For You

Prompt: Can I request headcanons for a fem!reader shorter than Yoshino trying to give all the starless guys headpats? 

Gender: fem!Reader

Above 180 cm:

Sin Banner
  • You are determined to pat the head of the tallest members in starless, and NOTHING can stop you, not even your height.
  • Sin repeatedly watches you stand on your toes, reach for his head, lose your balance, and fall against his chest.  
  • After numerous failed attempts, Sin wordlessly picks you up by your waist and lifts you enough to let you touch his head.
  • As you pat away, Sin intensely watches you, waiting to see your reactions once you realize how close your face is to his.
Kong Banner
  • Kongou blinks in confusion when he sees you get on your toes and attempt to touch his head.
  • He stares at you quietly as you look around the room, grab a chair, climb up, and pat his head.
  • “All you wanted was to pat my head? Why didn’t you just ask?” Kongou heartily laughs as he helps you off the chair.
Koku Banner
  • Kokuyou watches you curiously as you stand in front of him and jump with your hand reached up.
  • “What are…you doing?” He asks in a slightly irritated voice, his eyebrow twitching.
  • When you don’t answer, he kabedons you against the alley wall and locks his eyes with yours, “Behave yourself; otherwise, I will gobble you up.”
Qu Banner
  • Qu tilts his head and watches you in amusement as you stand on your toes and try to reach for his head. “My dear, is there something I can help you with?”
  • “All I want to do is pat your head. Who told you to be so tall?”
  • Qu lifts you by your waist and helps you onto the office room sofa before stepping closer to you. His golden eyes peer at you from his long eyelashes as he flashes a charming smile, “Is this better?”
So Banner
  • Sotetsu knows what you are trying to do and gets on his toes to prevent you from reaching his head.
  • The more you protest, the more he laughs and messes with you.
  • If you don’t give up, Sotetsu will turn your back to him, latch onto your wrists, and whisper in your ears, “Stop being so cute…or else, I will make you regret it.”
Kei Banner
  • Kei silently watches you get on your toes and struggle to reach his head. Just when he thought you couldn’t possibly get any more adorable, you proved him wrong. 
  • He gives you a soft smile as he bends down to your height, bringing his face closer to you and giving you access to his head. 
  • “Have I told you how cute you are?” He whispered, hitting the deeper ranges of his already deep voice. As a shudder runs through your body, Kei chuckles and pecks your nose. 
Neko Banner
  • Nekome is about to greet you, but seeing a glint of excitement in your eyes, he stops.
  • He waits for you to take action, and when you get up on your toes to reach his head, Nekome brushes his lips against your fingers, earning a gasp from you.
  • “What was that for?”
  • “Hm? Were you not trying to get a kiss from me?” He innocently asks, “Ah, I know what the problem is. I didn’t kiss you in the right place, correct?”
  • Before you can answer to question, Nekome places a kiss on the corner of your lips. “Is this place better?”

175 to 180 cm

Rico Banner
  • The second you try to reach for his head, Rico grabs your wrist and sighs, “What do you think you’re doing?”
  • When you tell him you want to pat his head, he frowns, “Why should I let you? Hm…let’s play a little game: if you do something to please me, I will let you pat my head.”
  • Rico watches a range of emotions flash across your face, making him chuckle, “So, my little bird, what will you do for me?”
Moku Banner
  • Mokuren is not pleased with you for trying to touch their head. The more you attempt, the more irritated they get.
  • No matter how many times you try to be cute, make puppy eyes, or plead, Mokuren refuses to let you touch their hair.
  • “Oh, Moku, if you let me pat your head, I will cook for you.”
  • In a flash, they sit down and let you pat their head to your heart’s content.
Hari Banner
  • Hari isn’t fond of anyone touching his hair, so when you try to reach towards his head, he politely holds your hand. “Please refrain yourself from tussling my hair.”
  • You nod, but knowing that Hari likes to be prim and proper, you say, “Oh, Hari, your shoelace is untied.”
  • He thanks you and bends down. Taking this opportunity, you giggle and pat his head before walking away. Hari can’t believe he fell for your trap.
Aki Banner
  • Akira follows your hand as you continuously jump with your arm stretched out. “Um…are you drunk or somethin’?” He asks while looking at you like you are crazy.
  • Once you pout and tell him what you were trying to do, Akira laughs and ruffles your hair, “Then why didn’t you just say so?”
  • He lowers his head and places your hand on top of his head, “There.”
Gui Banner
  • Gui is puzzled when you try to touch his head. He copies your actions, making you laugh.
  • “Gui, what are you doing?”
  • “Following along. Am I not supposed to do that?” His innocent expression melts your heart.
  • After you explain to him, Gui is even more confused, but he asks only one question, “Will patting my head make you happy?”
  • Seeing your nod, Gui smiles and brings his head to your height.
Kas Banner
  • At first, Kasumi thinks you are trying to move his bangs aside, so he playfully dodges.
  • “Hold still. I just want to pat your head.”
  • Kasumi is a bit puzzled and wonders why you want to pat his head, but he bends down anyway.
  • Amidst patting his head, you notice him gently gazing at you with his steel-colored eyes through the gap of his bangs.
Heat Banner
  • Heath quietly follows your hand to his head and tilts his head, “What’s…wrong?”
  • You shake your head and get on your toes, leaving the rapper even more confused. Not knowing what to do, Heath bends down and lets your fingertips graze his hair.
  • When he sees your satisfied smile, Heath feels his heart skip a beat.
Rin Banner
  • Rindou is surprised when you suddenly run up to him and jump while holding your hand close to his face. “Careful, you may hurt yourself if you lose your balance. Also, what are you trying to do? Did Mizuki put you up to this?”
  • “Nope, I just want to pat your head, but first, I need to remove your hat.”
  • He smiles sweetly, removes his hat, and places it on your head. Rindou then kneels in front of you before kissing the back of your hand and resting it on his head. “Your wish is my command.”
Gins Banner
  • Ginsei watches you in confusion for a while. Seeing that you will not give up whatever you are up to, he asks, “Princess, what are you trying to do?” 
  • When you tell him you want to pat his head, he leads you to a chair before sitting down. “Pat away.” 
  • He can’t stop smiling after seeing how happy you look while patting his head. 
Sinju Banner
  • Sinju watches you with wide eyes as you run towards him with full force and nearly knock him backward with your hug. Before he can say anything, you place your hand on his shoulder and jump up.
  • He isn’t sure what is going on and is too shocked to ask what you are doing. All Sinju can do is stare at you, baffled and a bit scared.
  • “Ah, I thought I could touch your head,” you pout.
  • Sinju wraps his arms around you and rests his forehead on your shoulder. “Now you can.”

