Ideal Type
Prompt: What is their ideal type?
Gender: gn!Reader
- Needs someone who can understand him.
- Wants a partner who doesn’t judge him or mistaken his attitude for sheer arrogance.
- Needs someone who doesn’t take his desire to protect and guard as him being possessive.
- Prefers a lover than can deal with his fans and paparazzi. He is famous, so he’s going to be followed around.
- Needs someone who can blindly trust him and has faith in him.
- Wants someone he can pamper A LOT.
- Needs a partner who can remind him to rest and to not take the entire world’s burden on his shoulder.
- Prefer someone who doesn’t think he’s shady, but if you do, then hey, that’s more entertainment for him.
- Needs someone who is okay with him being a snoop. He works as an information broker, so it’s natural for him to spy.
- Wants a partner who isn’t afraid of iguanas. He has a pet iguana and will not give it up for anyone.
- Wants a lover who knows that he is a HUGE tease and will tease them ALL the time.
- Needs someone who can constantly be his support and boost his self-esteem.
- Wants an understanding partner. He’s a handsome man, so he gets A LOT of attention, so he needs his partner to trust him.
- Due to his lack of self-esteem and confidence, he needs his partner to remind him that he’s a good and talented man.
- Needs someone who is aware that he’s Kei’s fan, so no teasing him.
- Wants a lover who can get along with his sisters.
- He makes his own jewelry, so he prefers a partner that won’t object to wearing the jewelry he makes.
- Needs someone who can encourage him.
- Prefer a lover who doesn’t poke or make fun of his height. Yes, he’s short, and yes, he knows it. He has enough people reminding him constantly.
- Wants a partner that can support him during his dull moments. He can be a nervous wreck at times, but Yoshino is working hard on changing himself.
- Wants someone who only has eyes for him.
- Prefers a significant other that can take care of him.
- Yoshino’s financial situation is not great, so he wants someone who doesn’t have an issue with this.
- Needs someone who can deal with his questions. He’s a clueless puppy, so please be patient with him.
- Prefer someone who can shower him with a lot of love!
- Wants a partner who won’t scream at him for doing dangerous parkour stunts.
- Gui talks a lot about his master, so he needs a lover who is okay with him mentioning master.
- Needs someone who can understand his feelings because he rarely expresses them verbally.
- He has a habit of telling people’s personality based on their scent, so Gui needs a lover who doesn’t make fun of him for that.
- Needs someone who can understand that he’s a college student, an employ at Starless, and is looking for a new job. He’s not going to have much time to go on dates.
- Wants someone who can support him in his fights – be it against his friend or his team members.
- Prefers someone who likes baseball, but in case you don’t, he won’t force you. Just don’t ask him to stop watching or playing.
- Needs a lover who can cheer for him when he’s on stage. He has been through a lot and receiving your support would mean the world to him.
- Needs someone who can understand that Starless is his life, and that he spends a lot of time there.
- Would like someone who likes motorcycles rides. He loves his motorcycle and will be upset if his s/o doesn’t like/is afraid of motorcycles.
- Needs someone who doesn’t get scared by his anger.
- Prefers someone who doesn’t mind that he’s rough around the edges.
- Kokuyou is not flexibles as in he doesn’t like changes, so he needs an s/o who can deal with his stubbornness.
- His scar and his dogtag is a sensitive issue, so he wants someone who doesn’t constantly ask about his scar/dogtag. He will tell you when he’s ready.
- Would like someone who enjoys music or knows how to sing.
- Wants someone who likes going to the arcade.
- Prefers someone who is spontaneous just to add spice to life.
- Needs a partner who is fun loving.
- Wants someone who is okay with him being flirty. Know that he’s not going to go around flirting with people while dating you, but his way of speaking is naturally flirty.
- Needs someone who is willing to listen to his Singo even if they don’t fully understand.
- Prefers someone who is not intimidated by him.
- Wants someone who is not allergic to cats. He loves his cat very much and will not let it go for anyone.
- He enjoys playing chess and would like someone who can play chess with him.
- Would like someone who enjoys drinking tea just as much as he likes brewing it.
- Wants someone who likes playing games, be it video games or mobile games.
- Would like someone who is okay with him being a gamer.
- Needs a partner who is okay with him spending a good amount of time looking for his brother.
- Needs someone who can be an emotional support to him. Things are not going well in his life, and he could really use a bunch of hugs.
- Wants a partner who is easygoing.
- Needs someone who loves birds and is willing to love his lovebird.
- Wants someone who can deal with his shady personality. Taka is involved in some business that requires him to be shady.
- Needs someone who is not nosy and doesn’t snoop around behind his back. He has secrets that he doesn’t want anyone to find out about.
- Prefers someone who is okay with him being a heavy smoker.
- Would like a partner that doesn’t joke around about his interest in fortunetelling.
- Prefers someone who doesn’t attempt to poke into his past. He had a rough phase in his past, and he’ll tell you when he’s ready.
- Needs a partner who doesn’t mind or judge his righteous personality.
- Wants someone who can get along with his sisters.
- Needs a lover who is aware that he’s working for one of his sister’s treatment and can support him through it.
- Prefers someone who will be there for him no matter what. Rindou is under a lot of stress and has moments where he can’t handle himself properly.
- Wants someone who is trustworthy and will always be by his side.
- He’s a ray of sunshine, so his partner needs to know that he’s an optimist.
- Needs a lover who can see him for who he is. Sinju sometimes hides behind a wall of smiles, so please try to see through that. He may need your support but might hesitate to ask for it.
- Prefer someone who has a big dog. It’s his dream to take care of a big dog one day, so if you have one, then you’ll make one of his dreams come true.
- He’s from a poor family, so he needs someone who doesn’t judge him for that.
- Wants someone who can get along with his family. He LOVES his family and wants his s/o to love them as well.
- Prefers a lover who likes to sleep and/or doesn’t mind him sleeping all day.
- Needs someone who likes to cuddle and doesn’t mind him using your lap as a pillow.
- Wants someone who can join him on his (almost) daily hot springs outings.
- Needs a partner who doesn’t judge him for being/seeming emotionless.
- Prefers someone who can support his acting and will not be overly critical of his talent.
- Wants a lover who isn’t scared of him or intimidated by him.
- Needs someone who doesn’t tease him for looking girly. He’s a man and is willing to punch any wall to prove it.
- He’s from a rich family, and needs an s/o who don’t judge him for it. He has an attitude, and he knows, so don’t call him out on it.
- Wants someone who can appreciate his voice and singing ability.
- Needs a lover who can deal with his temper and is not scared of it.
- Wants someone who is not after him for his money.

