Height Insecurity
Prompt: How would the guys react if the reader is tall and insecure about her height?
Gender: fem!Reader
- Rindou is gentle about giving you reassurance that you are beautiful as you are.
- He points out that there are advantages to being tall and using it to your benefit.
- Also adds that if anyone tries to make you feel insecure about your height, they are not worth your time. They should like you for who you are.
- Maica doesn’t understand where your insecurity stems from.
- Why are you insecure? All the models, especially ones of designer brands, are usually tall.
- Literally, tall is seen as beautiful in the modeling world. So, why not try modeling? He suggests turning your insecurity into your victory.
- Nekome chuckles when you talk about your insecurity and whispers, “Do you have any clue how many men in Starless want to be tall?”
- Then, he jokes around about not needing high heels or climbing up on furniture to reach things that are out of reach.
- To him, you are beautiful, especially with your long legs. So, why are you being so hard on yourself?
- Menou also can’t understand why you are worried about your height. He tells you that he is considered on the shorter side in the world of men. But he doesn’t let it bother him as he doesn’t mind being short.
- He tells you to embrace your uniqueness. Then, jokes around about never losing anyone because you will be able to see above short people’s heads to find your friends.
- In the end, he tells you that height is trivial in the big picture. So shift your focus to something else, and don’t waste your energy worrying about your height.
- If Sinju is shorter than you, he will take a jab at his own height to make you feel better. He does his best to make you see the positives about being tall.
- He even jokes that you don’t need to jump up to touch the top of the doorframe.
- Unlike the others, he doesn’t give you advice, but his attempts to make you see your height as beautiful are evident.
- Mokuren is direct in their words and tells you there’s nothing wrong with being tall. All you need to do is accept it and move on.
- Initially, they will motivate you and help you overcome your insecurity, but if you continue to talk about it, Mokuren will take it as you just like to complain and not find a solution.
- After that, they might use harsh words to give you a final push to just accept who you are as it will be easier for you and your mental health.
- Qu is very sweet when he confronts you but adds that he himself is tall and doesn’t see any issues with it. He even compliments you for having long legs.
- But if you continue to feel down, he will suggest fashion styles that can help give the illusion of being shorter. However, he tells you that it is better for you to embrace yourself as you are.
- Whenever you need to talk about it, he will gladly lend you his ears and share motivational stories. Like Maica, he also suggests going into the modeling world.
- Hari will find a list of tall, successful women and hand it to you. Then, he will ask you why you are insecure when you can use your height to your advantage.
- He will even go out of his way to give you contacts for people who are looking for models if that is something you are interested in.
- If anyone tries to joke about your height, he will instantly shut down that person. No one is going to joke about your height while he is around.
- Kasumi doesn’t see the issue with your height but understands that people have things they don’t like about themselves. But he tries to make you see the light of being tall.
- If you are taller than him, Kasumi will call you over to help him reach certain things and then compliment your height. However, if you are around his height, he will show you the benefits of being tall himself.
- Within a few months or weeks, he will help you realize the beauty of your height.
- He stares at you, surprised, as he never expected you to dislike being tall. Then, he jokes around about giving him a bit of your height so he can be above 180 cm.
- But in all seriousness, he tells you not to worry about trivial matters. He says you are being harder on yourself than people are on you.
- Then, Zakuro proceeds to shamelessly flirt with you, highlighting all the qualities of your height.
- Similar to Qu, Aogiri happily gives fashion suggestions that could help you hide your height.
- However, he doesn’t give you any advice to accept yourself. He thinks that you probably tried that and couldn’t, so Aogiri doesn’t want to come off as forceful.
- But he will try to boost your self-esteem whenever he gets a chance to do so.