I Love You the Way You Are
Prompt: How would the BSTS boys react to finding out MC has insecurities about something with her body (i.e., breast size, height, weight, waist size, butt size, etc.)?
Gender: fem!Reader
- Kei noticed you were behaving oddly around him and also knew you were keeping something from him.
- Then he overheard you talking to someone on the phone and saying “I don’t feel like I’m good enough for him. He’s incredible in every way possible; a great singer, a flawless dancer, a talented actor, sexy, well-built, rich…and on top of that, a well-known celebrity. He should be dating someone just as amazing as him…”
- The corners of his lips turned down as Kei curled his fists. He was angry at you for saying such a negative thing about yourself. Wasn’t good enough? Do you know what you mean to him?
- He walked into the room and wrapped his arms tightly around you from behind, “Not good enough? Is that what you think?”
- His voice was heavy and drawn, “You are right, I could date anyone I want. Even if I had a chance to date someone else, I would still choose you. Stop being so hard on yourself…I love you just the way you are.”

- Sotetsu saw you struggling to walk in high heels and heard you mumbling about how uncomfortable it is.
- “Then why are you wearing them?” He chuckled.
- “I’m short, and I hate being short…”
- He would’ve brushed your words as whining had it not been for the tears in your eyes.
- “You are insecure about your height? Why? I like you being short…it makes you a whole lot cuter, especially when you are around me.”
- “You’re just saying that…”
- “I am not,” he laughed, “but you want to know the best part about you being short?”
- Sotetsu lifted you by the waist and held you above him, ignoring your squeals and protests to put you down. “I have fun picking you up and carrying you around.”

- Ginsei stared at you in shock when he heard you complaining about your nose. “Why don’t you like your nose? I don’t see anything wrong with it.”
- “It’s not cute enough…”
- “Did someone say something to you? If they did, then please ignore their words. Your nose is great as it is. I know I don’t have the right to say this since I’ve my share of insecurities as well but believe me when I saw you are beautiful.”
- Ginsei smiled and pinched your nose between his thumb and index finger.

- “You…think your fingers are chubby?” Gui mumbled as he pondered over your words. “You don’t like them?”
- “No, my fingers look unattractive, so…”
- He stared at your arms in confusion, “I don’t see anything wrong with them.”
- “Gui, men like a woman with skinny fingers an-”
- He interrupted you while shaking his head, “That’s not true…I don’t see anything wrong with your fingers.”
- “But Gui…”
- “I like you. The size of your fingers doesn’t matter to me…”

- Yoshino noticed that you were only wearing open skirts and wondered why. When you told him you thought your thighs were too big, he was at a loss.
- “But, (y/n), I l-like your thighs. You look good in everything you wear.”
- “You’re just saying that to make me feel better.” You didn’t believe his words, but Yoshino was determined to make you see the truth.
- “I really like to rest my head on your l-lap…your thighs are comfortable, a-and I like to stroke them,” he smiled and took hold of your hands. “Please believe me. You are perfect the way you are!”
- “Hair color? What issue do you have with your hair color?”
- Yakou was at a loss and couldn’t understand what your hair color had to do with your beauty.
- “Great…is social media trying to play with your mind? Don’t listen to those people,” he sighed and cupped your cheeks. “I like your hair color, and it has nothing to do with you as a person or your beauty. Hair color is determined by a pigment called melanin…and people who think otherwise are too stupid to understand.”
- Seeing you hesitate, Yakou stroked your cheek and whispered, “If you are still uncomfortable with your hair color, then I can help you dye your hair. Though, I would prefer you didn’t.”
- “Why have you been acting weird the past few days?” Kokuyou asked as he took a seat next to you and pulled out his cigarettes.
- “Have I been acting weird?” You asked innocently.
- He stared at you before roughly saying, “Drop the act and answer my question.”
- Averting your eyes, you told him the truth in a quiet voice. “Why do you like me, Kokuyou? I’m not pretty enough to be with someone like you.”
- He furrowed his eyebrows and growled, “What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is there a meter somewhere that measures the beauty levels of a woman? Did someone say something to you? Tell me who.”
- You could sense an air of hostility about him, “N-No…I just t-think…”
- “I don’t care what you think about this. Stop criticizing yourself and stop listening to dumbasses.” Kokuyou grew quiet for a second and exhaled loudly, “If I didn’t like you, I wouldn’t be with you. You…are beautiful.”