- Needs someone who can get along with Taiga.
- Wants a partner who is fun to tease and gives worthwhile reactions. He isn’t against someone who is mature but prefers a lover who is on the innocent, gullible side.
- Needs someone who isn’t afraid of motorcycles or constantly worries about his safety. He doesn’t ride recklessly, so Nekome doesn’t want to hear lectures and such.
- Needs someone who can give him space and is not nosy. If he finds you poking around in his business, Nekome will not be happy.
- Doesn’t mind someone who is intelligent and sharp, but he will be on edge, especially if he thinks he can’t get away with his secretive ways.
- Wants someone who isn’t creeped out by him opening his eyes. Sometimes, he just opens them because he wants to, not to scare you.
- Wants someone who has a good appetite.
- Since they love to eat, they want someone who can join them but that doesn’t mean you can take their food. Their food is their food…NO ONE touches it.
- Would like to be with someone who knows how to dance, or at least likes dancing.
- Needs someone who can understand that dance is their life and will always be their #1.
- Food will be their #2 and you will be their #3.
- Who knows maybe one day Moku will like you more than food.

- Prefers someone who has a passion for fashion.
- Or at least someone who allows him to pick clothes for them.
- Wants someone who he can pamper and shower with love.
- Qu loves makeup a lot, so he wants someone who will let him apply makeup/let him practice new makeup techniques.
- Would like someone who is understanding.

- Respect is a must. Ever since he was a child, his family has always taught him to respect everyone.
- Would like someone with manners.
- Since he loves to ride his motorcycle, he wants someone who isn’t afraid of riding with him.
- Needs someone with a kind heart.

- Wants someone who LOVES donuts and sweets.
- Prefers someone who is okay with him working multiple jobs. He will try his best to find time but since he runs around a lot, it may be difficult.
- Needs someone who is not startled easily. This man has a habit of appearing out of nowhere, and the last thing he wants to do is give his s/o a heart failure.

