Homesick MC

Prompt: Can I request the demon brothers finding a homesick MC late at night crying? 

Gender: gn!Reader


When Mammon brought up your hometown and family during dinner, you were fine, but the second you were alone in your room, you couldn’t help but feel homesick. The movie nights with your family, all those afternoons you spent laughing with your friends, the kisses your pets gave you every time you got home…

“I miss everyone…” 

The corners of your lips slowly fell as a burning sensation filled your eyes. Why did they all have to be so far? Little did you know that as you said those words and started sobbing, he was standing outside your door listening.


  • Lucifer felt a pang of guilt prick his heart. He was partially responsible for bringing you to Devildom, and that too without warning. 
  • He understood your feelings—though his brothers always caused him trouble, he couldn’t imagine being away from them. 
  • The Avatar of Pride quietly entered your room and sat next to you. Wordlessly, he wrapped one arm around your shoulder. 
  • “Forgive me for taking you from your world unannounced. Tomorrow, I will ask Diavolo if you can visit your hometown for one day, but for right now, would you like to go on a walk with me?” 


  • Mammon’s shoulders fell when he heard your sobs. He was supposed to make sure you were happy, but here you were, crying all alone at night. Why did he bring up that topic during dinner?
  • He walked into your room, not bothering to close the door behind him, and kneeled in front of you. Yeah, he would miss his brothers, too, if he had to stay away from them for so long. Heck, he would even miss the House of Lamentation. 
  • “Why’re ya cryin’ all by yourself? That’s not gonna help ya…it’s only goin’ to add to your pain. Y’know I’m here for ya, right? Wanna come to my room and watch a movie? I’ll let ya pick the movie. Also…I’m sorry for bringin’ up that topic.” 
  • Mammon will do whatever he can to divert your mind. First thing tomorrow, he will ask Lucifer if you can talk to your family. Maybe that will help ease your homesickness. 


  • Asmo invited himself into your room and slowly sat down next to you. He couldn’t relate to you fully as he didn’t mind staying away from his brothers, but he didn’t like to see you in tears. 
  • He stroked your hair before wrapping his arms around you. “Sweetie, please don’t cry by yourself. It must be hard for you to stay away from your home and family, but we are here for you. I am here for you. What do you say we go to my room? Let’s have a sleepover!” 
  • For the rest of the night, Asmo pampers you, diverting your mind from being homesick. The first thing in the morning, he plans to talk to his brothers and find a way to help you cope better. 


  • Beel felt sad – just the thought of being away from his brothers shakes his heart, so he can only imagine how sad you must feel. 
  • He slowly walked into your room, kneeled in front of you, and wrapped his arms tightly around you. He held you until you calmed down a little. 
  • “Don’t cry…we are here for you. We think of you as part of your family. Let’s talk to Lucifer tomorrow…maybe he can find a way to let you meet your family or talk to them. Until then, want to go out and get some ice cream? There are still a lot of dessert places open.” 


  • Okay, he understood you missed your family, but why are you crying all by yourself? Why did Mammon have to bring up that topic? 
  • Belphie sighed and dragged his sleepy body into your room. He sat next to you and stroked your hair until you stopped crying. 
  • “Sorry for coming into your room uninvited, but I couldn’t wait outside while you were crying. If you don’t mind, I want to stay with you tonight…I know the second I walk out, you will start crying again. Um…want to tell me a little about your home in the human world? Only if you want to.” 
  • Belphie plans to stay in your room every night until he knows you won’t cry—or he will ask you to stay in his and Beel’s room. 


  • Without thinking, Levi flung the door open and walked closer to you. He didn’t really know what to say, so he threw his arm around your body and held you as you cried. 
  • Missing family? He could kind of understand, but Levi could not see you cry. 
  • As he was comforting you, the Avatar of Envy got an idea. He remembered you showing him pictures of your family, home, pets, and friends. What if he made a collage of all those pictures and gave it to you? Would that help you miss them a little less?
  • Tomorrow, Levi plans to work with Asmo to create a collage of you. He hopes that can at least make you smile. 


  • Missing family? Considering he has always been around his brothers, Satan can’t imagine staying away from them. Either it would be relaxing or even more stressful than being around them. 
  • He knocked on your door and announced his entrance. Satan sat next to you and gently rubbed your back. “Why did you tell me you miss your family this much? Would talking about them and your hometown help? If not, would you like to go outside and see the stars?” 
  • Satan will try to find a way to help you tomorrow, but he loathes having to ask Lucifer for help. Maybe he will ask Diavolo to send you back to your world for a day or two. 
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