By Kiara | May 8, 2024 Hair & Height Preference Prompt: I’m curious if guys prefer short or long hair thanks you!A/N: When the Starless men are involved, a simple “short” or “long” will not do. 😂 Long Hair:Yoshino, Takami, Qu, Mokuren, Maica, Zakuro, Rico, UneiShort Hair: Sotetsu, Ran, Iwami, Nekome, Menou, HinataYou look good in all haircuts:Kei, Ginsei, Yakou, Akira, Sin, Rindou, Sinju, Hari, Kongou, Kasumi, Heath, AogiriDoesn’t understand why you’re asking him which hair length he prefers:Gui, Kokuyou, Taiga, Mizuki Prompt: Who do you think in starless would prefer to date a tall or short girl (specify height pls)?Gender: fem!Reader Under 5’4″:K: Kei, Ginsei, Yakou, SotetsuW: AkiraB: Kongou, RanC: Mokuren, ZakuroP: Rindou, MaicaStaff: IwamiOver 5’5″:W: TaigaB: Rico, MizukiC: HariP: NekomeStaff: UneiDoesn’t care about height:K: Yoshino, GuiW: Kokuyou, Sin, TakamiB: HeathC: Qu, KasumiP: Sinju, Menou
Possible Fanclub Names Blackstar Theater Starless, Management, Team B, Team C, Team K, Team P, Team W / By Kiara
And the Best Booty Goes To Blackstar Theater Starless, Comfort, Heath, Kokuyou, Kongou, Maica, Qu, Rindou, Sotetsu, Yoshino / By Kiara
Best Booty Revisited Blackstar Theater Starless, Comedy, Heath, Kei, Maica, Qu, Rindou, Yakou / By Kiara