For You
Prompt: How do you think BSTS boys and Unei would react if their s/o give them flowers without a specific occasion and just because?
Gender: fem!Reader
- Kei was surprised to see you handing him a red rose, but he graciously accepted the gift.
- “Thank you, my princess,” he smiled softly, “what is the occasion?”
- “Nothing,” you chuckled.
- Your reply made him smile again, and he leaned in to plant a kiss on your forehead.
- “F-For me? Thank you…” Ginsei nervously accepted the flower and tilted his head, “why…um…?”
- “You deserve a flower.”
- Your answer made him blush. Ginsei averted his eyes, but the corners of his lips curled up. “Thank you…I will use this as my strength to rehearse harder for our upcoming show.”
- Gui blinked and slowly took the flower from your hand. “Thank you…”
- He continued to look at you, waiting for an explanation for the unexpected gift.
- “I felt like giving a flower to you,” you giggled.
- Gui smiled and looked at the flower in hand, “It smells nice…like you.”
- Yoshino rested his hand on his chest and looked at you with wide eyes. “U-Uh, I..t-thank you.”
- You nodded and smiled sweetly, “This flower reminds me of you.”
- Your words made the singer’s heart leap, and he couldn’t stop smiling for the rest of the day. Not even when Mizuki accidentally kicked him.
- Sotetsu raised an eyebrow and smirked, “And what is this for?”
- “Nothing…I just wanted to give you a flower,” you chuckled and handed the neatly tied bunch to him.
- “Forget me not, huh?” Sotetsu grinned, “I would never forget the woman I love.”
- Yakou examined the flower and asked, “Is today a special day? Am I forgetting something?”
- “No, I felt like giving you this…for your versus,” you smiled.
- “This is…a gladiolus flower, right?” Yakou’s lips curled upwards, “This is your way of giving me the strength to fight, isn’t it?”
- “A…flower?” Kokuyou asked, slightly irritated. “Why give me a flower?”
- “Why not?”
- He stared at you blankly for a moment before bursting out in laughter. Kokuyou took the flower for your hand, “Next time, surprise me with a kiss.”
- Akira flashed a wide grin and took the flower from your hand, “The flower is pretty but not as pretty as you.”
- You giggled and playfully slapped his chest, “Flirt.”
- “You started it,” the singer laughed.
- Sin smiled and gently took hold of the stem. “Thank you. Would you like some tea?”
- “Sure. Hm?” You looked at him surprised, “No Singo today?”
- “I will speak in a manner you can understand as a thank you for the beautiful flower.” He gave you a glimpse of his rare soft expression.
- “What’s this for?” Taiga asked, surprised by the flower in front of his face.
- “Just felt like it,” you grinned.
- “O-Oh…,” Taiga took the rose from your hand, “thanks.”
- “Hey, Taiga, do you know what giving a red rose means?”
- “No…”
- “It means ‘I love you’,” you giggled teasingly and watched as the gamer’s face turned different shades of red.
- “Ah, thank you, but what is the occasion?” Takami asked as he examined the flower in his hand.
- “Nothing special.”
- “I see…,” he smiled, “have you heard the phrase there is no rose without a thorn?”
- You nodded and tilted your head, “Why do you ask?”
- “What would you do if I said I also have unremovable thorns? Would you still love me?”
- Rindou smiled and graciously accepted your present, “These are beautiful, thank you.”
- “I hope you like them.”
- “I love everything you give…because you are the one giving it to me,” he whispered and delicately brushed his fingers against your cheek.
- Sinju smiled and took the flower from your hand, “Thank you! What is this for?”
- “When I saw this sunflower, I thought of you…”
- Sinju flashed a toothy grin and wrapped his arms around you, “You always know how to make me happy.”
- Maica furrowed his brows together while taking the flower in his hand. “Thanks…but what are you giving me this?”
- “No reason.”
- “I see…,” Maica mumbled and took a quick selfie with the flower.
- “Maica, what are you doing?”
- “Taking a selfie so I upload the photo to my social media. After all, I have to let my followers know how cute my girlfriend is,” he smiled teasingly.
- Menou tilted his head slightly and blinked, “What is this flower for?”
- “No reason in particular.”
- He chuckled and accepted your gift, “Would you like to join me for a hot spring date later? It will just be the two of us all alone…”
- “Thank you,” Mokuren smiled, “Is this an edible flower?”
- “W-What? Mokuren!”
- Team C’s leader chuckled, “S-Sorry, I am hungry…”
- You shook your head and motioned towards the kitchen, “Let’s see if there’s any food in the kitchen. Just don’t eat the flower…”
- “This flower is beautiful,” Qu smiled gently, “thank you.”
- “Iris’s are beautiful, aren’t they?” You asked, admiring the blue flower in his hand.
- “They are, but not as beautiful as you,” he whispered before kissing the tip of your nose.
- Kasumi appeared behind you out of nowhere and whispered, “Oh, that flower is pretty.”
- You yelped and jumped. “K-Kasumi…stop doing that!”
- “S-Sorry,” he chuckled, “is that flower for me?”
- “It was, but now since you scared me, I won’t give it to you.”
- Kasumi pouted and pushed his bangs aside, showing you his puppy eyes. “I’m sorry, (y/n), please give me the flower.”
- “Thank you for the flowers,” he smiled, “are you free tomorrow?”
- “I always have time for you,” you giggled and winked.
- Hari blushed, cleared his throat, and muttered, “I feel like the luckiest man alive.”
- “Oya Oya,” Zakuro smirked as he studied the bloom in his hand, “are you attempting to flirt with me?”
- “Hm? Why do you say that?” You asked, genuinely confused.
- “By giving me a ranunculus, you’re telling me that you cannot resist my charm,” he chuckled teasingly, “so, (y/n), are you unable to resist my charm?”
- Mizuki accepted the flower but seemed a bit disappointed as he mumbled, “Thanks…”
- “Mizuki, you don’t like flowers?”
- “I want food…so next time gimme food, ‘kay? But…the flower is okay too,” he said, averting his eyes, “since it’s for you.”
- Kongou was surprised but graciously accepted the bloom. “Um, thank you. Is today a special day?”
- “I felt like giving a flower,” you giggled shyly, “but every day is special when I’m with you.”
- Kongou’s cheek turned crimson, hearing your sweet words. “I love you too…”
- “Thank you, but why did you give me two flowers?” He asked, tilting his head.
- “One is for you, the other is for Sabu.”
- “For…Sabu? You’re the best!” Ran beamed and hugged you, “Thank you for always remembering him. He loves you just as much as I do.”
- A wide smile danced on Heath’s lips as he took the flower. “Do you know the meaning behind this flower?”
- You shook your head, “What does this flower mean?”
- “Blue Salvia’s mean thinking of you,” Heath flashed a soft smile, “thank you for always thinking about me.”
- Rico thanked you for the flower and carefully placed it in his hair. “How do I look?”
- You stared at him in awe before taking out your phone and snapping a photo of him, much to his shock.
- You set the photo as your phone wallpaper and showed it to him. “See, you look amazing.”
- Rico blushed and gave you a genuine smile, “You’re too cute for your own good.”
- “T-Thank y-you,” Unei stuttered while taking the flower from your hand, “I-I’ll be right back.”
- He quickly walked to the office and came out with a box in hand. “I have nothing to give you in return, so…so…”
- Unei bowed and held the box in front of you, “I will be happy if you share my lunch with me.”