
Prompt: Kokuyou birthday fic.

Gender: fem!Reader

Word Count: 1,342

Koku Banner

Every time the “who has a girlfriend” conversation came up, most cast members of Starless loved to gossip about each other. Due to his unruly, bad-boy nature and rough treatment of women, the members never linked Kokuyou with dating. Little did they know, the red-headed man had a secret—a secret that only Mizuki knew about but promised to keep his lips sealed. The uninterested bad boy had someone special, a sweet yet stubborn female who would await his return every night.

“We’re home! Nee-chan, where is the cake? Gimme cake!” Mizuki flung open the door to Kokuyou’s apartment. “Nee-chan!” The young boy scanned the tiny yet cozy apartment for any signs of his brother’s girlfriend, but to his dismay, neither she nor the cake was in sight.

“Ya think she forgot what day it is?” Mizuki puffed his cheek and moved his eyes to Kokuyou. “Koku nii-chan? Ya okay? Wait, you don’t look too hot.”

“Shut up, Mizuki. I’m going to go shower. The older man walked away with an irritated expression plastered to his handsome face. She didn’t forget, right? No way she would forget.

“Nee-chan, where didja go? The hyper boy swiped Kokuyou’s phone and pulled up the text messenger. “I’m so gonna get in trouble, but whatever.”

Kokuyou: Nee-chan, WRY!!?
You: Nee-chan? Mizuki?
Kokuyou: Heya!
Kokuyou: Sooo where didja go?
Kokuyou: You forget what day it is?
You: Mizuki, hold on. Does Kokuyou know you’re using his phone?
Kokuyou: Nah. I don’t wanna die.
You: And how did you get his password?
Kokuyou: Guessed. It’s your name and his name.
You: …..
Kokuyou: Nee-chan?
You: Remind me to give him a kiss for that.
You: Mizuki, language!
You: Also let’s see you think kissing is gross once you get a gf. 😛
Kokuyou: Nah, I don’t need one.
You: We’ll see~!
You: Anyway, Mizuki, I need your help.
Kokuyou: Oh shit. Nii-chan is done showerin. Gtg. Sry!

The feral child quickly deleted the text messages, trying hard to not let his quivering, sweaty palm get the better of him. He flashed a smug grin and mumbled to himself, “Guess I get to live another day.

Who the hell are you talking to? Kokuyou strolled out of his room with only a pair of black sweatpants that showed off his attractive Adonis belt.

“Just talkin to myself, Mizuki said as he lazily fell back onto the black futon behind him. His amber eyes carefully followed his brother’s chaotic movements from the kitchen to his bedroom and back to the kitchen. “Whatcha lookin’ for?”

Kokuyou quietly went about the apartment, ignoring the younger boy’s questions. It’s like she hasn’t been here all day. Where the hell is she? The agitated man grabbed his phone and checked the notifications but found nothing. The slight glimmer of hope in his piercing red eyes began to fade.

“Why dontcha just call her? Team B’s leader attempted to suppress his laughter as he saw a range of emotions dancing across the handsome man’s face. Kokuyou let out a low grumble before stomping to his bedroom and slamming the door behind him. After a few minutes, he marched into the living room dressed in black jeans and a dark blue sleeveless tank, “I’m going for a walk. Don’t wander off.”

Kokuyou still couldn’t believe that she had forgotten, but then again, why should he care? He’s a tough man who only cares about Starless and his performance. Nothing else.

Kokuyou kept chanting these words in his mind, like a mantra, while taking a long puff of his cigarette. Even this wasn’t enough to calm his agitated nerves, so he decided to go to the only place that could give him solace—the original Theater Starless.

“At least this place won’t-“The muscular male froze in his tracks and scanned the place he once used to call home. The debris scattered on the dilapidated floor was now gone, the overturned tables were set properly, the faded burgundy sofas were arranged neatly in front of the stage, and the stage was now covered with lit candles.

After a few moments of utter confusion, the tall male noticed a table in the middle of the stage and cautiously approached it. The wooden table was hidden beneath an elegant red satin cloth that glistened under the candlelight. Kokuyou intensely studied the arrangements on the round table in front of him. Black ceramic dinner plates with silver utensils were placed on opposite sides of the table, two slim crystal wine glasses with matted gold swirls on the base stood tall in front of the plates, and red rose petals were arbitrarily scattered on the satin cloth. In the center was a small black ganache cake decorated with detailed red roses around the base and the words “Happy Birthday Handsome beautifully written on it.

As Kokuyou attempted to digest the situation in front of him, he failed to sense the presence of another person behind the tattered stage curtains. For a few moments, you secretly watched the red-headed man with a content expression before slowly walking out.

“Where is it? You mumbled to yourself while carefully scanning the floorboards on the stage, “I’m sure it’s somewhere here.

Your boyfriend stood in a mute stupor as his eyes followed you, leaving him even more baffled. He continued to observe you, but when you walked past him, he grabbed your arm and said, “Oi, what are you looking for?

Your happiness.”

Kokuyou was caught off by your straightforward answer. “My…happiness?

You seem to have lost it somewhere, so I came to look in the place that is closest to your heart. It’s somewhere here, right? You smiled sweetly before wrapping your small arms around his large, muscular torso. “Help me find it!

Woman, what are you talking about? Stop beating around the bush. His eyebrows furrowed together, indicating that his patience was growing thin.

“I’m not beating around the bush, you chuckled cutely. “Ever since you’ve joined the new Starless, you…you haven’t been happy. You’re either angry, agitated, or frustrated. Kokuyou, I want to see you happy—the happiness you felt when you performed here.

While you were occupied with your monologue, Kokuyou stared at you with an unusually soft expression—an expression that no one else had seen. Before you could continue your speech any further, Kokuyou placed his left hand behind your head and pulled you into a tender kiss. His slightly chapped lips slowly moved against your mouth as he pressed your small frame into his muscular one.

“Stupid, Kokuyou mumbled before pulling his lips away, leaving you breathless and wanting more. His piercing eyes locked with your orbs. “My happiness is here in front of me, so stop looking for it.”

His unexpected words painted your cheeks red. “Since when do you say such sappy things?”

Kokuyou chortled, pressing his lips to your cheek, “Don’t get used to it. His lips trailed down your neck, leaving goosebumps in its wake. “You look beautiful, he whispered in a deep, husky voice before burying his face in your neck, “You should wear red more often.

” Thanks, you mumbled, trying your best not to let Kokuyou know you were aroused, “But Kokuyou, dinner first.”

The muscular man let out a groan and reluctantly released you from his embrace. “You better be damned prepared for what’s coming after dinner.

I assume we’ll be spending the night here since Mizuki is at home. Oh, wait. Speaking of Mizuki, you got up on your toes and placed a soft kiss on your boyfriend’s lips. “There.

What was that for? The tall male raised his eyebrow, confused at the mention of Mizuki’s name.

“For your Birthday. Happy Birthday, my love. You said in a playful voice while wrapping your arms tighter around him. Though you wanted to tell him that you and Mizuki knew the password to his phone, you decided to keep it a secret. After all, the last thing you wanted was for your boyfriend to kill his younger brother, too, on his Birthday.

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