Language Barrier
Prompt: BSTS HCs. The guys first meet their “future girlfriend”! But they are Japanese and she’s English. They literally can’t speak English, so the reader uses a translator to talk to them. How would they react to that? Then she asks them if they want to learn how to speak English or if they want to teach her Japanese. How would they answer with?
Gender: fem!Reader

- At first, Mokuren would be annoyed not being able to understand your words.
- Out of all the members of Team C, Mokuren would take the longest to warm up to the idea of using a translator. After all, they would much rather use that “translation” time to dance.
- When the translator makes mistakes, Mokuren would get annoyed. They can get the gist of the translation, but how they wish that they could understand your words.
- If you ask them to learn English, Mokuren thinks for a little bit, but they prefer you learn Japanese.
- Mokuren would be happy if you choose to learn Japanese. That would say to them you care about them. This would be the main reason they start seeing you in a different light.

- Qu would try his best to communicate with you with or without the translator.
- Though he does prefer the translator since he would be able to understand you better.
- Qu would be the most patient out of the team with the translator mishaps.
- When you suggest either learning Japanese or teaching him English, he wouldn’t mind either way. His goal is to be able to communicate with you, and that’s all that matters to him.
- Whether he teaches you or learns from you, he will be very patient.
- Though he would be happy to learn English so that he can order his favorite makeup from overseas without struggling with the website.

- Hari would hire an interpreter to translate your conversations.
- Even before you suggest that he learns English, Hari hires the best English teacher in the city to teach him. That way, not only will he be able to communicate with you, but he’ll also be able to add another language to his resume.
- If you want to learn Japanese, then Hari would hire the best teacher for you.
- In the end, both of you would learn each other’s native language.
- Hari would hide the fact that he knows English until he asks you out on a date as a means of surprising you.

- Kasumi finds the language struggle to be amusing.
- Never once would he be frustrated with not being able to understand your words. He would keep trying over and over until you understand.
- He would also be flexible with the idea of using a translator.
- When you suggest teaching him English, he would hesitate and explain that he works multiple jobs. It would be hard for him to find time to learn another language.
- If you ask him to teach you, he would agree. Since he can’t find time to teach you in person every time, he would text you links, so expect self-studying.

- Zakuro would tease you for not being able to understand him, but he would still be patient.
- The idea of using a translator is amusing to him. He’s aware that the translator will make mistakes, but that’s still better than nothing.
- In case the translator makes hilarious mistakes, he will not hesitate to laugh and tease you more.
- He would want you to learn Japanese.
- After you learn a little Japanese, Zakuro would start talking in English and say, “Oya oya, did I forget to mention that I know English?”
- Whatever your reaction may be, Zakuro will get a kick out of it.

- Kokuyou finds communicating with you to be a pain, so he initially tries to avoid you. When you don’t give up and keep trying to talk to him, he eventually gives in.
- He isn’t fond of using a translator since it makes a lot of mistakes, but it’s better than nothing, so he begrudgingly puts up with it.
- Kokuyou prefers that you learn Japanese, but he thinks you’re joking, so when you start learning Japanese, he is impressed. No one has gone to that extent for him, so he starts to see you as someone special.
- Seeing your effort, he will secretly learn English for you. In the end, you will teach him English while he teaches you Japanese.

- Akira is very patient when he communicates with you and never gets frustrated.
- He likes the idea of you suggesting using a translator and thinks you’re very smart.
- The singer gets even more drawn to you when he sees the effort you put into communicating with him.
- Akira doesn’t mind learning English for you, but since he thinks it’ll take him longer to learn, he suggests you start learning Japanese.
- He ultimately leaves the decision up to you, but Akira will eventually learn English, especially since he wants to be able to read the American comics he collects.

- When you first meet Sin, you immediately start to talk to him without being wary. Most people tend to get intimidated by him, but you were different.
- He doesn’t say much and listens to you talk. However, when Sin speaks, you think his words sound poetic.
- Every time the situation is the same, you speak in English, and he replies in Japanese; neither one of you tries to understand each other but are still drawn to one another.
- The day you suggest using a translator, Sin chuckles. You don’t know why until the translator translates his words. That’s when you realize, his words just don’t sound poetic, they are poetic.
- Each time you use a translator, you return home with a headache. Who knew a translator could fail that miserably?
- You don’t even ask him and start to learn Japanese just to be able to avoid using a translator.
- What you don’t get, though, is why you can’t still understand him even after you are at an intermediate level.
- “Sin, why can’t I understand you?” You ask, frustrated.
- “Most Japanese people can’t understand me either,” he replies.
- “Oh, okay – wait, you can speak English?!” You yell, earning a chuckle from him.

- Takami is a bit cautious of you at the beginning, as he doesn’t understand why you’re putting so much effort into communicating with him.
- He gets even more guarded when you suggest using a translator, but Takami doesn’t stop talking to you.
- The day you ask would you prefer I learn Japanese or teach you English, the red-eyed man gets the hint that you might be interested in him.
- When you take his suggestion and start learning Japanese, Takami lets down his guard and confesses, “My apologies, I know how to speak English. I assumed you were sent here by my enemies; hence, I didn’t tell you. I hope you can forgive me.”

- Taiga initially isn’t interested in talking to you, especially since he can’t understand you. But when you ask him about the game he’s playing and say the words “I play games too”, Taiga starts speaking to you.
- He gets irritated time-to-time since he can’t understand English, but he never gets upset with you and tries to be patient.
- Taiga is happy when you suggest using a translator and even goes a step further to create a better translator app.
- When you suggest learning Japanese or teaching him English, he says both. Maybe now he will be able to play some of the popular English games.