His Pet Peeves
Prompt: What annoys him?
Gender: gn!Reader
A/N: Hints of gn!reader with demon brothers.
- When someone tells him, “You look tired.” He has six brothers that tend to get into trouble and get him into trouble. He works nonstop, has to entertain Diavolo’s ideas, sometimes at 2 in the morning, has to deal with a sneaky sorcerer who is using any means necessary to get him to make a pact and has to clean up after everyone. How else do you think he will look?
- Being late. Lucifer values his time and dislikes it when others don’t show up on time.
- Being asked questions about his personal life. His life is his affair and not that of a nosey stranger who has nothing better to do in their life.
- When you spend too much time with Solomon. He doesn’t trust the sorcerer and wants you to stay far away from him.
- Mess in public spaces of the House of Lamentation. Lucifer is a clean man and dislikes it when his brothers or anyone leaves a mess.

- When you leave his text on read. That is one of the cruelest things you can do to anyone. Do you have any idea how much stress it causes him? First, he will think he did something wrong and panic. Then, he will pace around his room, trying to figure out his mistake. Finally, he will have a breakdown and come running to find you because he thinks you don’t like him anymore.
- People who one-up others. You are not the main character of other people’s stories. Get over yourself!
- When someone corrects his grammar. He’s goin’ to talk like this ’cause he wants to. If ya don’t like it, don’t talk to him. It’s as easy as that, y’know.
- The last week of October. Halloween means horror; during that time, everyone wants to watch horror movies and shows.
- When he has to model with an attractive demon, especially in a couple-type photoshoot. He is always afraid of upsetting you.

- When he has headphones on and someone wants to talk to him. If he wanted to talk, he wouldn’t be wearing them in the first place.
- Spoilers. Nothing angers Levi more than spoilers – not only did you ruin the plot for him, but you also watched the anime without him. How can you be so mean?
- People stealing his belongings. Yes, Mammon, he is looking right at you. Also, borrowing money and not paying it back. Mammon!
- Slow internet. Makes him want to flip every table in Devildom.
- When people tease or make fun of him for having a bathtub bed. He likes it and finds it comfortable.

- Interrupting him while he is talking. A conversation goes both ways, so wait for your turn to speak and let him finish his train of thought.
- People who don’t know what personal space is. Satan hates it when strangers invade his private space. Sometimes, he dislikes it when some of his brothers get into his space. Lucifer, he is looking right at you.
- Talking to him while he is reading. This is why he prefers to read in the quiet comfort of his room.
- People who overshare either on social media or in real life. He doesn’t need to know when people just used the restroom or got intimate with someone.
- When you spend too much time with Lucifer, even if it’s for RAD or a project. Yes, he’s jealous, and he knows. He will either join you two or drag you away if you are having a casual conversation with Lucifer for an extended period.

- Not making eye contact when having a conversation with him. He’s beautiful, so if you talk to him and look elsewhere, Asmo will feel insulted.
- The sound of bones cracking. It’s disgusting! He will never get used to it.
- People touching his face with their dirty fingers. Do they know how much effort it takes him to maintain his skin? He absolutely cannot get any breakouts.
- His brothers using his bathroom without permission. No one can use his bathroom…except you.
- People photobombing his selfies. The only people he wants to see in his selfies beside himself are you and his brothers — assuming he wants them in the photos.

- Leaving drawers and cabinets open. When he sneaks into the kitchen at night for snacks, Beel tends to run into the open drawers/cabinets and breaks them, which gets him into trouble with Lucifer.
- People stealing his food. DON’T. TAKE. HIS FOOD, especially if he has his name written on it. He may or may not steal your food. Sorry, he can’t help himself.
- When Solomon says, he will cook. Metal, wood, and plastic taste better than the sorcerer’s cooking.
- People who wear food-scented perfumes. He has a hard time controlling his urge to bite them. Don’t smell like food if you don’t want him to bite you.
- Waiting in line at restaurants. The smell is too tempting, and he might end up losing control of himself. He brings snacks with him just in case the line is long.

- People who see him sleeping and wake him up ask if he’s asleep. No, he’s completely awake; that’s why he had his eyes closed and in dreamland. This is one of the quickest ways to make him angry.
- People who can’t sit still. Just seeing how much they move around makes Belphie feel exhausted.
- People who make fun of or comment about his twin. He’s the Avatar of Gluttony; of course, he will eat all the time.
- When someone continuously plays with their pen. Stop clicking and unclicking the push button!
- Bringing up Lilith’s name unnecessarily. Please stop reminding him and his twin of their past – in fact, stop reminding all his brothers of the past.