How Did You Get Shorter?
Prompt: With teams W and B being used to a taller/same height reader, how would they react to her suddenly getting shorter than them after taking off her heels/changing into flats or sneakers?
Gender: fem!Reader
A/N: For cast members above 180 cm, I am assuming the reader is still shorter than them even if they are wearing high heels. HCs in order of tallest to shortest cast.
- Doesn’t show it on his face but can’t get over how cute you look. Smiles at your tiny form when you’re not looking.
- Sin honestly doesn’t mind when you wear heels, it makes it easier for him to give you kisses, but he really likes it when you wear flats. He loves the way you bury your face in his abdomen/chest when you hug him.
- Truly enjoys ruffling your hair, even if it is just to see your pout or angy puppy expressions.

- The moment Kongou sees you in flats, he freezes and stares at you, a blush slowly creeping onto his cheeks.
- Just when he thought you couldn’t get any cuter, you proved him wrong by taking off your heels. Kongou falls in love with you all over again.
- Whenever you wear flats, he will blush around you and stutter. Yes, he is just that affected by your height. Also, expect to get more hugs and kisses from him.

- Aw, how cute, you were already short, and now you are shorter.
- Now that you finally showed him your “real” height, Kokuyou is going to tease you to no end, whether you wear heels or not.
- If you get into any arguments with him, he will use your head as an elbow rest, or just throw you over his shoulder. That’s what you get for being tiny.

- His fashionista side says no to you wearing flats – heels add grace and oomph to your walk, but Rico can’t deny that he likes seeing you without heels.
- Makes him want to lift you up and shower you with kisses while teasing you about how cute and pocket-sized you are.
- He will tease you about your height, but if Rico finds out that you are sensitive about the topic, he will back off very quickly. You are one person he doesn’t want to push away with his words.

- Where did you go? Huh? You are short? Oh, wait…you were wearing heels, right…heels are meant to make the wearer tall.
- Haha…it’s not like he didn’t put two and two together, but…he just…didn’t put two together.
- Akira prefers you wear flats more than heels – your real height makes you look even cuter, and this man adores anyone and anything cute.

- Smiles sweetly when he first sees you in flats. Adorable – you look adorable.
- Whenever he sees you in heels, he worries about your health and your bones. He doesn’t want you to suffer any bone or muscle issues, so seeing you in flats is a relief for him.
- Could get used to you wearing flats – if not for your well-being, for the sake of feeling you nuzzle your face into his chest. It is one of the best feelings for him.

- It’s about time you took off your heels and put on flats. He was wondering how long he would have to wait until you would show him your true height.
- Like Akira, he also prefers you to wear flats more than heels, mainly for the sake of your poor feet. Not to mention, he has fun towering over you and making you blush by leaning close to your face.
- Wonders if you wear heels due to your love for the shoes or due to insecurity about your height. Maybe he will ask you someday, but for now, he is going to enjoy placing kisses on the top of your head.

- Cannot and will not stop laughing at how short you are. He will also tease you to no end, but if you get angry, he will apologize to you until you forgive him…and then tease you all over again.
- But if someone else teases you about your height while wearing flats, Mizuki will kick them and tell them to shut up.
- Prefers you wearing flats – it makes Mizuki feel more protective of your tiny form. He also loves holding you close to his chest and nuzzling his face on the top of your head.

- How did he not notice your height before? Ohhhh, you were wearing heels because you weren’t tall.
Kokuyou screaming in the background to put down that damn gaming console and pay attention to the surroundings. - His initial reaction is to chuckle and pat your head. He doesn’t want to risk teasing you or making any comments that might anger you.
- Loves to hug you and rest his chin on the top of your head. Sometimes uses you as a chin rest just because he feels like it, even if you don’t approve of it.

- Grin as widely as he possibly can and showers you with compliments about how cute you look – so much so, that he could give you a bone-crushing hug.
- Really likes seeing you at a height shorter than him – it makes him want to protect you more. Don’t get him wrong, Ran loves seeing you in heels, especially when you threaten to use the heels to beat someone.
- Will pat your head nonstop, and if you get upset with him, he will crouch down to your height and ask you to pat his head to make things even.