Galaxy Eyes

Prompt: Let’s have the brothers and dateables with an MC that has Galaxy eyes (she has no whites in her eyes like a normal person). Her eyes are a glossy purple-blue with white star-flecks that twinkle when she’s very excited/happy, if she cries, she has sparkly tears, and if she blushes; she blushes a purple dust across her face and cheeks with mini constellations. 

Gender: fem!Reader


  • Lucifer finds your unusual features to be breathtaking, especially your purple blush with the mini constellations. He teases you quite often just to be able to see your blush.
  • He worries that demons may try to kidnap you due to your exceptional appearance. For this reason, he is extra protective of you, and when you don’t come home on time, he is ready to send a search party out.
  • The Avatar of Pride doesn’t like being in the same room as you when he has to focus on work; he gets easily distracted by you and finds himself staring at you for a prolonged period, forgetting his work in the process.


  • The first few times Mammon tries to talk to you, he stops in the middle of a sentence and continues to stare into your mesmerizing eyes, forgetting what he wants to say.
  • When he sees you cry, the Avatar of Greed can’t help but try to think of ways to sell your tears. Then he mentally kicks himself for thinking about that; he’s supposed to be comforting you, not getting carried away by your shimmering tears.
  • His favorite feature of yours is the purple dust with constellations. Mammon finds women extra cute when they blush, but adding a shade of purple and some constellations makes it a whole lot more irresistible.
  • He still can’t bring himself to confess that he likes you, but you already know from the way he looks at you and acts around you.


  • When Levi first sees you, he is a bit freaked out, but the more he stares at you, the more he starts to love your unusual features.
  • He often sees men trying to get your attention and thinks they’re crazy, but Levi would be lying if he said he didn’t care for your attention.
  • When you start to take notice of him, The Avatar of Envy is nervous, but at the same time, he feels special.
  • He never thought someone as breathtaking as you would be interested in him. Levi still can’t believe he got lucky enough to be able to be with you.
  • You are his treasure in every sense – a treasure he is afraid of losing to someone else.


  • When Satan first sees you, he thinks you are an alien spy sent to Devildom, most likely to keep an eye on Diavolo. Then he pauses and reminds himself that he is not in a movie nor is he a detective.
  • He is so curious about your family that Satan is trying to find out about your origin or at least get a  hint of why your features are so different.
  • The Avatar of Wrath loves examining your face, especially when you blush, he likes seeing the constellations across your cheeks. Sometimes he even points out the different constellations and tells you about them.
  • He thinks of himself as a lucky man to be able to be with someone as beautiful as you. You’re precious to him, and if any male tries to hit on you, Satan won’t hesitate to teach that man his place.


  • You’re the most beautiful person Asmo has ever seen.
  • Though he loves everything about you, his favorite is the twinkling when you get excited. He tries his best to get you excited for this reason, be it by buying you a gift, complementing your new outfit, or paying attention to the little details you didn’t think anyone would notice.
  • Asmo hates to see you cry, but he thinks your sparkling tears are pretty. How he wishes he could catch your teardrops and turn them into priceless jewels.
  • He believes you are an alien, even if you say it as a joke; maybe your ancestors migrated to the human world way back when. Whatever the case, Asmo can spend hours admiring your face and eyes.


  • Beel thinks you’re very pretty and loves to look into your eyes. The Avatar of Gluttony likes your galaxy eyes so much that he sometimes even forgets to eat when he’s lost in them…until his stomach causes an earthquake, and you giggle as a result.
  • Whenever you blush, Beel pouts and says he wants your blush to be orange so that it matches his hair color.
  • Unlike some of his brothers, Beel doesn’t mind men flocking around you, but the second someone makes you feel uncomfortable or picks on you for being different, he will be standing in front of you in his demon form, ready to attack if necessary.


  • Belphie stares into your eyes all the time, especially when the two of you are lying in bed before or after a nap.
  • Though he’s fond of your galaxy eyes, his favorite is your blush. Belphie purposely teases you just so he says, “your cheeks match my eyes”.
  • Unlike his twin, the Avatar of Sloth hates it when men try to get your attention or comment about your unique features. He doesn’t attack, mainly due to his laziness, but makes sure to taunt them in a way that shuts them up immediately.
  • He knows you’re joking when you say you’re an alien, but Belphie really wants to know more about you. Unfortunately, his laziness gets in the way, so he hopes one of his brothers eventually learns about your origins and tells him.


  • Being the curious man he is, the first time Diavolo sees you, he bombards you with questions. Why are your eyes like that? Are you really human? If so, why do you look different?
  • When you jokingly say you are an alien, Diav believes you. He immediately says, “It’s an honor to meet an alien. I was always curious to learn what they’re like.”
  • Finding this adorable, you decide not to tell him that you are joking – at least not for now.
  • The prince thinks you’re gorgeous, and his opinion only gets stronger when he sees you crying. Even your tears are different. Could you possibly get any more beautiful?


  • Barbatos knows you are coming to Devildom way before the exchange program. He is very curious to see you in person, and when he does meet you, the demon butler finds himself attracted to you.
  • Whenever you joke about being an alien, Barb always chuckles knowingly. When you question him, he gives the same reply, “Who knows, maybe I know about your ancestors and origin.”
  • Not many things surprise Barb but your tears are a different story. The butler can’t get over your sparkling tears. How can someone look so beautiful while crying?
  • He holds you very close to his heart and loves everything about you.


  • Simeon isn’t sure what to think about your alien-like look. He knows for a fact that no human is supposed to look like you, so who exactly are you?
  • He hears you joking about being an alien but thinks there is some hidden truth behind your words.
  • Being an angel, Simeon knows it’s wrong to judge you based on your appearance, so he pushes all his thoughts aside and gets to know you.
  • After staring into your eyes, seeing your purple constellation blush, and your twinkling eyes, he realizes he has fallen for you.
  • He has met beautiful women before but not as breathtaking as you. God truly created you to be one of a kind.


  • Luke is afraid of you when he first sees you. He has seen humans, demons, and a variety of creatures in his life, but a human with galaxy eyes? The thought never crossed his mind.
  • The young angel eventually gets used to your eyes, but once again freaks out when he sees the purple blush and constellations on your cheeks.
  • “Are you sure you’re not an alien?”
  • “Oh, I’m an alien.”
  • You meant it as a joke but the young angel takes it seriously and runs away in fear. It takes a lot of convincing from you and Simeon to get Luke to talk to you again.
  • You learn a very valuable lesson from this: not everyone is going to understand your alien joke, and some will not take it well.


  • Solomon is enchanted by your features, namely your eyes. He can’t remember the last time a woman had such a strong impact on him as you did.
  • Not wanting anyone else to take you, Solomon starts to court you immediately. You pick up on his interest in you and even give him a chance.
  • Sometimes you find Solomon staring at you, and when you ask him why he’s staring, he says the same words each time, “I may be a powerful sorcerer but not even I have the ability to create anything as magical as you.”
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