I Don't Need Your Help
Prompt: How about an MC who thinks that they don’t care about them? If MC gets hurt, they try to help, but MC refuses their help because they think the boys don’t care about them. If MC thinks they don’t care, why accept their help?
Gender: gn!Reader

- Malleus was intrigued and annoyed at the same time. You were quite brave to say no to his face, but why were you rejecting his help? Were you afraid of him like the others? Did you think he would hurt you?
- The questions brewing in his mind piqued his interest in you even more than before. He had to know the truth, so Malleus decided to confront you.
- “If I may ask, for what reason do you constantly decline my help? Do I scare you?” He purposely flashed a dark smile to undermine your real feelings.
- “I don’t need help from people who don’t care about me.”
- The dragon was not expecting such an answer. Did he do something to make you believe he doesn’t care about you, or did he not do enough? Are all humans this complicated, or were you an exception?
- “I see. Seems as though I have quite a ways to go until I understand humans. If I said harsh words to make you believe I do not care about you, I can assure you those were not my intentions. Child of Man, if I did not care for you, I would not visit your dorm to spend time with you.” Malleus chuckled. He was content to know that you didn’t fear him but hoped you believed his words and leaned on him when you needed help.
- Frustrated. That’s the best word to describe how Leona felt. He, a lazy lion, was going out of his way to help you, but you were constantly rejecting his help. Should he just stop trying?
- Leona attempted to help you one last time, but the results were the same as before. “What’s your problem? Are you one of those people who thinks they can take on everything by themselves, or are you just prideful?”
- “Neither. I don’t need help from people who don’t care about me.”
- “What? You…think I don’t care about you?” Leona sighed and touched his head. “Seems like some of your screws are loose. Why the hell would I help someone I don’t care about? Never mind. I’m gettin’ a headache talkin’ about this. If you ask for help, I’ll help. If you don’t, I won’t.”
- The lion walked away, still in shock that you thought he didn’t care about you. What would it take to get you to notice he cares? Do you want him to kiss you?

- Ruggie couldn’t understand why you were declining his offer to help. It was obvious you were struggling and needed help, but even then, you said no.
- The hyena wanted to find out why you were so allergic to asking for help, but luckily for him, he overheard you talking to one of your friends. “Why accept help from people who don’t care about you? Not to mention, there’s always a catch whenever someone offers to help.”
- “So ya group everyone in that category? Have you ever thought that some people offer you help ‘cause they care ‘bout ya? What’s with that expression? Shyeheehee. In case ya haven’t figured it out – I care ‘bout ya. That’s why I want to help ya whenever I can.”
- Ruggie tied his fingers behind his head and stared at your shocked expressions in contentment. “There’s Leona, who depends on me for everythin’, and there you, who says no to my help. Man, you and Leona could seriously learn somethin’ from each other.”

- He thought he would be nice to someone for a change, but the way you bluntly said no to his help made Idia want to run to his room and bury his face in his games.
- Did you not like asking for help, or did you think he was not capable of helping? People usually look down on gamers, so he wouldn’t be surprised, but still…
- Whenever you would accept Ortho’s help, Idia would quietly watch from under his hood and wonder if you were anti-gamers.
- “(Y/n), do you dislike my brother? I know his communication skills aren’t great, but he’s a good man.”
- “If you’re talking about accepting his help, then I’ll have to pass. You care about me and are my friend, so I’m comfortable asking you, but Idia doesn’t care -”
- “Wait!” Ortho floated in front of you and grinned, “You’re wrong about that, (y/n). Idia not only cares about you but also has a crush on you. He has been coming out of his room more often so that he can see you, but don’t tell him I said that. Next time, if you need help, will you ask Idia? It will make him happy! If you don’t believe me, look behind that apple tree. My brother is hiding there, watching us.”
- You turned around to see Idia scrambling to hide behind the tree and nearly tripping in the process. Was Ortho right about his brother caring about you?

- Annoyed. Floyd was beyond annoyed, and his mood was ruined. Why do you always say no to him? He was just trying to be nice, and he doesn’t do that often, so why were you pushing him away? It really made him not want to help anyone ever again.
- Every time you said no to him, Floyd would sulk and neglect all his duties. Jade was getting tired of seeing his brother’s state and suggested asking you directly why you didn’t want his help.
- “Hey, Shrimpy,” The eel greeted you without energy, “Why do you say no to me every time I try to help ya? It’s like you hate me. If I say I won’t constrict or squeeze ya, will you let me help?”
- “Why are you hellbent on helping me? Stop pretending as if you care about me.”
- “Why would I need to pretend when I actually care about ya? Even someone as clueless as Sea Otter noticed that I like ya, so how did you not notice? Shrimpy, wanna go on a date with me? Then I can show you just how much I like ya~.”