- Would like someone who likes to read. Even if you don’t like reading, as long as you join him in his quiet time.
- Needs a lover that can be his and give him their undivided attention. Though he may not like to admit it, Zaku gets jealous easily.
- Wants someone who smiles a lot since he thinks a person’s smile is the most attractive feature.
- He loves going for strolls, so he would like someone who doesn’t mind joining him.
- Needs someone who is calm, and while he is talented at de-escalating situations, he prefers not to deal with aggression.
- Similar to Nekome, he wants a partner who doesn’t stick their nose into his business. Just like everyone else, he has secrets that he wants to keep secret.
- Prefers a lover who will let him style them and design their clothes. He promises he is good at what he does, so give him a chance.
- Speaking of fashion, Aogiri needs a partner who loves fashion. If you don’t like dressing up, he won’t like it.
- Doesn’t mind someone who teases him but prefers someone on the sweeter side.
- Wants someone who can take care of him and feed him.
- Needs a chef partner who can feed him 24/7.
- Needs someone who can shower him with unconditional love. No one has ever loved him in his life, so please love him.
- Would like someone who can skateboard or is willing to learn. He spends a good amount of his time at the skatepark, so he wants you to join him.
- Needs someone who can love him for who he is.
- Wants someone who is cute or has a cute side to them.
- Needs someone who can understand that he’s a pacifist.
- Would like someone who enjoys eating just as much as he likes cooking.
- Needs a partner who is not afraid to try his experimental recipes.
- Needs someone who isn’t embarrassed by his old-school ways.
- Needs someone who doesn’t smoke. His health isn’t great to begin with, and he doesn’t his coughing to get worse.
- Would prefer someone with a green thumb, or at least someone who doesn’t find it odd that he talks to his plants.
- Needs someone who doesn’t laugh at his tarot card reading ability.
- Wants someone who can support him through his bad time, especially involving his health.
- Needs a patient partner.
- Wants someone who can love Sabu just as much as he does.
- Prefers someone who likes skating.
- Would like a partner that is just as unpredictable as him.
- Needs someone who LOVES having fun.
- Needs an s/o that isn’t scared by his violent ways/words. Yes, he likes setting things on fire, and no, he’ll not be okay if you stop him.
- Wants a partner that is not afraid of his shark teeth or the fact that he may bite.
- Since he can’t stand dogs, he wants someone who doesn’t have a pet dog.
- Wants a partner who likes fashion or has a knack for it.
- He will shop for you, so you better be okay with that. Rico will get upset if you say no to wearing the outfits he brings for you.
- Needs someone who understands that he doesn’t always say what he feels. He has a tendency to cover his feelings under a “who gives a sh*t” attitude, even if he means well.
- He has a habit of badmouthing a lot of things/a lot of people, and he prefers someone who is okay with that.
- Needs someone who can be loyal to him and shower him with love.

- Needs a s/o who can match his energy. He is very energetic and wants to share that spark with his partner. Fire + fire = FIRE!
- He wants someone who won’t pry into his business or ask a lot of questions. If you have a habit of being suspicious or nosy, Hinata will NOT like it. It will lead to arguments, possibly nasty ones.
- Hinata needs a partner who can handle his brattiness, mood swings, and teasing. No, he will not stop. That’s just who he is, and if you don’t like it, you are not meant to be together.
- Honestly thinks he would get along better with a sweeter person but doesn’t mind taking a chance with someone who is sharp and smart. Maybe there will be higher sparks, adding more liveliness to the relationship.
- Likes someone who dresses up a little, not formal necessarily, but above casual.
- Unei needs someone who appreciates him for all his hard work. A partner who can praise him and make him feel loved!
- He has never thought about what type of person he will marry for two reasons. Management lacks confidence, and he doesn’t think anyone would be interested in him. The handsome men of Starless don’t help his morale either.
- If Unei has to choose, then he prefers someone who is will love him and stay loyal to him.
- He needs someone who can stand up for him and give him a boost of confidence.
- If he gets a significant other who can help with his endless work, he will truly be thankful.
- Lastly, Unei doesn’t care a bit about his partner’s appearance. What matters to him the most is their heart.