Fandom: BSTS, TWST, OM
Prompt: HCs for how a meeting between Idia, Levi, and Taiga would go down.
- The three men were teleported to an unknown room and were shocked to see the unfamiliar surroundings. They stared at each other for quite a while in silence until Taiga mumbled, “I am going to play games…”
- “Y-You’re a g-gamer too?” Idia and Levi asked in unison.
- Once again awkward silence filled the room as they stared at each other in disbelief.
- “Y-You…look like a n-normie,” Levi muttered while looking at Taiga, then shifted his gaze to Idia, “you…wo-woah, is your h-hair on fire!?”
- Taiga raised his eyebrow and cautiously walked closer to the blue-haired man, causing Idia to shrink into a corner.
- “It definitely looks like fire, and the movement is also similar…,” Taiga smiled, “that’s pretty cool.”
- “S-So, where a-are we…and h-how do we get out?” Levi questioned as he looked around the small, simple room.
- “W-What’s th-that?” Idia pointed towards a small button on the opposite side of the room.
- Levi nervously pressed the button, causing the room to shake for a few seconds before revealing a door.
- Taiga twisted the doorknob and stepped into a room that looked like a high-tech gaming facility. “This room looks like every gamer’s dream.”
- “Y-Yeah,” Levi nodded, “w-why are there t-three computers?”
- The three men assumed to return to their world, they would have to compete with each other.
- “I’ll win no matter what,” they whispered in sync.
- The three looked at each other shocked and yet again they had an awkward staring contest.
- For a while, Taiga, Levi, and Idia tried to compete but in vain. They each had their specialty and were stuck in an endless “tied game” cycle.
- “Hm…you two aren’t bad at all,” Taiga lazily said with a smirk.
- “Y-Yeah…” Levi agreed while Idia wordlessly glanced at the two out of the corners of his eyes.
- “Why don’t we try working together? Maybe we can come up with a way out of here faster.”
- Taiga’s words shocked both men, and they looked at him with wide eyes and open mouths.
- “W-Work…t-together?” The blue-haired man asked, “y-you wa-want to work w-with me?”
- “And…m-me?” Levi asked, tilting his head to one side.
- “Yeah, why not? I mean I am used to working in a team, and it’ll benefit all of us if we put our brains together,” Taiga smiled and rubbed the back of his head.
- “L-Like f-friends?” Idia questioned still in shock.
- “I guess…”
- “O-Okay,” Levi smiled and gave Taiga a firm nod.
- While Levi toyed with the game, Taiga hacked into the mainframe, and Idia examined and made modifications to the machines.
- It took a few hours, but when they finished, a message flashed on the computer screens, “You win! Portal access unlocked. Please wait for the portals to appears.”
- “YAHOO, we did it!” Taiga’s loud voice startled the other two men.
- Idia looked around the room and slowly raised his hand, mumbling, “Yahoo.”
- Levi smiled and threw one of his hands up in the air, “Yahoo.”
- “Well, friends, we did it. Looks like we just have to wait,” Taiga chuckled and plopped onto one of the chairs.
- “F-Friends?” The other two asked in harmony.
- “Yeah,” the purpled-haired man smiled, “nice to meet you guys. My name is Taiga, I’m 25 years old and am a performer. I like to play games, know how to hack, and have an older brother…who is missing. When I’m not on stage or playing games, I’m looking for him.”
- “P-Performer? Stage?” Levi blinked rapidly and covered his mouth with one hand, “Y-You’re an idol?”
- “Um…not exactly…I work at a show restaurant. I am in a team with 5 members, and one of us sings while the others act and dance…”
- “But that st-still makes you an i-idol…you have fans, right?” The corners of Levi’s lips curled up as he asked eagerly.
- “Yeah, I do.”
- “You…stand on s-stage in f-front of people…?” Idia mumbled as a shiver ran down his spine. Just the thought of having all those eyes on him made him want to hide under his bed.
- “Yeah, I get nervous sometimes, but it’s fun,” Taiga replied, “especially when the fans chant my name.”
- “I should introduce myself too. H-Hi, I am Leviathan. I like anime, idols, games, TSL, and Ruri-chan. Um, I have 6 brothers…,” Levi glanced at Taiga, “I hope you find your brother soon. I also live in Devildom…and am a d-demon.”
- “Thanks, Le- wait, what? You’re a….demon? Like the ones with horns and wings?” The purpled-haired man asked in utter shock as Idia backed away from Levi.
- “Y-Yeah….want to see?” The demon unleashed his demonic form, causing the other men to grow fearful for a moment. Taiga slowly got closer to Levi and reached for his horns while Idia touched the tail.
- “You know…there’s a myth in my world that has a sea serpent name Leviathan,” Taiga said, “oddly enough, you have a serpent-like tail…and scales.”
- “T-That’s…a-amazing…,” Idia showed a toothy grin, “I am I-Idia Shroud. I have a yo-younger brother, Ortho, and I like g-gaming. I d-don’t like to leave m-my room. N-Nice to me-meet you…I guess…”
- Just as the fire-haired man finished introducing himself, three portals opened, one behind each of the men.
- “Um…so it’s t-time to go?” Levi asked, studying the three color-coded portals.
- “Yeah…but I wonder why we were brought here, and who was responsible,” Taiga mumbled, resting his hands on his hips.
- “I-Is it o-okay to g-go through t-these po-portals?” Idia asked, rubbing his left hand on his right upper arm.
- “We won’t know until we try,” Taiga sighed, “it was nice meeting you two. You guys are pretty cool…”
- “T-Thanks.” Idia’s lips slowly curled upwards, revealing his sharp teeth.
- “You are c-cool too,” Levi mumbled and blushed. “Will…we be able to meet each other again?”
- “Maybe, if we get called here again…or by some miracle. Um, I know the two of you will not be able to come, but here.” Taiga handed the two men tickets to Team W’s performance,“ My team has a show coming up soon…”
- “G-Good luck,” Levi smiled and accepted the black ticket with red writing.
- “T-Thanks.” Idia graciously took the laminated paper.
- The three men waved to each other before walking towards the portals closest to them in hopes that they will meet again someday.