- Akira stopped walking and looked at you blankly. “You…what?”
- “I don’t like the size of my butt,” you mumbled under your breath, not wanting the people nearby to hear.
- “Cutie, I don’t know why you don’t like it, but if you’re followin’ some weird trend or listening to other people, then stop,” Akira said while ruffling your hair.
- “But look at it…”
- “I am looking at it and don’t see anything wrong with it. Listen, the size of your butt doesn’t matter…besides, small butts look cute, and big butts are smackable,” he laughed.

- “Are you alright?” Sin questioned as he took a seat next to you in the office.
- You debated whether or not to tell him the thought on your mind and eventually decided to come clean. “No…”
- “Why?”
- “I…I see these women with perfect legs and no cellulite…it’s so unfair. I can’t wear shorts, skirts, or dresses without worrying about the cellulite showing,” you muttered with your head lowered.
- “There is no point worrying about such trivial matters. It’s a way of life, and if someone dislikes you simply for your cellulite, the person does not deserve your attention.”
- “And you…what you do you think about it?”
- Sin chuckled, “I think you are worrying too much. You are beautiful just the way you are.”

- Taiga noticed you staring in the mirror and touching various parts of your face with a frown. He walked in curiously and asked what you were doing.
- “N-Nothing…I…”
- “That didn’t look like nothing,” he said, rubbing the back of his head. “You don’t look okay either.”
- “Why do I look like this? Why…can’t I look a little cuter? I mean look at those women that look like flawless dolls.”
- “You…want to look like a doll? Why?” Taiga was stunned by your reply, “H-Hey, you’re telling a gamer you want to look like a doll…have you ever played a horror game? Dolls are the last things any gamer wants to see. Man, I’m terrified of dolls…”
- His unexpected response made you laugh and seeing your mood change, Taiga smiled. “I like this you.”

- When Takami heard that you were insecure about your skin color, he was speechless. “Why…?”
- You didn’t reply to him; instead, you lowered your eyes and fought back your tears.
- “I…I can see why. The media, society, people spouting nonsense…,” he gave a small smile and cupped your cheeks, “(y/n), all skin colors are beautiful. The color of skin doesn’t determine how beautiful you are nor does it say anything about your skills, intelligence, background…”
- “But…”
- “Listen, your skin color makes you unique. I mean imagine a world where all of us had the same skin color, same eyes, nose, and mouth. Frankly, that sounds like something straight out of a horror movie.”
- His words made you giggle. Takami wiped your tears and added, “I love your skin as it is. You are perfect as you are, and I hope you can see that too.”
- “Rindou, what do you think about my lips?”
- “Why do you ask?” He was surprised to hear such an arbitrary question.
- “I…hate my lips. Women with plump lips are so lucky.”
- Rindou cupped your cheeks and looked into your eyes, “Your lips are cute and give you a delicate, feminine look. Women don’t need plump lips to look pretty. Don’t think less of yourself I like your lips as they are.”

- “You…don’t like your glasses?” Sinju asked, tilting his head to one side. “Why though?”
- “I…just don’t like them,” you said not wanting to give him a full-fledged explanation.
- “But your glasses make you look a hundred times cuter,” Sinju flashed you a radiant smile. “Are…you worried about getting categorized as a dork, nerd, geek, and all that?”
- You didn’t give him a reply, but Sinju continued, “You know people nowadays wear glasses as a fashion statement. Doesn’t that mean glasses are fashionable?”

- Maica stared at your feet silently for a while before looking back at your face. “Your point is?”
- “My feet are so big…it bothers me and -”
- He interrupted you with a raised eyebrow, “The size of your foot doesn’t matter. Some people have small feet, others have large feet. If anyone points out the size of your foot, know that they’re insecure about their appearance and are trying to feel better about themselves by pointing out “flaws” in other people.”
- Maica brushed your cheek with the back of his fingers, “I could care less about you. I love you for who you are, not your shoe size.”

- “You have not been eating properly.”
- You looked at Menou confused, not knowing if he was stating the fact or questioning you.
- “Why? Are you not feeling well?”
- “I…want to lose weight. My stomach is chubby, and I don’t like it.”
- “Why not?” Menou stifling a yawn and stretched his arms, “I like your chubby stomach. It makes a good pillow…actually, I like sleeping on your stomach more than on a pillow.”
- Mokuren poked your upper arm and shrugged. “I don’t see anything wrong with your arm.”
- “It’s so flabby though…,” you complained.
- Team C’s leader gave you a puzzled look, “The size of your arms doesn’t decide who you are or how beautiful you look. Don’t be insecure about such a trivial thing. You need to tell yourself daily that you’re beautiful.”
- Mokuren pressed a kiss on the back of your hand, “Princess, you truly are breathtaking…every part of you is beautiful.”

