Hidden Message

Prompt: What if fem s/o can make silver jewelry? And it doesn’t matter if they are rings, necklaces, bracelets, or earrings. And at some point in their relationship she give them something made by her, they can be even matching rings or something, but somewhere they can see something like. “-. – –   – – –  . . – / . –   . – .  . / – –   -. – – / – –  – – – – – –  -.” who means “you are my moon” in morse code and for everyone is a different meaning but never straight “I love you”.

Gender: fem!Reader

Kei Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / .-…- … — -. / – — / .-.. .. …- .”

  • “Thank you,” he smiled softly, “I will cherish this gift forever.” 
  •  As he studied the bracelet, Kei recognizes the Morse Code. He doesn’t tell you right away, but he checks the meaning a little later. 
  • When he sees the translators displaying: “you are my reason to live”, the gentlest smile appears on his lips, and he finds you quickly. 
  • Kei pulls you in a deep kiss and whispers against your lips, “And you are my reason to live.” 
So Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / – .- -.- . / – -.– / ……- .-. – / .-. .- -.-. .”

  • Sotetsu runs his thumb over the message on the bracelet and asks, “What does the Morse Code translate to?” 
  • You blush and mumble, “You make my heart race.” 
  • His signature smirk finds its way on his lips as he tilts your chin up. Sotetsu stares into your eyes and whispers, “Is that so? Let’s see how fast I can make your heartbeat.” 
Gins Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / … …. .. -. .. -. –. / … – .- .-. ” 

  • Ginsei is surprised to learn that you make jewelry as well. “This is the first time someone has made me a gift by hand. I will guard it with my life.”
  • One day, during Team K’s rehearsal break, he asks Kei what the dots and dashes mean. Kei takes out his phone, types the message, and shows it to Ginsei: “You are my shining star”.
  • Ginsei’s cheeks turn vermilion when he sees the message, and they only get darker when Sotetsu teases him.
  • A few days later, Ginsei gifts you a matching handmade necklace with the words “You are my sun” on it. 
Gui Banner

Your message to him: “ – …. .- -. -.- / ..- / ..-. — .-. / -.-. — – .. -. –. / .. -. – — / – -.– / .-.. .. ..-. .”   

  • “Thank you,” he smiled, but his smile was soon replaced with a slight frown, “what are these symbols?”
  •  “That is Morse Code for ‘thank you for coming into my life’,“ you explain to him.
  • “You like that I am in your life?” Gui asks with an innocent smile.
  • When you nod, he wraps his arms around you and whispers, “Thank you for coming into my life.”  
Yos Banner

Your message to him: “ .. / .- – / -.– — ..- .-. … / ..-. — .-…..- . .-.”  

  • Yoshino sees the ring and is happy but nervous at the same time. In this apprehensive state, he doesn’t register the Morse Code. 
  • A few days later, he studies the ring carefully and approaches you, “Do these marking means something?” 
  • You chuckle and nod, “Yes, they mean ‘I am yours forever’.”
  • Yoshino turns bright red and mumbles with averted eyes, “I…want to be yours forever, too.” 

Yak Banner

Your message to him: “ .. .-..-. -.. / -.-. …. — — … . / -.– — ..- –..– / . …- . .-. -.– / – .. – .”  

  • Yakou stares at the necklace pendant for a moment before whispering, “Thank you for working so hard on his gift.”
  • When you walk away, he quickly looks up the meaning of the Morse Code. 
  • His eyes scan the words over and over to make sure he is not misreading them. “I’d choose you every time…”
  • Your words make Yakou happy to the point where his eyes get a bit moist. “Thank you for not rejecting me like everyone else.” 

Koku Banner

Your message to him: “– -.– / ……- .-. – / -… . .- – … / ..-. — .-. / -.– — ..-”   

  • He sees the Morse Code and frowns, “The hell did you choose dots and dashes for the pattern?” 
  • “It’s not just dots and dashes!” You pout and stomp away, leaving a stunned Kokuyou behind. He finds Takami and asks him what the patterns on the bracelet say. 
  • “This is Morse Code for ‘my heart beats for you’. Did a fan give it to you?” Takami asked out of curiosity. 
  • “Yeah…something like that,” Kokuyou mumbles and takes the bracelet from his teammate’s hand. 
  • He takes out his cell phone and sends you a quick text message: “You are even sappier than I thought. Thanks, I like the gift.”
Aki Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / .-…- … — -. / – — / … – .. .-.. .” 

