Prompt: Their s/o is being too friendly with another boy and the characters
Gender: fem!Reader

- Kei has no issues with you being friends with the cast members, but he isn’t fond of you getting close to any male beyond a certain limit.
- He knows how men truly are and fears for your safety, especially considering that some members in Starless might be after you.
- He, in particular, doesn’t like you getting chummy with Zakuro. Kei has said before that Zakuro is NOT his friend; moreover, he thinks it’s his misfortune that he knows Zakuro.
- “Hey, beautiful, where are you heading?” Zakuro stepped in front of you and flashed a flirty smile.
- “Hey, Zakuro. Do you know where Kei is?”
- “Why waste your time looking for him when you have me?” Team C’s singer looked past you to a scowling man standing a few feet behind you.
- Your boyfriend glared at him, knowing well that Zakuro was flirting with you on purpose, just to get on his nerves.
- Kei marched next to you, and without saying a word, he grabbed your chin and smashed his lips against yours.
- “Ara ara. Kei, you break my heart.” Zakuro said with a hint of bitterness in his voice.
- Kei smirked against your lips, basking in his victory.

- Yoshino is an insecure boy, so when he sees you getting close to other men, he doesn’t like it. Especially Kei or Ginsei.
- You had noticed a change in Yoshino’s behavior ever since you started hanging out with Ginsei.
- Initially, you had brushed it off as your imagination, but then, you saw your boyfriend struggling to talk to you.
- “Yoshino, is something wrong?” You sat next to him on the rehearsal room floor.
- “N-No. Ev-Everything is o-okay.” He stumbled over his words more than usual.
- “Are you sure? It sounds like you’re hiding something.”
- “Um…do you l-like Ginsei?” He finally asked after a few minutes of silence while playing with the drawstrings of his hoodie.
- You stared at him, not expecting such a question. “Why would you think that?”
- “Ginsei is-” he paused and shifted his eyes to the ground, “handsome, and girls really like him.”
- Seeing the sad expression on his sweet face tugged at your heartstrings. “Yoshi, do you want me to stop spending time with him?”
- “W-What?” His eyes darted in your direction, “T-That’s not…”
- He paused again and pondered for a while, the look of guilt never leaving his face.
- “It’s okay. I don’t mind you spending time with him.” Yoshino looked at you, his eyes suddenly shining, “But please look at me only and continue to support me.”
- His change of attitude made you smile as you snaked your arms around him and whispered, “Always.”

- Gui doesn’t understand the concept of jealousy, but he does worry about your safety.
- He even asks Ginsei what jealousy is, and despite the ikemen’s attempt to explain, Gui still doesn’t understand.
- You and your boyfriend were sitting on the back steps of Starless. Out of nowhere, Gui asked, “Why do you like being friends with Zakuro?”
- Giving him a confused look, you asked, “Well, he’s a fun person to talk to, and I really like his voice.”
- Gui tilted his head and blinked a few times. He has told you countless times that Zakuro smells odd, and master says to stay away from those kinds of people. Then why do you like him?
- “But master says people with an odd smell are dangerous.” He reminded you again in his usual monotoned voice.
- “Gui, I know you think Zakuro is dangerous, but he’s an okay guy! He hasn’t done anything shady.”
- Gui moved his eyes away from you to a nearby wall. He wasn’t sure what to say as he didn’t understand why you were so persistent.
- “My dear Gui,” you wrapped your arms around his waist, “I’m not worried about my safety because I know you’ll watch over me and take care of me.”
- He looked at you with wide eyes but soon smiled softly, “I always will.”

