Achievement Unlocked: Glasses Obtained

Prompt: Can I request whoever wears glasses, where you and they are close but not dating but you know everyone KNOWS? One day you two are alone and you get the brave idea of…moving closer to them… your faces are so close to each other’s… it feels warm, you are nervous to do this… you give them a smoo… smoo- you smoo…smoothly steal the glasses right from their face. You have successfully obtained glasses. You celebrate and put them on. You have glasses now. Did anyone witness that scene right now? Who knows. Who cares. you have their glasses.

Gender: gn!Reader

Taka Banner
  • Takami curiously watched as you shifted closer to him. Were you about to kiss him? Your face and pursed lips said yes, but the spark of mischief in your eyes said maybe not.
  • Right as you were about to press your lips on his, he gave up on the idea of “you were up to by something” and prepared for a kiss.
  • Did you just…steal his glasses? Takami was genuinely shocked to learn you did all that just to get his glasses.
  • As you put on his glasses and enjoyed your victory, you heard multiple people laughing above you. Not caring, you ignored the noise, but Takami looked up to see Akira, Ran, and Mizuki laughing their heads off.
  • Chuckling, he turned his attention back to you. “You know you could’ve just asked to wear my glasses.”
Rin Banner
  • Rindou was surprised that you wanted to kiss him, but at the same time, he felt happy. Maybe the two of you will finally start dating after the kiss.
  • He leaned forward, preparing to pucker up his lips but froze when you took off his glasses and backed away from his face. You…weren’t going to kiss him?
  • Though he was supposed to be upset by your actions, Rindou couldn’t help but smile after seeing you with his glasses. “They look good on you.”
  • Behind the two of you stood Sinju and Ginsei with red cheeks and a hint of disappointment in their eyes. They were secretly cheering for you to kiss him, but guess Rindou will have to continue waiting for your confession.
Unei Banner
  • Unei wasn’t sure what to do. Kissing in a public place wasn’t a good idea, but if he moved away or asked you to stop, then you might get upset. But this was his first kiss, and that too with the person he liked.
  • His face looked like a tomato, his heart was beating out of control, and his mind was excited. Huh? What…just…happened?
  • Unei felt his excitement deflating little by little as he watched you examining his glasses. You only wanted his glasses? You didn’t want to kiss him?
  • Though he was sad, Unei forced himself to look on the positive side—you were happy, he didn’t have to worry about kissing in public, and you looked great in his eyewear. There is always a next time…hopefully, you will kiss him next time.
Hari Banner
  • Hari’s face slowly changed colors as he saw you inching closer and closer to his face. You two weren’t dating, but you were ready to kiss him? Rather bold of you.
  • Just as he was getting excited to feel your lips on his, you swiped his glasses and did a little victory dance, leaving him speechless.
  • Why would anyone go to this extent to get his glasses? Why did you tease him for naught? No matter, maybe another day. He cleaned his throat and turned his face away to hide his disappointment.
  • From the window behind you two, Yakou and Taiga stared in shock and confusion. What just happened? The two men exchanged a look before walking away, not wanting to talk about what they witnessed.
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