Feeling Lonely

Prompt: Can I request Solomon with female mc and night, sigh, waiting? 

Gender: fem!Reader

Warning: Mild angst

Word Count: 734

Yet another night of waiting for you to return. Solomon sat on one of the dining room chairs, his back pressed against the chair and his head raised to the ceiling. He should be used to this, should he? You were the same in the future timeline, so why was he growing impatient now? Was Solomon perhaps hoping you would not get as close to the brothers since they didn’t remember you? At the thought of the brothers, Solomon felt as though multiple needs pierced the flesh of his heart.

The oldest was far from kind and pushed all his brothers’ troubles onto you. Yet when you spoke to Lucifer, your held eyes warmth, and your tone was sweet as honey. The second brother caused you problems and dragged you into messes with him, and you happily followed, knowing the consequences. Though, he couldn’t be as upset with Mammon, considering he was the kindest of them all.

“But still,” Solomon mumbled, his eyes fixed on a stain on the ceiling.

The third brother lacked control over his emotions and tended to dump his emotions on you. Yet you comforted Levil with open arms and did all you could to uplift his mood. The fourth brother was a narcissist and whined more than necessary, but you never failed to make him feel beautiful time and time again. Granted, he couldn’t complain too much about Asmo, as the demon had a sweet nature.

“But I still dislike when he looks at you seductively…”

The fifth brother got you into trouble multiple times whenever he attempted to prank Lucifer; moreover, you had to clean up every time after his anger episodes. Even then, you stood by Satan’s side without fearing his wrath. Not to mention, you were not a part of their family, but you did everything you could to keep them together. The sixth brother didn’t cause much trouble unless food or hunger was involved, but why did he need to wake you up in the middle of the night just to tell you he was hungry? You didn’t need to cook for him or answer his call that late, yet you still did.

“You even refuse my help when I offer to cook for Beel. Why?” Solomon closed his eyes and exhaled loudly.

Lastly, Belphie wasn’t as much of a handful as he was in the future timeline, but he took your life in the future. Somehow, you were still not fazed by him, not in the future and certainly not now. What made these brothers so special? To add to this, they were demons – creatures of the dark, but this made no difference to you.

“I asked you to carefully tailor your decision for the sake of the Human Realm, but you…you continuously choose to protect the brothers and do what’s best for them,” A strained smile tugged on his lips. “It’s not that I don’t trust you, but I am jealous.”

They had always held a special place in her heart, and the sorcerer wished he could also hold such a dear space in her heart. He had always done everything for her, yet it seemed like it was not enough to get her to open up her heart to him completely.

“You’re my girlfriend, yet your heart has more room for the brothers than me.”

His body was drained, and his mind was exhausted. Maybe it was due to the unnecessary thoughts he was having. Was it right for him to keep these thoughts to himself? If he told you, you would be sad, and that was not something Solomon wished upon you. As the night grew darker, he felt his eyes getting heavy, and eventually, he drifted off to sleep.

When you returned home, you saw Solomon asleep with his head resting on the dining table. At first, you found it cute that he was waiting for you, but the closer you got to him, the more you took note of his expression. His features were relaxed, but his brows were furrowed and his lips downturned. It was as if a heavy burden plagued him.

Did something happen while you were away? Not wanting to wake him up, you leaned close to his head and planted a soft kiss. Tomorrow, you would talk to him about this, and you didn’t plan to let him leave until he told you the truth.

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