Help Me! I Love You!

Prompt: You yell at him that you love him.

Gender: gn!Reader


You ran into his room, flung open the door, and yelled, “HELP ME! I’M IN LOVE WITH YOU.”

New Jade TWST Banner.
  • Jade was startled, but he quickly composed himself and smiled. “I appreciate your sweet words.”
  • “Um…is there something you want to say back to me?”
  • “Ah, yes, there is something I wish to confess.” A gentle smile appeared on his lips, “I am a bit busy at the current moment. Could you return after an hour? I should be able to help with your situation.”
  • Your jaw dropped as a cloud of disappointment appeared above your head. “I see… excuse me.”
  • Jade laughed, and while he didn’t mean to tease you, he couldn’t help himself. After all, your tease-able personality was one of the reasons he fell for you.
New Azul Ban3
  • Hearing you yell the words “help me” made Azul think you were in danger. He rose to his feet, walked to the door, and took a peek outside. “Are you alright? Is someone chasing you? Please say that you and Floyd did not get into another argument.”
  • “Azul, I’m okay.”
  • “He looked at you with confusion, “Did you not ask for my assistance?”
  • “I did. Did you didn’t hear the second half, did you?” When he shook his head, you chuckled and repeated your words slowly, “I love you.”
  • Azul’s face changed colors, but a rare soft smile crawled onto his lips, “Is this what people refer to as true happiness? Thank you, (y/n). I…I l-love you too…”
New Floyd Ban3
  • “What did you say, shrimpy?” His expression suddenly turned dark as he started walking closer to you.
  • “I…s-said…I love you.”
  • For a few seconds, Floyd stared at you with a scary expression, but then, a big smile danced on his lips.
  • “Eh? You’re serious, shrimpy?” The tall eel lifted you by the waist and gave you a death hug. “I love you too!”
  • “F-Floyd…c-can’t bre-breathe.”
  • He laughed and set you back down on the ground. “Sorry, shrimpy, didn’t mean to hurt you. I’m so used to constricting people, y’know? I’ll learn to give proper hugs…eventually.”

Idia new banner twst 3

  • Idia yelped and backed away on his bed until his back was flat against the wall. “Was that your attempt at a KO?”
  • After taking a few deep breaths, Idia looked at you blankly; he stared at you while you stared back.
  • “W-What did you just say!?” His hair changed into pink flames, and the intensity of the fire increased.
  • “Idia? Idia? Wait…did he pass out?”
  • When you stepped closer, you saw him motionless on his bed with a toothy grin on his face.
New Twst Banner Rook
  • “Cherie! How long have I awaited this day,” Rook got up from his bed and dramatically pressed his palm against his chest. “Your words are sweeter than honey, non, they are truly poetic!”
  • “Ro-“
  • Rook was too caught up in the moment and continued his monologue, “I cannot express my happiness in words. Shall I show my love with a dance? Shall I kiss you? Will a simple I love you too work?”
  • “Yes.”
  • He once again didn’t hear you and continued talking. “I shall announce to the world that you have professed your love for me. I shall tell each student and teacher.”
  • “Please don’t…”
  • “Then I shall tell Vil and Epel…”
  • Seeing that Rook had no plans of stopping, you closed his door and walked away. Maybe now was not the right time to talk to him.
Leo Banner4
  • Leona didn’t turn around, nor did he sit up on his bed, but his ears twitched at hearing your confession.
  • “I know you heard that…so don’t even pretend to be napping.”
  • “Pipe down, herbivore,” he sleepily mumbles. “Let me sleep.”
  • Exhaling loudly, you slammed the door to his room and stomped away, disappointed with his response.
  • Leona chuckled to himself as he closed his eyes. “I love you too, (y/n).” Even after he went back to sleep, his tail didn’t stop happily swooshing.
Malleus banner for twisted wonderland.
  • Malleus stared at you with wide eyes, but his lips slowly stretched into a smile. “You have become quite bold, Child of Man.”
  • “Wait, that’s all you have to say?”
  • “What else would you like me to say?” He smirked, teasing you. “Come closer, (y/n). If you wish for me to express my feelings for you, I suggest you confess in a proper manner.”
  • Proper…manner? What do you mean?”
  • The dragon chuckled and held his hand out to you, “I would like a kiss.”
Sebek floral banner for twisted
  • Sebek reflexively pulled his weapon out and pointed it at you, but after seeing your frightened expressions, he lowered it and yelled. “Ningen! What is wrong with you!?”
  • With that, he proceeded to lecture you about the dangers of entering someone’s room, yelling, and not having proper manners. “Now, for what reason did you come here?”
  • “I love you.”
  • Sebek’s eyebrows furrowed, his eyes widened, and his lips quivered. Never had you seen him looking this nervous, and the more you stared, the redder his cheeks got. “Wow, Sebek…who knew you could look so cute!”
  • He was speechless, and even after you left, Sebek stood in place with that expression for a very, VERY long time. Maybe once his brain stops lagging, he will reply to your confession.
Twst banner Ace 3
  • Ace sighed and rubbed the back of his neck, “Are ya tryin’ to make my heart fail?” Also, I know. I love you, too. Wanna go on a date this weekend?”
  • “S-Sure.”
  • “Cool,” Ace grinned.
  • “So that’s all it took?”
  • “Yeah?” The two of you stared at each other until you broke the silence. “Then, I’ll see you this weekend.”
  • “Yeah.”
  • You awkwardly closed his bedroom door – for some reason, you were expecting more drama.
Twst banner for Kalim.
  • “You love me?” Kalim flashed an ear-to-ear grin, “I love you too! I also love Jamil, my siblings, my parents, all the students in the dorm-“
  • “No, no, Kalim, I love love you.”
  • “And I love love you, Jamil, my siblings-“
  • You exhaled loudly and interrupted him again, “Kalim!”
  • “Yeah?”
  • “Never mind…,” you pouted and closed the door to his before walking away.
  • “(Y/n)?” Kalim tilted his head and continued looking at the door in confusion. “Was it something I said?”
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