Forgive Me

Prompt: TWST scenario with fem reader going to see Riddle in the infirmary after his overblot incident, and Riddle is still very upset about what he did and how he treated the reader that he starts to cry again. The reader comforts him and hugs him.

Gender: fem!Reader

Word Count: 710

Riddle Banner Twisted

The nightmare had finally ended, but Riddle could not stop thinking about it. His duty was to lead the students of his dorm, to ensure their safety, and to care for the ones he loved, yet here he was in the infirmary after nearly killing some of his dorm members and you and destroying Heartslaybul’s courtyard. How could he let his mind lose control?

He sank further into the pillow behind him and sighed, “I should have listened…”

Right as you were about to knock on the infirmary door, you heard him say, “I would not blame them for hating me…”

Quietly opening the door, you forced the corners of your lips up, “Riddle…how are you feeling?”

“(Y/n)…do you hate me?” He asked without meeting your eyes. “You have every reason to…”

“No, Riddle, I could never hate you,” you gently assured as you dragged your feet towards his bed.

“(Y/n), I am…I am so s-sorry.” Riddle’s tears spilled onto his bed, tainting the purity of the white sheets, “I k-know mother mea-meant well, but I only wa-wanted a little freedom…”


Bending down, you firmly wrapped your arms around your boyfriend’s shaking body. Your chest began to grow heavy as his words finally sank in. A little freedom, that’s all he ever asked for, but his wish was never granted. By no means did you want to judge his mother’s parenting skills, but you dearly wished she had considered his feelings.

“Riddle, please don’t be so hard on yourself. Trust me when I say that all of us are relieved to see you unharmed. You have no idea how worried we were…,” you mumbled, blinking back your tears. “No one, not your friends nor dorm members, hates you. After what happened, we all understand you much better.”


You released him from your embrace and looked at his reddened face with a smile, “Yes! Our Riddle is neither a tyrant nor a stickler for rules. He is a cutie who wants to spend time with his friends, wants freedom, and wants to eat all the strawberry tarts in the world. Not to mention, he’s a softie who cries easily.”

“I don’t cry easily,” he pouted while flashing you a playful glare.

“Your red eyes and nose would disagree,” you giggled but soon became serious. “Riddle, please don’t ever think that I would hate you. I could never hate the man I love with all my heart, especially a man who I want to continue loving for the rest of my life.”

As you openly confessed your true feelings, you leaned closer to his face. Heartslaybul’s prefect momentarily froze when he felt your soft lips pressed against his, but soon, Riddle encircled his arms around your waist and returned your kiss. Unbeknownst to you or your boyfriend, a few students stood by the entrance, staring at the two of you with their jaws dropped.

“(Y/n) and Riddle, sitting on a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g~” Cater began to sing, prompting you to break the kiss.

“Get a room, you two!” Ace frowned and crossed his arms, “No one wants to see their dorm leader kissing…”

“Ace…they are in a room….we’re the ones that barged in without knocking,” Deuce added, his cheeks colored with a hint of red.

“Ace, stop acting like this is the first time you have seen two people kissing,” Trey shook his head and chuckled.

“Look, I just don’t want to see my dorm’s prefect kissing his girlfriend.”

“Ace…” Riddle called out after quietly watching his friends’ interactions.


“Off with your head,” he said with a smile.


“For entering my room without knocking and witnessing a private moment with my girlfriend,” Riddle replied instantly.

As Riddle and Ace bickered, a playful idea surfaced in your mind. You turned your lover’s face towards you and captured his lips once again, shocking everyone in the room. It was your way of telling the others to get out and leave the two of you alone, and fortunately for you, within a few seconds, Riddle’s friends hurried out.

“W-What was that f-for?” He asked, trying his hardest to hide his blush-covered cheeks.

“Nothing~ I just left like kissing you,” you giggled, making him blush harder.

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