- “Dear, is there a reason why you’re wearing a heavy layer of foundation? Did something happen?”
- You were taken aback by Qu’s question, but you should’ve expected this; being a makeup lover, he would notice right away.
- “I…I wanted to hide my freckles,” you admitted, sounding a bit embarrassed, “I…don’t l-like them.”
- “Why?” Qu couldn’t believe his ears. “Your freckles are cute, and they remind me of stars.”
- He stepped in front of you and delicately touched your cheeks, “People wish to touch stars, but I am one of the lucky few who can touch them right here.”

- Kasumi frowned slightly, “Why don’t you like your waistline?”
- “It’s not perfect.”
- “Please don’t be so conscious about your waistline; otherwise, who is going to share donuts with me?”
- His comment made you chuckle, “Kasumi…”
- He smiled widely and pinched your cheek, “If you still don’t feel comfortable with your waistline, then I can help you exercise. So let’s eat some donuts, then go exercise, and then eat donuts, and exercise again.”

- Hari noticed you tugging at your jacket sleeves again and couldn’t resist the urge to ask, “Is something the matter?”
- “N-Nothing…”
- Even though you tried to brush off his concerns, he studied you for a moment and asked, “Are you insecure about the hair on your body?”
- You darted your eyes towards him in shock, wondering how he figured it out.
- “Did someone say something to you? If so, that person or people need to return to school and pay more attention in their biology class,” he frowned, “Every person had hair follicles, so it’s natural for hair to grow on their body. It’s nothing to be insecure about.”

- “What does that even mean?” Zakuro chuckled.
- “My eyes are not big enough!” You repeated your words and pouted.
- “Oya Oya, why would you waste your precious time thinking about that? Women really do worry about the smallest things.”
- He tilted your chin and looked deep into your eyes, “Your eyes are alluring. When you smile, they sparkle like the stars; when you’re sad, they look like glass beads. Your eyes are one of your most attractive features.”
- You and Mizuki were sitting in the Starless staff room when you asked out of the blue, “Mizuki, do you think my shoulders are broad?”
- “Why would ya care about somethin’ like that? No, I don’t see anythin’ wrong with ‘em,” he mumbled and waited for you to explain the reason behind your question.
- “I…think my shoulders are too broad…”
- “Baka!” He yelled close your ear, making you wince. “You look good as you are, and if anyone says you don’t, then I will kick ’em for ya.”

- Kongou walked into the locker room and stopped in his tracks when he saw you examining your hips in the mirror. ”(Y/N)?“
- “O-Oh, Kongou…h-hi,” you forced a smile.
- “What’s wrong? You look upset.”
- Your lips drew into a straight line as you explained your hatred for your large hips.
- “But I like your hips,” he smiled, “the way they move when you walk, the curvy shape when you wear jeans…it’s really attractive.”
- A light red spread across his cheeks, “I also like the way they feel when you’re close to me.”

- Ran looked at you blankly, not understanding why you were complaining about your height. “What’s wrong with being tall?”
- “I tower over everyone…and I feel like a giant,” you exhaled loudly.
- “But women wear heels or get surgery to look tall, so shouldn’t you be happy that you’re naturally tall? Besides, I like ya being tall, and I really like your long legs!” He exclaimed with a wide grin.

- Heath was going through your photos when he took note of something. “(Y/N), why do you always make the same double peace sign pose?”
- “That way my jawline has a V-shape. I wish I naturally had a V-shape jawline…I would look more feminine and cuter.”
- Heath glanced at you confused. “I don’t understand why you would say that. All jawlines are beautiful in their own way. Also, a person’s jawline doesn’t determine how beautiful they look.”
- His words caught you by surprise and all you could do was wordlessly stare at him.
- “Don’t listen to what society, media, or people say. I think your jawline is great, and you’re very pretty.”

- Rico was irritated by your words and wanted to give you an earful but chose to only say, “Who cares about that? But if you’re insecure about the size of your breast then wear a bra according. After all, aren’t there all types of bras that can either make breasts look bigger or slightly smaller?”
- “But Rico…”
- “Stop worrying about these useless things. If any girl tells you you’re too small or too big, then just tell them to mind their own business,” he paused for a moment and frowned. “And if any guy says that to you, then tell me. I will teach him a lesson for staring at your chest.”
- Unei saw you staring in the mirror, covering your cheeks, and sighing heavily. He asked you what was wrong and why you looked so upset.
- “I…I don’t like my chubby face.”
- Unei blinked rapidly, then burrowed his brows in confusion. “Why would you say that? I…like your face.”
- “You do?”
- Unei smiled sweetly and nodded, “You look cute with chubby cheeks, and I…like pinching your cheeks. So, please don’t criticize your c-cute face.”