- Kokuyou doesn’t care who you talk to as long as the male you’re talking to stays within limits. But when you started talking to Mokuren, Kokuyou seemed irritated.
- “Thanks for the dance lessons, Mokuren!” You smiled and gave him a quick hug. “I’ll see you later.”
- You hurried out of the rehearsal room and turned the corner, only to feel your back hitting the wall.
- Looking up, you saw Kokuyou glaring down at you. “Why the hell did you ask him for dance lessons? You could’ve just asked me.”
- “Kokuyou, Mokuren is a great dancer and…” After seeing the unhappy look in your boyfriend’s eyes, you decided to stop talking.
- “Tell me something, why do you hate Mokuren?”
- “I don’t hate him, but stay away from him.”
- You sighed and placed your hand on his toned chest, “Are you still upset about the whole Sekka incident?”
- Kokuyou grunted, clearly warning you to drop the subject, but you continued anyway.
- “Please let it go. Mokuren is happy where he is, and aren’t you happy that Taiga joined?”
- He stayed silent but continued boring his eyes into yours.
- “Whatever happened, happened for the good of Starless and Team W, so Koku-”
- Before you could finish your sentence, Kokuyou firmly pressed his lips onto yours, “Shut up.”
- You chuckled against his lips, knowing that you were right. A thought suddenly hit you, “Wait, are you jealous?”
- Your question earned another grunt from Kokuyou. He kissed you again, rougher than before.

- At one point, Akira and Kokuyou were close friends, possibly even best friends, but that was no longer the case.
- Akira had no issue with you talking to any of the Starless cast members, but when it came to Kokuyou, he bared his fangs.
- “Baby, why the hell do you talk to him?” He asked, leaning against a wall in the rehearsal room.
- “You mean Kokuyou? Why wouldn’t I?”
- “Yeah. I’ve told you to stay away from him.” Akira glanced at you, the usual cheerful tint in his eyes nowhere in sight.
- “Look, Akira, I like talking to him, okay?”
- “But…” He averted his eyes and sighed.
- “I know that you two are not on good terms right now, but I’m hoping that one day you two return to the way you once were.” Leaning closer to Akira, you wrapped your arm around him. “I don’t know your history with him, but I can still tell that you two care for each other.”
- “Return to the way we once were.” He repeated those words and looked off into the distance. A rare, tender smile appeared on his lips.

- Sin isn’t the jealous type, as he thinks negative emotions are a waste, but he’s a sharp man and knows who not to trust in Starless.
- When he saw Sotetsu constantly flirting with you, your boyfriend had an unsettling feeling. What made it worse was that Sotetsu asked you for payment every time you asked a demanding question.
- “Even the lightest of the winds can cause ripples in water,” Sin said calmly as he looked directly into Sotetsu’s eyes.
- Team K’s member let out a laugh, “It would be better to talk like a normal person, especially if you’re here to pick a fight with me.”
- “What do you want with her?” Sin’s sudden change of tone caused Sotetsu to freeze momentarily.
- “Are you worried that I will get information about you from her?” A smirk found its way onto Sotetsu’s lips.
- “You are not trustworthy.” Sin showed no expressions.
- “I never said I was.”
- The atmosphere around them was getting tense. You happen to hear their voices and quietly eavesdrop on their conversation.
- “Sin, I may not be trustworthy, but I am not going to hurt her.” Sotetsu chuckled and crossed his arms. “Wait, you wouldn’t happen to be jealous, would you?”
- Sin exhaled sharply before walking towards the management office. As soon as he stepped into the room, you threw your arms around him and kissed his lips.
- “My knight in shining armor.”
- He smiled at you and planted a kiss on your forehead.
- Rindou was happy to know that you had made another friend. He wasn’t the jealous type, and he knew that you wouldn’t hurt him.
- But when he saw you with Akira, the small voice in the back of his mind started to speak. You might lose her.
- Everyone knew that Akira was a flirt – a flirt that could make females weak in the knees.
- Rindou tried his best to ignore the nagging voice, but then he saw you blushing and giggling around Akira. She likes him.
- Not wanting to burden himself anymore with negative thoughts, he finally decided to ask you, “Do you like Akira?”
- His question no doubt shocked you, but you immediately refused, “What? Why would I like Akira? Silly, if I liked him, I wouldn’t be dating you.”
- Your lighthearted reply was a breath of fresh air for Rindou. He had gone through a lot in his life, and the last thing he wanted was to lose you.
- Sinju is still a child at heart, so when he sees you interacting closely with other men, he feels a slight pang. He doesn’t think of you as his possession, never, but he fears you will leave him.
- “Rindou, please get some rest. You look pale.”
- “Please, don’t worry. I’m okay.” Team P’s leader gave a gentle smile.
- Sinju watched you two interacting from the corner and couldn’t help but feel distant. He idolized Rindou more than anyone and saw him as superior. Seeing his girlfriend caring for his idol saddened him.
- You could’ve sworn you saw Sinju pouting out of the corner of your eye.
- Later that day, Sinju asked you, “Do you l-like Rindou?”
- “Huh? Rindou is amazing, so of course, I like him.” You could’ve stopped there, but something told you to continue, “But only as a friend.”
- Sinju looked at you wide-eyed for a second before flashing a massive grin. “Yes, Rindou is amazing!”
- “Sinju, Rindou may be a talented gentleman but so are you.” You smiled, seeing the surprised look on his face, “But Sinju is Sinju, and Rindou is Rindou. Sinju has no reason to be like Rindou.”
- “I ha-have no reason to be like Rindou?” Confused, the cute man tilted his head to one side.
- “No, he’s his own person, and you are your own. I like you just the way you are.”
- You lightly pressed your lips onto his and watched his cheeks change colors.
- At first, Mokuren didn’t mind that you were talking to the members of Team W, but when you started to get friendly with Takami, Mokuren was agitated.
- Everyone in Starless knew that Takami was hiding something, and he was a shady man. So when you told your boyfriend that you considered Takami to be a good friend, they didn’t take it well.
- “Mokuren, what problem do you have with Takami? He’s a nice guy.”
- “Princess, I don’t want you talking to him. I know you consider him to be a friend, but he’s not a good man.”
- You and Mokuren went back and forth about this for a while. Finally, you decided to tell Mokuren how you felt.
- “Moku, listen. I know you are worried about me, but Takami has no reason to hurt me. He may seem shady, but I trust him.” You sighed, “Please trust me.”
- Mokuren gave in and agreed to let you and Takami be, but they secretly kept an eye on Takami.
- The leader of Team C even went as far as to ask their teammates to keep an eye on Takami. The last thing Mokuren wanted was for you to get hurt.

