My Most & Least Favorite in Each Team
Prompt: I’m curious about what your ranking of the characters are from most to least favorite and your thoughts on each of them, specifically to make it a bit easy who is your favorite and least favorite in all the groups?
A/N: I do make most to least favorite lists when someone asks me, but honestly, the list changes around based on the story, except the top 2 (Kei and Kokuyou).
Team K
- Most favorite: Kei
- Not so favorite: Yoshino
Kei became my favorite as soon as I saw him – in the beginning, it was his appearance, his eyes, voice, then the way he treasures MC, his mannerisms, confidence, skills, leadership abilities, the way he handles situations and keeps Haseyama in line, and so much more. He’s my favorite in Starless, and I doubt anyone is going to take his place~.
I blame Donuts for my “not so favorite” being Yoshino. It’s not him that I have a problem with him, it’s the way Donuts keeps changing his “fight” with Kei. He already made it clear that Yoshino is K’s singer – leaders cannot have the singer’s seat, and Kei wants to keep the leader position. Yoshino accepted this and was shocked. That should have been the end, but noooooooo, Donuts keeps changing his mind constantly…if this continue, it may just become a trigger for me.
Team W
- Favorite: Kokuyou
- Not so favorite: Takami
Kokuyou is sexy! His appearance, muscles, voice, smirk, and let’s not forget his hidden soft side. When this man cares about someone, he CARES about them. Sin, I believe, referred to him as an angel in the skin of a devil.
There is only one reason I dislike Takami….HE ALWAYS SHOWS UP IN EVERY EVENT GATCHA. He blocks Kokuyou and Sin from coming home. I am almost always prepared for him to come home but still get mad at him when he shows up. T~T
Team P
- Favorite: Rindou
- Not so favorite: Menou
Rindou has this calming aura, and I like that about him. At the same time, he has a mysterious side with his unknown celebrity past and all. I also admire the way he is respectful to others, especially women.
Menou’s eyes scare me…there is no light in them. I also feel like Donuts has pushed him aside and refuses to give him spotlight. We don’t really know much about him, so I am going to say my dislike comes from the lack of spotlight given to him.
Team C
- Favorite: Qu
- Not so favorite: Hari
Like Rindou, Qu has such a calming aura about him! I like his style, soft voice, his eyes, makeup, and the way he carries himself. We know a little about his backstory, but I am curious to know what has happened with him in the past.
Hari barely has screen time, and I feel like he’s just there. Again, one of the characters that Donuts doesn’t want the players to know about.
Team B
- Favorite: Kongou
- Not so favorite: Rico
Kongou is such a gentle giant that it’s hard not to like him. He is the perfect husband material – cooks, strong, protective, gentle, calm, caring, and understanding. I also like his muscles hehe. The way he takes care of his team members is adorable, but the most adorable thing about him is that he likes cute thing, especially rabbits.
Let me start off by saying, Rico finally got character development in the last main chapter. The only thing that irked me was how he used to always speak negatively about everyone, at times even Team B members told him to stop. I understand that his past made him like that – being blamed for someone’s mistake and having to pay for it is unfair – but that doesn’t give anyone the right to take their anger/frustration out on everyone.
My least favorite, though, is and always will be Haseyama. 🙂