Human Torch & Te Ka Reader
Prompt: Can I request a s/o who’s like the human torch? When feeling strong emotions, they turn into a lava monster like Moana’s Te Ka.
Gender: gn!Reader
A/N: The first set of bullet points is the reaction to Human Torch, while the second set is the reaction to Te Ka.
How he finds out about your power:
Once again, Ace and Grim got into an argument and carelessly fired one spell after another. Much to everyone’s misfortune, this happened in the middle of Potionology. In a flash, the lab and the surrounding classrooms were on fire. Upon hearing students scream for help, you ran into the burning room despite your boyfriend’s attempts to stop you.
A moment later, you walked out of the classroom with the trapped students, resembling the human torch.
How he sees your Te Ka form:
Even though you attempted to stop your friends from fighting and save the students, somehow, the fight between Ace and Grim became your fault – at least, according to Crowley. If a list of harsh punishments was enough, the headmage threatened to take Ramshackle away from you and made sure to add in “his kindness knows no bounds”.
You were brought to NRC without consent, forced to stay in an unsafe environment, asked to handle situations that were Crowley’s responsibility, and “threatened” by him time and time again. Enough was enough. You reached your breaking point and transformed into a giant lava creature resembling Te Ka.
“You always threaten me and then say you’re kind. Each and every time, I have to do your work and put myself in danger. In the end, I don’t even get a thank you!”

- Speechless.
- Jack can’t believe you are that strong and asks where you hid this power and why you didn’t use your power against the overblotted students.
- Falls harder for you after seeing your badass side.
- Has a jaw-drop moment when he sees your giant form but gathers himself quickly.
- Jack yells at you to calm down, or you might hurt someone.
- “(Y/n), do you want to live with the guilt of hurting your dearest friends? Don’t let the Headmage get to you!”
- Once you calm down and return to normal, Jack carries you to a private place and embraces you.
- He thanks you for everything you have done, says NRC would not be able to function normally without you, and reassures you that everyone thinks the same.

- Impressed.
- Malleus has yet to see someone who can control fire to your level. Thinks if you try hard enough, you could make it to the top five mages list.
- He is surprised to see you turn into a creature just as large as his dragon form.
- Before you can damage NRC or hurt anyone, he uses his powers to control you and suppress your magic.
- Once you return to your human self, Malleus hugs you and tells you it’s going to be okay.
- “Child of Man, I have paid close attention to you since the day you came to NRC. I can assure you the students are thankful to a dependable classmate, this includes myself.”
- Orders Lilia to deal with Crowley and make sure the dear head mage gets what he deserves for treating you unfairly.
- Woah!
- How did he not realize his s/o is this freaking strong?
- Ace gives you a half-baked apology for always teasing you and asks if you will burn him if he continues teasing you. He can’t help it – you’re just that fun to tease.
- Steps back and falls on his behind.
- It was cool enough that you turned into a human torch, but turning into a giant lava creature was not something he saw coming.
- Wonders what else you can do, but hearing your words upsets Ace.
- “I know the head mage is always on your case, but (y/n), we need you, the campus needs you, and I need you. I’m grateful for everything you’ve done, and so is everyone else. You need to calm down. Hurting the students with your powers is not going to get ya anywhere and will only hurt ya in the end.”
- Holds out his hand and asks you to return to your human form.
- Once you do, Ace strokes your head and says he will personally see to it that everyone you’ve helped on campus thanks you or writes you a thank you note, especially the headmaster. If they don’t, he will prank the daylights out of them.

- Thinks your human torch form is the coolest thing he has seen.
- Deuce asks you to teach him your technique and is disappointed when he learns you got your powers on accident.
- Wasn’t prepared to see you turn into a giant lava creature and freezes.
- But when he hears you say you feel like you are being taken for granted, Deuce feels guilty. He tells you how incredible and how strong you are.
- “The house wardens are the most powerful students on campus, but you faced them head-on and won. That, too, without using your powers. If that’s not strong, I don’t know what is. I’m sorry, (y/n), for not thanking you properly for everything you have done for me. I promise to thank you from now on. Please return to your usual self.”
- Deuce holds you, not caring if the students and staff see him, and asks the head mage to leave you alone for the time being.
- Impressed!
- Finds your magic intriguing and says if you weren’t dating him, he would try to find a way to “borrow” the magic from you. Teasingly asks if you want to sign a contract with him.
- His mind freezes for a second, and he wonders what else you are keeping from him.
- Hearing you honestly confess your pain makes him sad. Azul says the world is like that, but in NRC, you are a hero.
- “Men find it difficult to say what they are thankful for, but I am certain that all the house wardens you have saved are thankful for your help. Thank you for saving my life, (y/n). If you hadn’t saved me, I would have missed an opportunity to date with you.”
- Once you return to normal, Azul takes your hand and kisses it. Asks if you want him to make Crowley pay because he most certainly can. “Also, have I mentioned that I love you.”

- Very proud to have a strong s/o like you.
- He is impressed that your powers surpass those of the strongest humans on campus. Is very curious about your past but doesn’t ask in case the topic is sensitive for you.
- He knew you had kept your feelings pent up, but he didn’t know you would unleash them this way. Had he known, Jade would’ve found another way to help you deal with the feelings.
- Jade, without fear, uses his broom to fly closer to your face and requests you not to attack.
- “Being selfless can be rather difficult, especially when the people you aid seem ungrateful, but you cannot let it get to you. You have a kind heart, so even if the head mage had not “threatened” you to help, you would have taken matters into your own hands.” He flies closer to you and touches your cheeks, “If you don’t wish to help others, you have the choice to refuse. But for the time being, please calm down.”
- Floats down as you shrink to your usual size, wraps his arm around your shoulder, and pulls you close to his chest.
- Wonders what he can do to stop Crowley from treating you like a puppet.

- Stunned.
- Wonders why you didn’t burn down Scarabia when Jamil imprisoned you. If he was in your place, he would have burned the dorm to a crisp.
- Floyd thinks it’s funny that fire (you) was drawn to water (him) and teases that he’s still stronger than you cause water can put out the fire.
- Thinks your large form is incredible and says he wants to see your power, but destroying NRC would mean having to fall back one year, which in turn would mean having to deal with Crowley more than needed.
- “Look, Shrimpy, Crowley isn’t as nice as he says. Nice people don’t have to go around sayin’ they’re nice. Shrimpy, I’ll work with ya to find a way to deal with the headmaster. Y’know, we have the upper hand, right? The headmaster can’t function without ya and is completely dependent on ya. Also, Shrimpy, you’re nothing less than a hero, and a hero would not destroy or hurt anyone, especially not their friends.”
- Floyd promises to find a way to deal with Crowley; if he can’t, he will squeeze the head mage.
- When you return to normal, he hugs you and says you just keep getting cooler and cooler. “So what other powers are ya hidin’?”