, he ended up winning, but Sotetsu got drunk. Thinking that he ruined the date, you were upset. 
  • Out of nowhere, he walked in front of you, a safe distance away, and looked you straight in the eyes, “Hey babe, if Starless had a stripping competition, I bet I would win.” 
  • You raised an eyebrow, “Why are you bringing this up?” 
  • “Watch.” He said, a confident smirk dancing on his lips. Sotetsu started dancing, despite being drunk, his moves were still captivating. One-by-one, he slowly took his clothes off. 
  • The shoes went first, then jacket, followed by his shirt. As he seductively unzipped his pants, you squealed, “Sotetsu, stop! I get the idea.” 
  • He started laughing, “Am I too sexy for you to handle?” Even in his drunk state, he still managed to tease you. 
  • “No! Shut up.” 
  • As he indulged himself in laughter, you slowly took in his sculpted chest, muscular arms, and perfect abs. Oh, how you regretted stopping him from showing you more. 
Yos Banner
  • Yoshino had invited you to go to a nearby karaoke place but avoided admitting that it was a date. He was too shy and knew that you were smart enough to understand his hint.
  • While Yoshino sang for you, you, distracted by his songs, ended up drinking more than you intended to. 
  • “H-Hey, are you okay?” Yoshino asked in a small, slightly apprehensive voice. 
  • “Yoshi, the world is spinning round and round.” You laughed as you drew circles in the air. 
  • Realizing that you were drunk, he decided to end the date there and take you home. Despite his best effort to get you to walk, you couldn’t keep your balance, so he had no choice but to piggyback you. 
  • As he slowly made his way towards your home, he cursed his height. Why do I have to be so short? At this rate, I will not be able to get her home.
  • “Yooosh, your hair smells sooo gud.” You buried your face in his hair, causing him to freeze. 
  • “Please d-don’t do that.” His cheeks turned a shade of pink. Feeling your body pressed against his back was bad enough for him. 
  • “Ooh, your muscles…have ya been workin’ out?” 
  • Yoshino was losing his mind but knew he had to get you home safely, so throughout the entire walk, he tried his best to not let your words get to him.
  • Only when you were safely tucked into bed did Yoshino let out a sigh of relief. He had to admit that the walk home was the toughest moment of his life. 
  • He sat down on your couch and made a mental note. Next time we go on a date, keep her as far away from alcohol as possible.
Gins Banner
  • Ginsei planned a karaoke date for your weekly date night. It had been a while since the two of you had sung your heart out while enjoying a few drinks.
  • While enjoying his time with you, Ginsei lost track of the number of drinks he had. Before he knew it, his vision was going out of focus.
  • “Ginsei, did you have too many drinks?” You chuckled and sat down next to him. 
  • He unexpectedly threw his arms around you and pulled you onto his lap, “Whata cute teddy bear.” The ikemen stroked your head and smiled, “You smell so nice n are warm.” 
  • You didn’t say a word as you were too amused by his actions. 
  • “Teddy, I am sexy…everyone says n my looks so good that it make women faint.” He rested his chin on your shoulder and sighed, “I don’ care ‘bout what people say. I only care ’bout what my princess say.” 
  • You blinked a few times and gazed at him, taken aback. He wrapped his arms tighter around your waist, “I love her much, do you think I should confess to her?” 
  • “Why wouldn’t you?” 
  • “Huh? Teddy can talk?” He smiled sheepishly, “Am I gud enough for her?” 
  • “Ginsei…” You whispered softly and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Tell her tomorrow, okay? She loves you too.” 
  • “She l-loves me? Teddy is a fortune teller.” He hesitantly gave a slight nod, “I’ll tell her tomorrow.” 
  • Even though his confession made your heart melt, it still hurt you to hear how hard Ginsei was on himself. 
Ran Banner
  • Ran and you were at the karaoke for a much-needed date. Both of you had been too busy to even contact each other. 
  • He had ordered a few snacks and non-alcoholic drinks or so he thought. After two glasses of the beverage, Ran started to act out of the ordinary; he got up on the sofa and started to bark. 
  • “R-Ran? Are you okay?” You couldn’t help but stare at him, confused. 
  • “Ren? Who that? I Sabu!” He jumped off the couch with a massive grin and got down on all fours. Bark. Bark.
  • “Sabu? But Ran.” 
  • The blue-haired boy got on his knees and held his hands in front of him. He looked like a puppy begging for a treat. 
  • “Sabu, good boy! Give Sabu treat.” He said and rubbed the side of his head on your knees. 
  • Still confused, you slowly patted his head. “Ran, you aren’t a dog, and Sabu is your dog.” 
  • “I Sabu, see my ears n tail?” He turned his head to look at his non-existing tail and whimpered, “Where Sabu tail? Sabu lost tail!” 
  • Ran started to look around the room with a pout on his lips, “Sabu tail gone.”
  • To your shock, Ran started crying. You quickly kneeled in front of him and stroked his head, “Ran, you don’t have a tail. Please, don’t cry.” 
  • The boy threw his arms around you and buried his face in your shoulder, “Sabu, sad.” 
  • While you tried to calm Ran, the waiter ran into the room, looking panicked. “Ah miss, I am so sorry, but your order got mixed up! I accidentally served you alcohol. Please forgive me!” 
  • By the time the waiter left, Ran was already fast asleep, still embracing you. 
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