- Qu doesn’t have an ounce of jealousy in him. On top of that, he trusts you very much.
- However, when you told him that you were fond of Sinju, Qu was surprised.
- He wasn’t jealous, no, but his history with Team P caused him to feel a bit uncomfortable.
- More than anything, Qu’s guilt got the better of him. Even though Rindou had told him he was okay with Qu’s decision to go with Mokuren, Qu felt bad for abandoning Team P.
- You picked up on Qu’s strange behavior and asked, “Is something wrong?”
- Your boyfriend gave a soft smile and shook his head, “Nothing.”
- “Alright, then I am going to go hang out with Sinju until you’re done with your practice!” Giving him a quick hug, you skipped away but stopped after a few steps, “Qu, Team P doesn’t hate you. They respect you for siding with your friend.”
- His eyes widened, but Qu’s expression returned to normal as soon as he saw your smile. “Thank you.”
- He had been waiting to hear those words for quite some time, and when he heard you say them, Qu felt as though a weight had been lifted from his shoulders.
- “Heath, your rapping skills are so impressive! You are literally one of the best rappers I’ve ever met.”
- When Zakuro heard those words, he was far from happy. You were HIS girlfriend, so why were you complimenting someone else and that too in singing?
- Your boyfriend frowned but decided to continue eavesdropping.
- “Your songs are my most favorite! Somewhere was so good! You and Akira should do more collaborations.”
- That was the last straw. Zakura walked up to you, holding back his anger, “Hey baby, I need to talk to you.”
- Without waiting for your response, Zakuro dragged you away, leaving Heath confused.
- “What’s wrong, Zaku?”
- He pulled you to a deserted place in Starless and pinned you against the wall, “Might I remind you that you are MY girlfriend? How dare you get too friendly with another, especially another singer at Starless.”
- Realizing that Zakuro was jealous, you couldn’t help but laugh. This only upset your dear boyfriend more.
- Team C’s singer pressed his lips roughly against yours and mumbled, “If you dare to compliment another singer, I will punish you for it. So, think twice before getting too close to the other men here.”