  • “You made this? It looks great!” He grins, “Maybe I should ask you to make all my accessories.”
  • He holds the gift in front of his face and stares blankly at the message for a moment, “Um…what are these symbols on the necklace?” 
  • “Oh, it means,” you avert your eyes and whisper, “you are my reason to smile.” 
  • The singer flashes an ear-to-ear grin before pecking your lips, “And I will continue to be your reason to smile.” 
Sin Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / – .- -.- . / – -.– / .-.. .. ..-. . / .– — .-. – …. .– …. .. .-.. .”  

  • “Thank you,” Sin smiles and glances at the Morse Code for a bit. 
  • When he returns home, he looks at the translation: ‘You make my life worthwhile’.
  • Sin immediately sends you a message: “Water cannot form without clouds as clouds cannot form without water.”  
Tai Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / .—- ..- .–.”  

  •  As soon as Taiga gets his gift, he hugs you tightly. “Thanks! I’ll wear it.” 
  • He looks at the ring again and examines it carefully. He runs his index finger over the markings and says out loud, “You…are..m-my…1 UP.” 
  • “Wait, you know Morse Code by heart?” 
  • Taiga chuckles and nods, “If I am your 1Up, then you are my super mushroom…you give me the strength to break through any block standing in my way.” 
Taka Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / … – .-. . -. –. – ….”  

  • “Such a beautiful gift. Thank you,” he returns his gaze to the bracelet, “do you see me as your strength? If so, then I will continue to be your strength forever.” 
  • He kisses your forehead and walks away, chuckling, leaving you in shock.
  • You spend the rest of the day wondering how Takami has memorized Morse Code and for what reason. 

Rin Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – …. . / .-…- … — -. / .– …. -.– / – -.– / ……- .-. – / -… . .- – …”  

  • “Thank you for this precious gift. I promise to wear it in all my performances,” he says softly while smiling sweetly, “but these markings…I feel as though I’ve seen them before.” 
  • “Are you familiar with Morse Code?” 
  • “Ah, that’s it. I have heard of it. What does this message mean?” He asked and patiently waited as his heart nervously pounded against his chest.
  • “You are the reason why my heart beats,” you replied. 
  • Rindou’s eye grew wide momentarily. He took your hand and pressed it to his chest, “I can say the same.” 
Sinju Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / … ..- -. … …. .. -. .”  

  • “This is the best gift I’ve ever received. Thank you so much,” Sinju flashes one of his bright smiles and presses his lips to your forehead. 
  • “There is a special message for you on the gift…please look it up,” you whisper and walk away, blushing. 
  • He examines the code, takes out his phone, and searches it online. Sinju’s lips stretch widely when he sees the words “you are my sunshine” appear on the translator. 
  • He touches the bracelet to his chest and blinks away the tears. “I l-love you, (y/n).” 
Mai Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / .–. .-. .. -. -.-. . / -.-. …. .- .-. – .. -. –.”

  • “Thank you for the gif-” Maica stops speaking when he sees the dots and dashes. Without looking at you, he takes out his phone and looks it up.
  • You see a playful smile on his lips, “I am your prince charming? Then, my princess, would you give this prince the honor of taking you out on a date?” 
  • Maica bows slightly and holds out one hand in front of you. “I promise to make this date memorable.”
Menou Banner

Your message to him: “ .-.. . – .-..-. … / -… . / – — –. . – ……-. / ..-. — .-…..- . .-.”  

  • Menou, being meticulous, notices the message right away and shifts his eyes to you. “What does this mean?” 
  • You translate the message for him in a shaky voice, “Let’s…b-be together for-forever.” 
  • Menou chuckles, “Seems like we will have a lot of hot spring dates.”

Moku Banner

Your message to them: “-.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / … — ..- .-.. – .- – .”

  • Mokuren finds the symbols to be unusual and asks, “What do these marks mean?” 
  • You are too nervous to reply, so you mumble, “Look up Morse Code.” 
  • Moku watches you walk away quickly before pulling out the phone and searching for the meaning. 
  • The next day, you receive a text: “If you think of me as your soulmate, then I would like to be by your side forever.” 
Qu Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / – .- -.- . / – -.– / -… .-…- – …. / .- .– .- -.–”

  • Qu finds the designs to be unique and questions, “Why did you choose this particular pattern?”
  • “O-Oh..that’s Morse Code for…you take my b-breath away,” you whispered nervously with your eyes on your feet. 
  • A light blush spreads on his cheek as he leans down to kiss your forehead, “You take my breath away as well.” 
Kas Banner

Your message to him: “.. .-..-. -.. / -… . / .-.. — … – / .– .. – …. — ..- – / -.– — ..-”

