By Kiara | April 17, 2024 Expressing Happiness Through Lips An upturned mouthJoyfully parted lipsA bright, genuine smileA playful smirkVibrant, colorful lipsA content sigh as the lips spread into a smileA soft chuckle as the lips curl upwards into a half-smileSmiling broadly, with the corners of the lips turned upLaughing, with the mouth open in a big grinCheering, with the lips forming an “O” shapeA wide smile across the lipsPursed lips in a smug look of gleeLips parted in a sweet, innocent grinLips quivering with anticipationLips curved into a mischievous, almost sinful grinA tender smileLips pressed together in a determined grinA subtle curving of the lips in a satisfied grinPlayful, teasing grin