- Kasumi isn’t the type to get jealous, so when he sees you talking to other Starless guys, he has no issues with it.
- But there is one guy that makes him uneasy, so when he sees the guy talking to you, Kasumi becomes alert.
- “Takami,” you hold out a bottle of water in front of him, “here, you look like you could use some water.”
- “Thanks.” He smiles and graciously accepts the bottles.
- “Tell me something, (Y/N), why did you choose Kasumi out of all the men here?”
- “Hm? Well, because I like him.” You giggle and say in a chirpy voice, “He’s a good and hardworking man, and he’s very kind.”
- “I see,” Takami says with a hint of amusement in his voice, one corner of his lip tugging up slightly.
- “I’m going to look for Kasumi. See you later, and good luck with rehearsals.”
- “Odd that she can’t see other things about him,” Takami mumbles to himself.
- “What is there for her to see?”
- A sudden voice from behind startles him. “Kasumi, when did you get here?”
- “That doesn’t matter. Takami, what do you want her to see about me? Are you implying something?” Kasumi asks in his usual calm voice.
- “We both know what I am implying.”
- Kasumi frowns a little and shakes his head, “Don’t try to play with her mind.”
- Not waiting for Takami’s reply, the raven-haired man walks away but stops a few feet away and turns his head slowly towards Team W’s member. “You should be more careful, as you have more secrets than any of us here.”
- An eerie smile forms on Kasumi’s lips, “You wouldn’t want her to find out, now, would you?”

- Heath isn’t the jealous type and has no issues with you talking to any at Starless. Despite this, he still gets a bit agitated when he sees Rico flirting with you.
- The rapper chose to stay quiet since he and Rico belong to the same team, but you slowly started to notice Heath’s subtle reactions.
- “Hey there, little birdy,” Rico stopped and studied your hair, “come here for a second.”
- He gently took a few stray strands and tucked them behind your ears. Your eyes wandered towards Heath to find him looking away.
- “Thanks, Rico. I’ll be right back.” You smiled before making your way to Heath and leading him out of the room.
- “Heath, is something wrong?” Knowing that he wouldn’t answer, you still pressed the question. As expected, the rapper shook his head and forced a smile.
- “Okay.” You wrapped your arms tightly around him, “You know that I love you, right? Rico’s words do not affect me. I am yours and yours only.”
- Heath was startled but gave a sweet smile before mumbling, “I love you too.”

- Rico is one of the most jealous members at Starless. Not because he doesn’t trust you, but because he doesn’t trust the cast members.
- There is one cast member that he HATES seeing you interact with.
- “Kei…” He mumbles and clutches his fists.
- You lean closer to Kei to get a better look at the book in his hand. “Oh Kei, how about this design? I think it would suit the team very well.”
- “Are you certain?”
- “Yes!” You glance at him and grin, “Thanks for letting me help you pick the outfits.”
- “Then I shall finalize this design.” Team K’s leader smiles and says, closing the book in his hand. “Please, excuse me.”
- After Kei leaves, Rico storms over to you and stands in front of you. “Out of all the guys here, why are you talking to him?”
- You blink at your boyfriend and let out a sigh, “Look, Rico, I know you hate him and all, but he’s not a bad man.”
- “Sure, so what were you doing?” He shoots you an unhappy look and frowns.
- “Rico, what the hell. Just because I- you know what, never mind. If you must know what I was doing, then fine.” You glare at him and say angrily, “He asked me to pick out costumes for Team B’s next performance! I wanted to surprise you, but I guess it’s no longer a surprise.”
- Saying those words, you stomp away, leaving Rico feeling guilty. He follows you out to the back alley and touches your shoulder.
- “I am s-sorry…I didn’t mean-”
- “You didn’t mean what? How dare you think that I am cheating on you?” You grit your teeth and push his hand away.
- “What? No! That’s not…no way that I would think you’re cheating…”
- “Oh, really?” You turn around ready to fight but stop when you the pain in his eyes. “Rico?”
- “S-sorry…I just…I’ve been through a lot in my past, and I don’t want to lose you.” He whispers and pulls you into a tight hug. “I am so sorry.”
- “Rico…” You wrap your arms tightly around him, “don’t ever doubt me again. If I didn’t love you, I wouldn’t be with you. Silly.”