Under 175 cm

Taka Banner
  • Takami sees you reaching for his hair and quickly dodges. He curiously asks, “And what might you be doing?” 
  • “Trying to pat your head.” 
  • Takami looks at you, a bit stunned, not expecting you to say that. “Well, that sounds like a wish I can fulfill…but why ask for something so simple?” 
  • He ends up smoothly changing the topic, making you forget all about wanting to pat his head. 
Mizu Banner
  • Every time you try to reach for his head, he tilts his head back. “The hell are you doin’? Knock it off, it’s annoying.”
  • “But your head looks so pat-able.”
  • Finding your words sweet, Mizuki pouts and leans down, “Only this one time.”
  • Mizuki’s cheeks turn red, and he averts his eyes, secretly enjoying your headpats.
Tai Banner
  • Taiga quietly watches you get on your toes and reach for his head. He rapidly blinks a few times but doesn’t protest and even leans down. 
  • As you pat his head, the gamer stares at you blankly, but the more he stares, the more he realizes just how close you are. Not that he is complaining. 
  • How Taiga wishes he had the courage to lean in and steal a kiss from you. If he did, would you get mad at him? But…better safe than sorry. 
Ran Banner
  • Ran gets what you are trying to do right away and mimics you. When you jump, he jumps, which makes it even more difficult for you to reach his heights. 
  • You ask him to stop, and he cluelessly says, “But I thought we were playing a game.” 
  • If Ran wants to pay like this, then you weren’t planning to back off either. “So, how does Sabu look when he wants you to pet his head?” 
  • As soon as Ran bends down to mimic Sabu, you pat his head and giggle, “Good boy.” 
Zaku Banner
  • Zakuro’s eye twitches when he sees you trying to reach his head. “Oya oya, what are you doing?” 
  • When you say you want to touch his head, he immediately refuses, “Ara ara, if you want to pat someone, go find a puppy…or a member of Team B.” 
  • “A member…of Team B?” 
  • “Wan wan.” Zakuro chuckles and walks away with a little skip to his step. 
Mai Banner
  • Maica frowns when you block his path and try to touch his hair. He.
  • No matter how much you protest, Maica refuses to let you pat his head.
  • As soon as you start pouting, he pulls you into a tight hug and doesn’t let go until you get rid of the idea of touching his hair. 
Yak Banner
  • Yakou stares at you blankly when you try to reach his head, but you fail several times.
  • He doesn’t know what’s going on but decides to see how things play out. Just then, you pull him by his collar to your height and pat his head.
  • Yakou stares at you with wide eyes as you walk away happily, announcing you have three more members to go.
  • He isn’t sure what you just did and why, but his cheeks turn red. He already knew you were adorable, but this time around, you crossed all limits of cuteness.
Menou Banner
  • Menou notices you eyeing his head and thinks you may be up to something. So, when you try to stand on your toes, he already knows what you want to do. 
  • To stop you from achieving your goal, Menou rests his arms on your head and uses it as a pillow. “How comfortable.” 
  • His actions shock you, but you are even more shocked when you start to feel Menou’s weight on your head. “W-Wait, Menou, are you dozing off? Menou!” 
  • A few moments later, Team P walks in to find you lying on the floor with Menou, using your body as a pillow. 
Unei Banner
  • Unei is startled when you burst into management’s office and yell, “Second last member!” 
  • You march up to him and start patting his head. Even though he is baffled, Unei’s mind goes blank, and his cheeks redden. Could this be your way of showing affection? 
  • When you stop patting his head, he shyly asks, “W-Why did you stop?” 
Yos Banner
  • Yoshino blinks when you suddenly start patting his head. “Um…do you like my hair? Does it remind you of cotton candy?”
  • “Your head looks very pat-able. Also, you are one of two members of Starless whose head I can reach without struggling.”
  • As you leave giggling, Yoshino slightly winces. Did you really have to indirectly remind him of his short height? Why are there giants in Starless?
  • For the rest of the day, Yoshino would glare anytime he would cross paths with Nekome, Kei, Kokuyou, Kongou, Qu, Sin, and Sotetsu.
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