  • Kasumi squints and tries to make out the message but chooses to leave it for a later time. “Thank you for this beautiful gift.” 
  • Before he closes Starless, he looks up the meaning, and a wide smile dances on his lips when he reads the words on the translator: “I’d be lost without you”.
  • He sends you a text message: “Thank you for loving me as much as you do. I love you, too.” 
Hari Banner

Your message to him: “.. .-..-. – / – …. .- -. -.- ..-. ..- .-.. / ..-. — .-. / -.– — ..-”

  • As Hari examines the necklace, he recognizes the patterns on them right away. “Thank you for this thoughtful gift. You put quite a bit of effort into it…it shows.”  
  • He waits until he returns home to translate the message. Hari is pleasantly surprised when he sees the words: “I’m thankful for you”.
  • He smiles to himself and sends you a text: “Your gift is lovelier than I initially thought.”
Zaku Banner

Your message to him: ” -.– — ..- / – .- -.- . / – . / -… .-.. ..- … ….”

  • Zakuro sees the code and chuckles, “Ara Ara, I know you well enough to know these dots and dashes are not there for show. What do they mean?” 
  • “Look it up,” you chuckle and walk away. The singer raises an eyebrow and takes out his phone. 
  • Within a few minutes, your back is pressed against a wall, and his face is only a few centimeters away from you. “Oya Oya, do I make you blush? Then, it will be my honor to turn your cheeks the color of a tomato.”

Mizu Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / – .- -.- . / – . / …. .- .–. .–. -.–”  

  • Mizuki is happy about receiving a handmade gift from you but misses the message completely. 
  • Only when Ran asks what the symbols on the necklace mean does he notice them? 
  • Mizuki finds you and asks, “What are these dots and dashes?”
  • “It’s Morse Code for ‘you make me happy’,” you smile. 
  • He rubbed the back of his neck and averted his eyes, “Why don’t ya just tell this to my face? Um…you make me happy too.“ 
Kong Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / – . .- -. / – …. . / .– — .-. .-.. -.. / – — / – .”  

  • Kongou sees the message but doesn’t want to ask you directly, so after he thanks you for the hard work you put into the beautiful gift, he finds Sotetsu. “Do you know what this means?” 
  • Sotetsu examines the bracelet and looks up the translation on his phone. “Seems like this fan of yours is in love with you. It’s Morse Code for ‘you mean the world to me’.”
  • Kongou turns red, thanks Sotetsu, and comes to find you. He quietly pulls you into an embrace. “I love you too.” 
Heat Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / .- -. –…-..”  

  • Heath stares at the message but doesn’t say anything. You pick up on his confusion and say, “That’s Morse Code for ‘you are my angel’.”
  • He is startled but shakes his head, “You are my angel. You give me the strength to push on and make me happy.” 
  • Heath wraps his arms around you and buries his face on the top of your head. “Please always stay with me.” 
Ran Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / -… .-. .. –. …. – . -. / – -.– / .– — .-. .-.. -..”  

  • “Woah, you made this? It’s pretty! Hm?” Ran traced out the code with his thumb and tilted his head slightly, “What are these symbols?” 
  • “T-That’s Morse Code,” you reply with a smile, “it means ‘you brighten my world’.” 
  • Ran’s eyes start to twinkle, and a grin dances on his lips. He throws his arms around you and holds you close to him. “I love you too!”
Rico Banner

– Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / … – — .-.. . / – -.– / ……- .-. -”

  • Rico sees the Morse Code and wonders why you would choose such a design. Though he doesn’t want to ask you, thinking that it might break your heart. 
  • When he’s sitting in the break room staring at the bracelet, Sotetsu sits next to him and asks, “Do you know what that means?”
  • “Why do you care, and why should I care? They’re just some dots and dashes.” 
  • “It’s called Morse Code, go look it up.” Team K’s member laughs and walks away. 
  • When Rico checks the translation, he is shocked to see the words, ” You stole my heart.”
  • He lowers his head to prevent anyone from seeing the tears in his eyes.

Unei Banner

Your message to him: “ -.– — ..- / .- .-. . / – -.– / – — — -.”  

  • “T-This is for me? T-Thank you so much!” He bows and gives you a genuine smile.
  • Unei is very happy to get a ring from you and thinks the symbols look familiar. He is too nervous to ask you directly, so he tries hard to think what it could mean. 
  • While he is browsing his blog, he decides to type the symbols exactly into the search bar and is shocked to see “you are my moon”.
  • The next day, he brings a special lunch for you with a note that says, “Thank you for the beautiful gift. I will treasure it.”
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