
Prompt: They get drunk and try to kiss you. Assume all of them have reached the legal drinking age.

Gender: gn!Reader

Leona Banner2

You watched as he drunkenly stumbled over himself, trying to be suave and seductive. However, he looked like a drunk idiot tripping over his feet. His attempt to woo you ended with a sloppy kiss on your forehead before he slumped his body weight on you. With a squeal, you tried to hold him upright, but the two of you fell back on his bed.

You laughed softly and wrapped your arms around him. “What made you get drunk?”

“To tell ya…I love ya.” He mumbled, burying his face in your chest. Drunk people speak the truth, right? So, it would be no different with Leona, right? For the rest of the night, you lay wide awake.

MalleusTWST Bann

Malleus would not stop talking, but you were enjoying his slurred rambling. Seeing the way you were looking at him, he felt his heart skip a beat. Was it your look or the amount of alcohol? The prince had no idea but leaned over the table, his movements somewhat erratic.

“(Y/n), you look enchanting,” he said, his breath smelling of wine.

Malleus went to capture your lips but stumbled and fell flat on his face. You winced at the sight of his face meeting the wooden table with a thud. How were you going to explain Malleus’ red face to Lilia, Silver, and Sebek? It wasn’t like you could openly tell them the prince tried to kiss you.

Vil Banner1

Vil made his way to the bed with his arm stretched out. Earlier in the day, he had texted you that he was attending a party, but you had not expected him to return home drunk. Chuckling, you held your arms out, ready to embrace him. But instead of hugging you, Vil stumbled towards the tall bedpost and embraced it.

“Uh, Vil?” You chuckled. “I am right here.”

He blinked his eyes and narrowed them to focus on you before returning his gaze to the bedpost. The next moment, Vil started laughing. You watched him slump against the bedpost and laugh. Even after a few minutes, he didn’t stop. Though you had no idea what was so funny, you watched him with an amused smile.

Riddle banner for twisted hcs.

Riddle had been eyeing you all evening but didn’t want to show you affection in front of his friends. Unbeknownst to him, some of the prankster friends added strong alcohol to his drink. In an hour, he was stumbling all over the place, his vision blurry and his mind unwilling to focus on anything.

But when he saw you sitting with a smile, he stumbled over to you with red cheeks and a goofy grin. Before he could lean in for a kiss, Riddle tripped over the leg of a nearby table and landed face-first in your chest. You stared down at him with wide eyes while Trey and Cater spit out their drinks.

You wondered if you should tell Riddle tomorrow that he had much fun nuzzling his face in your chest while commenting on how warm you felt and how calming your heartbeats were

Kalim benner5

Kalim stumbled over to you with his arms wide open and lips puckered. He had way too much alcohol and couldn’t keep himself standing. The next moment, he fell to the ground, face-planting on the floor; instead of your mouth, Kalim’s lips met the cold, hard ground.

You quickly covered your mouth and chuckled at the sight. If only you had your phone, you could have taken a video. A few seconds later, he looked up at you, his lips still puckered. Even in his drunken state, he hoped you would give him a kiss.

Banner for Azul twisted

Azul got one too many drinks, and you wondered just how strong the alcohol was to make him this drunk. His motor skills were just as shot as his thinking abilities. But his mind was still able to recognize you, his secret crush. Or he thought it was a secret, but you already knew he liked you.

He looked at you briefly with softness in his unfocused eyes. Azul wobbled close to you with a sheepish grin. He puckered his lips and went to meet yours, but due to this double vision, he went right past you and headbutted into the wall. He groaned loudly, causing you to chuckle at his cute attempt to kiss you.

Idia cute banner for scenarios.

Idia rarely drank, so you couldn’t fathom his reason for getting drunk. As your eyes followed him, wobbling towards your bed, you saw him purse his lips. Thinking he wanted a kiss, you prepared yourself to give your boyfriend a big smooch. But just as he attempted to kiss you, he fell face flat onto the mattress. You blinked rapidly and got a little worried when he didn’t move.

“Idia?” You gently shook him.

As soon as he hit the mattress, Idia passed out. You laughed to yourself and watched him sleep with a warm smile, snuggling up close to him.

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